TapouT XT 90 Day Workout Challenge! Just started! :)


I just started the 90 days of TapouT today and I'm really excited about the next 3 months!
Just looking for other people who are doing it or have done it to see how you guys went/are going - would love some friends for motivation and support!

Feel free to add me! :) Just include a message so I know where you're from!


  • kelliexu
    kelliexu Posts: 5 Member
    I started the 1st dvd and only made it through the first 30 mins and was sore the next two days... I need to get back at this... please let me know your thoughts ... also how soon you notice results.
  • I am on my second round, starting today!!
  • redjess1
    redjess1 Posts: 11 Member
    I am on week 2 day 2. I am loving this program! I have lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks and I can already see a difference in my body. I am out of shape, no lie. I have to modify moves, I push the pause button, I have to do girly pushups but things are getting easier. I ordered tapout because I saw the video and thought I couldn't do it. I am out to prove myself wrong.

    jmeriano- you look amazing! Way to go, that is a body earned by sweat and hard work!! You are my inspiration today to give it my all!
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    I am ordering it this week and can't wait to get started!!! I love that it incorporates martial arts. :smile:
  • I am ordering it this week and can't wait to get started!!! I love that it incorporates martial arts. :smile:

    It definitely give your confidence when you're doing it - almost like self defense classes!
  • yurika975
    yurika975 Posts: 71 Member
    I may try this again. I know I am out of shape. I am just sick and tired of it(excess weight). I enjoy taebo. I think I'll just add it to what I am doing. I was just a bit floored when I couldn't keep up with everyone. I'll try to start again. The Grinder is a killer! Man it is really tough but I do feel like I have done achieved something if I can finish it.
  • I am on day two of the second month! Love love love this program! I did two rounds of insanity and didn't see the results that I've seen in the first month of this program! Insanity, I believe is meant to lose weight more than tone muscle, I needed to tone my muscles and get rid of the cellulite on my stomach from having two kids. I am noticing less cellulite and I feel leaner, losing 3 inches around my waist in just the first month. Muay Thai is by far my favorite workout and the Cardio XT is unbearable but you can see the results right away. I usually feel like my heart Is going to explode once my heart rate gets into the 190s but it is so worth it, seeing the results!! I am welcoming anyone who wants to friend me or ask questions I have been doing great on this program and would love to help others!
  • Easy_Does_It
    Easy_Does_It Posts: 14 Member
    The wife and I are on week 3 day 2 tonight, strength and upper + abs. Progress is going pretty well, down 10 lbs, 20 more to go (hopefully). I'd like to join along, I could use the support.
  • hreu213
    hreu213 Posts: 76
    I may try this again. I know I am out of shape. I am just sick and tired of it(excess weight). I enjoy taebo. I think I'll just add it to what I am doing. I was just a bit floored when I couldn't keep up with everyone. I'll try to start again. The Grinder is a killer! Man it is really tough but I do feel like I have done achieved something if I can finish it.

    I have to hit the pause button a million times in the harder ones! But it means I get my breath back and can do the moves properly!
  • hreu213
    hreu213 Posts: 76
    I started the 1st dvd and only made it through the first 30 mins and was sore the next two days... I need to get back at this... please let me know your thoughts ... also how soon you notice results.

    I have to pause the workouts! :) I think it's a great workout, I've been doing them randomly for the last 6 months, the 90 day challenge is a great workout plan for results!
  • lkarinal
    lkarinal Posts: 107
    Currently week 4 day 1 this week I'll do Muay Thai for the first time and heard it's a killerrrrrrrrrrr
  • Easy_Does_It
    Easy_Does_It Posts: 14 Member
    congrats on making it to week 4. I look forward to hitting new workout disc in Tapout XT. I can't wait for Muay Thai. Let me know how it goes.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Can't wait to order this next month when I can! I'll be looking forward to updates on everyone's results!
  • tcalamity
    tcalamity Posts: 89 Member

    Ive just completed my first round of Tapout I love the program.Im halfway through my journey so I am taking a few weeks rest ( and because ive trapped a nerve in my back) and then doing a round 2 and then onto XT2!!!!!!! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I just started Tapout. A friend sent me the cardio video and I did that to test if I liked it...well that was two days ago and I'm still hurting! I am going to try and push and officially start the program today though. I have to modify a lot and can't do any of the planks, but I know it'll be a good judge of how fit I get.

    Anyone else 40-50lbs from their goal? I feel like most people I know doing this are within 20 lbs of their goal and quite small so I'm worried I'm too big to start this now.

    Anyway, feel free to friend me for support! I'm going to need it!
  • Easy_Does_It
    Easy_Does_It Posts: 14 Member
    Congrats, what an accomplishment.
  • cgarza34
    cgarza34 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am starting the Tapout xt today !! Add me- we can motivate each-other. I have been Kickboxing and doing MMA for over 2yrs now. I stopped taking my classes due to a pregnancy. Unfortunately, the baby was lost over a month ago. I am trying to get back into the swing of thing and loving my self and body. On another note- I have done the P90x saw some result but, not as drastic as my husbands. Then I completed Insanity and saw even better results and felt amazing. I am wondering what program bring results like the after photos in these commercials? I wonder if they are real..Time to work out again and kick some butt.Good luck to all of you doing the workout program.
  • hreu213
    hreu213 Posts: 76
    Currently week 4 day 1 this week I'll do Muay Thai for the first time and heard it's a killerrrrrrrrrrr

    Muay Thai is my favourite! It's so much fun :D
  • redjess1
    redjess1 Posts: 11 Member
    I just started Tapout. A friend sent me the cardio video and I did that to test if I liked it...well that was two days ago and I'm still hurting! I am going to try and push and officially start the program today though. I have to modify a lot and can't do any of the planks, but I know it'll be a good judge of how fit I get.

    Anyone else 40-50lbs from their goal? I feel like most people I know doing this are within 20 lbs of their goal and quite small so I'm worried I'm too big to start this now.

    Anyway, feel free to friend me for support! I'm going to need it!

    I am/ was 40 pounds over weight. I am 33 with 2 kids. You can do this. I am out of shape, the first week about killed me, haha. I pushed thru it. I am only on week 2 and I see a HUGE difference. Press pause and take breaks when you have to, but jump back in and finish it. No lie the 1st day was the hardest. I was using the couch to pull me off the floor at times. :) I've lost 14 pounds and I am actually keeping up now and doing moves that last week I thought would take me forever to do. You can do this!
  • mjhedgehog
    mjhedgehog Posts: 249 Member
    I ordered it last week and I'm hoping it will be here tomorrow! I'm starting as soon as it comes in the mail. Super excited! Feel free to add me for support! :D