I'm tired of living in denial and being out of shape



  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    Fell down some stairs and broke my knee. While in the ER, a doctor came in to cast my leg, accompanied by several new interns and he said, 'I'm going to show you how to cast a cone shaped leg."

    *GASP* A cone shaped leg???!!!

    Later, when the cast was removed, it was indeed, a perfect cone. I glued it together, painted it bright orange, and used it for a traffic cone in front of my house to keep people from stealing that parking space.

  • laurenmchugh3
    laurenmchugh3 Posts: 25 Member
    for me | never noticed all the weight going on until i was shopping and nothing my size would fit me! i also have sciatica due to being over weight and the pain is unbearable at times that is was is really pushing me! my body can no longer cope with my weight. I also have a 2 year old and hate that i find it hard to play around with him :( feel free to add me for support :)
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    I used to be very social and very out going, the bigger I got the more I removed myself for my life and my friends.
  • SammieAus
    SammieAus Posts: 20 Member
    There was several things. 1) I just got tired of avoiding mirrors and feeling sorry for myself. 2). I was on the phone talking to a friend while walking to the subway station after work...my friend said "oh someone hasn't worked out in a long time". Just a simple walk (no power walk) and I was breathing hard :-(. 3). I was out with family, one of them saw someone they said looked just like me.....when I was smaller :cry: .
  • I've torn both of my achilles in the last ten years.... haven't completely ruptured them, but have stressed them to the breaking point. I refuse to be physically crippled. I work with the sweetest lady- she's so round and her legs are so out of shape that she shuffles everywhere she goes, it dawned on me that- THAT was going to be me. At 6' (364 lbs) my body is breaking down far too quickly as I age LOL Just working out every day as almost eliminated my achilles pain- I rarely feel them. Plus I switched to more of a vegan inspired diet. Granted I've lost a total of 12 pounds in three weeks- hitting the gym every day- some days just to ride the stationary bike- has done much more physically to change my body than I ever could have imagined.
  • Work shirts slowly getting tighter. Trouble tieing shoes. Difficulty closing seat belt on plane. Just a lot of little things many of us have probably experienced. Enough was enough.
  • Jenn3073
    Jenn3073 Posts: 9 Member
    For me it was going to the eye doctor. He commented that he could tell I have high cholesterol because I have a grey ring around each iris. This is caused by fat (lipid) deposits! I've known I'm not healthy, I've known my cholesterol and sugars are is high but taking action has been slow. This was the last straw...let's hope I stick with it.
  • joddumz
    joddumz Posts: 35
    the day I weighed more than my mum - she had been ill and lost about 3/4 (three quaters not 3 or 4) stone and i had gradually been putting it on so the stone + difference there normally is between us vanished. my mum is 60 i am 24. i have no excuse!!
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I was sick of taking 50 photos just to find 1 good one that made me look thinner than I really was.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Mine was my recent passport photo. i always think i look ok if I look in a mirror. I saw that passport photo and thought " who the heck is that woman with those chipmunk cheeks and 4 chins! ?"
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    When my sisters visited me last summer and one sister posted pictures of us together on Facebook. About that same time my size 12 clothes were too tight, so I had to make the decision of whether I was going to give up and buy all new size 14's or fight back. I decided to fight back and now wear size 6. I still had to buy new clothes, but in a size that I am not ashamed.
  • dayky
    dayky Posts: 1 Member
    Looking back at my vacation pics, hiding from the camera...while in disney my sis came behind me as I was getting dressed and put a toothbrush in my back fat roll, and it stayed...my kids snapped a pic of this...I was so embarassed....she even did a vacation picture book this xmas and included that pic in there.... have a lot of pics with my kids, my sis, mother, and other family members...but where was I...behind the camera hiding...when I went to bahamas I took a bunch of pics, but didnt take any of myself...that has got to change...I want to prove that I was actually there...I too need to get serious about this thing that I have been hiding from...I dont like the way that I look...so I need to change it...stop saying i want to do it and actually do it!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    A few years back, when my husband and I were living out of Florida, we came for a visit and the entire family went to Busch Gardens. We had one of those photos taken when you come into the park, and because it was the first time everyone had been together in some years, my mother bought it. The photo is appalling. I was about 40-50 pounds heavier than I am now, my husband was significantly overweight, my sister was over 300 pounds, her husband was about 100 pounds overweight. Even their daughter was obese. My mother was the thinnest of us by far. That family photo was such a shocker. Not surprisingly, everyone of us did something about it. To put it in perspective, we have lost, as a family (5 adults) about 250-300 pounds. My sister being the biggest loser at over 140 pounds and keeping it off for over 3 years. I've taken longer to lose, but I'm so much happier in my skin now.
  • srenea9
    srenea9 Posts: 142
    When me & my husband got our Christmas pictures done, I couldn't believe how round my face was. & also all of my jeans were getting way to tight, & i refused to buy more when I have so many jeans that were smaller sizes.
  • For me, it took a couple instances for this to happen. My son will be turning 5 on wednesday. Since the age of 3, my wife and i have gotten him involved in being active so at the age of 3 we signed him up for soccer. The coaches encouraged parents to come out onto the field to help and have fun with their kids. So i went out there on the field and was running around with a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds and found myself gasping for air. Sad but true. As the soccer practices went on, i continued to help the coaches. The head coach asked me to be his Assistant for the rest of the season and going forward. Although i continued to help the coach and was out there with the kids, i felt like a joke. I was in no shape to be out there. The coaches were teaching the little ones about being active and having fun, etc. yet there i was, making a joke of myself for not taking it seriously myself.

    And....bending over to try lacing up my sneakers and not being able to. That was terrible. My son would say i had a big belly....he doesn't anymore. Now he says, "Daddy look at your muscles.". Makes me happy and he almost always will workout with me by doing his pushups, crunches, etc. I have to lead by example. Better late than never.
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    While in for a checkup, my doctor walked in and said "congratulations, you now have type II diabetes, what are you going to do about it?" It scared the bejeezus out of me like nothing else had. And although its been a slow road, he's happy the weight numbers have been going down, as have the sugar, cholesterol and Blood Pressure numbers. He introduced me to MFP and I am forever grateful!!
  • wrotruck
    wrotruck Posts: 72 Member
    I was asked me the hardest question I have ever been asked, "Do you think that you are the husband and father your family deserves?"

    When I took an honest inventory; one of the things I realized was that my physical health was one of the areas where I was not giving them my best. My wife deserves a to have the man she married and not the slob I had become and my kids deserve a dad that has the energy and physical strength and stamina to play with them and be there for all of their activities.

    In a word, "It was time to man up."
  • During Christmas dinner when my mother told my husband, friends and family around the table. " Dont worry she will be skinny one day"
  • KimL122
    KimL122 Posts: 236 Member
    I would have to say mine was back in the beginning of 2002 and I had convinced myself I was having symptons of a heart attack. That first Monday in Feb '02 I changed my lifestyle and in 8 mos had lost 75.5 lbs. Each time I went to the doctor he was amazed and happy. Even though I never showed any signs of having a heart attack and had no issues with anything I just convinced myself I had and my doctor ws so happy because even with no issues, it was good to loose the weight just to live healthier.

    I kept the weight off for 6 yrs and then in '08 had a lot of family deaths going into '09 and this caused me to gain 30 of it back. Right when I was finally in that place where I wanted to take that 30 off, I was injured really bad because some a-hole who I called a friend tried to kill me along with 2 other friends in Aug 2011 and in rehabing and not being able to do anything I gained another 30. As of March 14, 2012 I was finally able to get back on the grind and have lost 51 of those 60 lbs I gained. Have been stuck at a plateau since September but it's ok because I've lost inches and I've decided that not only do I want to loose the remaining 9 lbs, but I'm thinking another 20. We shall see because when I lost it all before and was loosing more I didn't look healthy, but this time I'm seeing a trainer to help build muscle so we shall see.
  • Became fed up of huffing and puffing everywhere, getting sweaty just moving off the sofa, everything was an effort. Also, I have a disabled daughter that needs me to be more fit than fat, I can't do the stuff with her I would like, I want to be around for her for a very long time and the way I am at the moment I'm most definitely shortening my lifespan.