Caloric intake for preggers



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Well I should have gone to bed an hour ago so here is a riddle:

    If you're obese, and even overweight, your doctor already recommends fat loss during pregnancy. I'm sure someone will figure this out before morning.

    And I refuse to engage with white knights who provide no science. At least make an appeal to authority or something.

    Are you a MD? A fellow of the ACOG?

    Yeah, I didn't think so.

    I am on my second pregnancy. I was overweight/borderline obese the first time. My OB, who, by the way, is a MD and a fellow of the ACOG, advised me NOT to lose weight. She said I needed 200-300 calories above maintenance for my pre-pregnancy weight. My sister and SIL went to her for the five pregnancies between them and both were obese for all five pregnancies. I assure you, they were never advised to LOSE weight. (ETA that all five pregnancies, plus one of mine, resulted in healthy, full-term babies, including a set of twins who were born at "term," since that has a different meaning with multiples. The remaining one is my current pregnancy.)

    That said, if a doctor DID advise that a pregnant woman lose weight, certainly s/he would be monitoring the baby's growth on a more regular basis than s/he would for other women with normal pregnancies. No woman should take on that agenda on her own.

    A biochemistry degree is all fine and good, but you are not an OB or even a MD. As such, please refrain from attempting to override the advice we were all given by medical professionals.

    How much weight did you gain during that pregnancy? Was it under 25lbs? If so then you lost fat.

    Nope, I gained 65. But thanks for playing.

    Too much, 40lbs max recommended for underweight women

    Being pregnant is a good excuse to pack on mass though....... I wish I could get pregnant.

    Thanks for the medical advice and telling me it was an "excuse to pack on mass." That's totally what I was going for. I had no idea that I shouldn't have gained that much, really, until you told me that.

    Have a good day!
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member

    Thanks for the medical advice and telling me it was an "excuse to pack on mass." That's totally what I was going for. I had no idea that I shouldn't have gained that much, really, until you told me that.

    Have a good day!

    Let me apologize, I thought your previous tone was antagonistic as per the rest of the responses to me in the thread.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member

    Thanks for the medical advice and telling me it was an "excuse to pack on mass." That's totally what I was going for. I had no idea that I shouldn't have gained that much, really, until you told me that.

    Have a good day!

    Let me apologize, I thought your previous tone was antagonistic as per the rest of the responses to me in the thread.

    I'm not offended - I let things roll off my back - I apologize if I sounded antagonistic earlier, but I was completely serious. Clearly we disagree, so let's leave it at that! Frankly I have bigger things on my plate today (no pun intended) than continuing an argument, and I'm sure you do, too.
  • 2204givme
    ok i dont like that people are getting flustred i just wanted advice on my pregnancy not every one to get mad at each other i look at avary reply on my posts and take them to heart thank you all for replying but dont get angry just try to remember i need your help and advice . and i dont want any one getting heated and if you have an issue with what some one elses say ing pm me me
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    Too much, 40lbs max recommended for underweight women

    Being pregnant is a good excuse to pack on mass though....... I wish I could get pregnant.

    There are multiple reasons why a woman who is not overeating may gain more than the recommended amount. Polyhydramnios, gestational diabetes (which does NOT have the same causes as T2D), larger-than-average baby, change in hormones, hypothyroid... these are just a FEW of the reasons a woman might gain additional weight in pregnancy, even if she doesn't overeat. They are not the norm, of course, but I thought I'd just point that out so you're more careful with your blanket statements in the future. :wink:
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    As a Doula, I can tell you that you should still be thinking about calories - not too little, not too much.

    First trimester - eat at your maintenance amount.
    Second - maintenance +200
    Third - maintenance +300

    It's so important to eat enough and to also not "let yourself go" and eat buckets of icecream. Listen to your body and what it wants. Craving ice cream? Have some frozen yoghurt. Burger? Have a lean steak. Fries? Have some sautéed new potatoes.

    This is what I did..increased cals per trimester...focused on grew but I didn't. Finished pregnancy where I started..5th pregnancy but first one that I didn't gain on. I also didn't diary every day just occasionally to check (personal) I didn't what to fixate on number just nutrition and paying attention to hunger with good choices. Third trimester was the hungriest for me. I still went to my PT but she knew what she was doing...I wouldn't have done training on own with limited knowledge. Walking at best though.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I watched on a T.V show called embarrassing bodies and it said you don't need to change your eating until last couple of weeks and then you only need to increase to 200 calories
    Which is just 2 bananas

    This is not correct.

    Late pregnancy requires an increased intake of 300-500 calories per day for the last 3 months. 2nd trimester requires an increased intake of closer to 200-300 calories per day. Both of these are ABOVE pre-baby TDEE (or maintenance).

    OP PLEASE do not limit your calorie intake too much right now. Your baby needs enough nutrients and calories to grow and develop properly. The number on the scale should be going up. You need to come to terms with this early, as it's going to go up faster later. Not gaining weight should not be a goal right now unless your doctor advises it. Most women gain between 25 and 35 lbs during a healthy pregnancy.

    The amount of weight to gain depends on starting weight now, according to the ACOG. For a normal BMI it's 25-35. For overweight/obese women it's far less. I was about 190 pounds when I got pregnant with my daughter, and the recommendation for me was 11-15 pounds.

    Great article from ACOG: Patients/faq001.pdf?dmc=1&ts=20130130T1257111508
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Current recommendations for weight gain:

    Pre-pregnancy weight Recommended weight gain
    Underweight (BMI less than 18.5) 28 to 40 pounds (about 13 to 18 kilograms)
    Normal weight (BMI 18.5 to 24.9) 25 to 35 pounds (about 11 to 16 kilograms)
    Overweight (BMI 25 to 29.9) 15 to 25 pounds (about 7 to 11 kilograms)
    Obese (BMI 30 or more) 11 to 20 pounds (about 5 to 9 kilograms)
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Maybe this is silly, but I think it would be nice if MFP had an "I'm pregnant" choice in the drop-down. Then it could do the math automatically. I imagine OP isn't the only pregnant woman who worries about eating the right number of calories.

    Or, if that isn't possible, maybe just a footnote near it that says, "Pregnant women click here," with a link to this topic or a FAQ or whatever that explains you should be eating maintenance + 200/300.

    I've never been pregnant, but I assumed doctors cover this in the initial visit? Is nutrition normally addressed right away or only after a certain number of months (or if the mother isn't at the proper weight)?

    You could use the breastfeeding entry and deduct 500, then manually adjust it if you wanted. :smile:
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Well I should have gone to bed an hour ago so here is a riddle:

    If you're obese, and even overweight, your doctor already recommends fat loss during pregnancy. I'm sure someone will figure this out before morning.

    And I refuse to engage with white knights who provide no science. At least make an appeal to authority or something.

    Are you a MD? A fellow of the ACOG?

    Yeah, I didn't think so.

    I am on my second pregnancy. I was overweight/borderline obese the first time. My OB, who, by the way, is a MD and a fellow of the ACOG, advised me NOT to lose weight. She said I needed 200-300 calories above maintenance for my pre-pregnancy weight. My sister and SIL went to her for the five pregnancies between them and both were obese for all five pregnancies. I assure you, they were never advised to LOSE weight. (ETA that all five pregnancies, plus one of mine, resulted in healthy, full-term babies, including a set of twins who were born at "term," since that has a different meaning with multiples. The remaining one is my current pregnancy.)

    That said, if a doctor DID advise that a pregnant woman lose weight, certainly s/he would be monitoring the baby's growth on a more regular basis than s/he would for other women with normal pregnancies. No woman should take on that agenda on her own.

    A biochemistry degree is all fine and good, but you are not an OB or even a MD. As such, please refrain from attempting to override the advice we were all given by medical professionals.

    How much weight did you gain during that pregnancy? Was it under 25lbs? If so then you lost fat.

    This is incorrect - approximately 5lbs of that 25lbs of gained weight are additional fat gained for delivery and breast feeding - for a woman to actually lose fat during pregnancy based solely on pregnancy weight gain the figure would be more in the limited gain of 15 lbs to 20 lbs - which is acceptable for some doctors for some pregnancies for highly overweight women.
    But you are wrong, in the general case a small deficit of a 140 calories (your pizza slice) is actually a NET deficit of 400-700 or so of NEEDED calories for the development of the pregnancy.

    A couple of things I have seen that are incorrect in this thread:

    A baby does not suck up iron - the supplemental iron need is locked up in the addition 4-5 lbs of blood supply for nutrient transport. Hemoglobin production binds iron pretty much irreversibly.

    You stated "It is incorrect to state a calorie deficit is not appropriate for pregnancy" - your statement is incorrect or at best poorly worded - a calorie deficit from the TDEE of the women pre-pregnancy would be catastrophic for the pregnancy. Even the smallest recommended gain during a pregnancy of 10-20 lbs represents about 200-300 calories over maintenance if if was just fat weight gain (most major gain is usually seen ib a 6 month period - do the math). However, given the actual metabolic changes - high cellular synthesis, protein turn-over, hormonal fireworks - the actual needs are closer to double or triple that. And slightly more important than calories are micro nutrient needs - gaining a few pounds over the recommended weight is less of an issue than not gaining enough and assuring these needs.

    edit2: and my supposition, that reducing calories by 140, not eating that slice of cheese pizza, will take you from 11lbs gained to 0lbs gained. If this sounds like it's going to cause problems for the fetus to you, then I give up.
    You should give up because a pregnancy with zero gain - as you suggest a few posts up - results not only in risks of premature birth and low birthweight babies (which have a higher risk) and are clearly a sign of undernourished/malnourished during pregnancy.

    I like most of what you said, but I left the hospital with both children weighing less than I did when I conceived them. I had my son on my due date, my daughter a week overdue. My son was 9lb 7oz, my daughter 8lb 13oz. I didn't gain a pound during the first pregnancy, gained 10 with the second. I had to go buy smaller jeans the minute I left the hospital both times.

    Granted, my body apparently handles pregnancy very differently than the average woman. But I didn't have a single complication and have perfectly healthy children.

    For the record, my son, with 0 pounds gained, came out holding his head up, and was doing pushups during tummy time at 2 weeks old. He was insanely strong, too. No ill effects whatsoever.

    Ending your pregnancy weighing less than when you got pregnant? Not great. Zero pound gain, a little better, but still not great... but not the end of the world.

    Wow... and I totally took over this thread. Sorry - as a nursing student/CNM wannabe/women's health research junkie I get a little passionate about this stuff.