Started Medifast today looking for anyone else on programs

Good Morning, i am just starting medifast with Take shape for life today, looking to add friends for support who might be doing medifast also!


  • humungus1
    humungus1 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on Day 6 of my medifast diet, and have lost more than the 5 lbs per week they promised. I was 302 two weeks ago, ate healthier and did a bit more walking than usual, then started my Medifast plan last Thursday. Today I weighed myself - 292 lbs. So, 10 lbs in two weeks, and I'm willing to bet most of it was the medifast week. They say the hardest part is the first three days, and they weren't kidding. That whole ketosis thing really made me feel weird, kind of like hung over. Other than that, it hasn't been bad. I find that 500 calories a day plus a lean-green meal isn't as bad as it sounds. I like fish anyway, so I've no problem eating a lot of that. Oh, and a LOT of water. I've been drinking over a gallon day, easily (sometimes with that no cal Mio water flavoring) exclusively. The water really helps keep me going, and it does make the hunger pangs lessen.

    It's tough breaking the old habit of grabbing something whenever I walk by the kitchen counter. And my work is the worst - they ALWAYS have tons of goodies laid out and I used to get something every time I went by, sometimes many times a day. At first I thought I'd have a really hard time not being able to snack as much as I used to, but after the first day I felt that I'd be damned if I'd blow all that hardship I'd already been through they day before (not being able to eat whatever whenever I wanted to) by chowing down on a cookie. That time investment has kept me going, at least thus far.

    Now when I see those doughnuts I just chug a water and check my watch for the next medifast treat. heh..

    As for the food - avoid the pizza cheese bites. They are the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten. Everything else I've had so far is not bad to surprisingly good. Their chicken soup is surprisingly filling, and I love the protein bars, doubt I will ever get tired of them. Not tried the eggs or pancakes yet, but soon.

    I don't think I can do this for a long while, but I CAN make it one more day. If I tell myself that, I'm sure I can make it! And the ketosis inducing hangover feeling is gone too. They said it would take about 3 days for it to happen, and they were right. Just don't cheat and eat anything carb heavy or sweet, and it will end soon. If you do cheat, even a bite, it will make it that much tougher to go away.

    Good luck!

    Ray - San Diego
  • I am on Medifast, too! :)
  • humungus1
    humungus1 Posts: 3 Member
    How long? Results? Doing well?
  • This is week three for me on Medifast. I have lost 19.9 so far.

    Week 1 - 14.3
    Week 2 - 3
    Week 3 - 2.6

    I started at 282.8 so I'm huge which means I will lose quickly in the beginning but I still think the program will work if you stick to it.
  • Starting Day 4 of medifast 10 pounds down so far. Started at 328lbs. I know the big first week drop is not sustainable but I'm fine with 2-3 pounds a week after this.

    Doing it by the book and drinking lots of water. My wife is on the paleo diet so our dinners line up but I have to weigh my food. Medifast meals I have had so far: Oatmeal various flavors, Pancakes chocolate chip, tomato soup, brocoli cream soup, and chili. All good but I had to spice up the Chili for my liking. All the bars have been good. I have had the mocha, dark chocolate, and orange shakes. All good too.

    One tip from a newbie is I add 1 TBSP of Chia seeds to my oatmeal or shake in the morning. Helps keep me full and its low glycemic. I may not need it later on but it feels good now for only 60 cals.

    I also have a Meal Reminder app on my Android phone that reminds me to eat 5 times a day.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Hi, all!

    I am 23 5'2" and started medifast a little over two weeks ago weighing 183 lbs. At my two week weigh in a was down 10lbs which is absolutely exciting! I have tried the brownies, soft bake, pudding, honey mustard pretzels, berry crunch cereal, hot chocolate, macaroni and cheese, original and chocolate pancakes, chicken and wild rice soup, a few different kinds of the bars and the dutch chocolate ready to go shakes. Nothing I have tried is absolutely terrible but I prefer the chocolate chip pancakes over the original and the berry crunch cereal had a unappealing aftertaste. I loved mixing the hot chocolate with a cup of coffee when I needed my Starbucks fix and the soft bake is more palatable if you add a tbsp of PB. All the bars are actually really good. Water, water, water is key!!!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • bbell2
    bbell2 Posts: 5 Member
    This is my second week on the program!
    Weekends are pretty hard for me but I love this program it really keeps me full and I feel so great!
    Week one I lost 5 lbs I just ordered the mac and cheese and cant wait till it gets here :)
    I just read that we are not suppose to have the bars all day...only one per day..oppps I didnt know that I was just eating the bars since they are my favorite :) especially the peanut butter crunch this week is going to be a variety of things...
    Good luck everyone!
  • trinics_416
    trinics_416 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi All,

    I started Medifast 3 weeks back and lost around 11 lbs...
    Do add me ...and lets motivate each other....
  • sxyktn_812
    sxyktn_812 Posts: 3 Member
    You can have as many of the CRUNCH (yellow wrapper) bars as you'd like towards your 5 during the day. It's the green wrapper maintenance bars that are limited to once per day because of their higher carb count. :)
  • sxyktn_812
    sxyktn_812 Posts: 3 Member
    Starting Day 4 of medifast 10 pounds down so far. Started at 328lbs. I know the big first week drop is not sustainable but I'm fine with 2-3 pounds a week after this.

    Doing it by the book and drinking lots of water. My wife is on the paleo diet so our dinners line up but I have to weigh my food. Medifast meals I have had so far: Oatmeal various flavors, Pancakes chocolate chip, tomato soup, brocoli cream soup, and chili. All good but I had to spice up the Chili for my liking. All the bars have been good. I have had the mocha, dark chocolate, and orange shakes. All good too.

    One tip from a newbie is I add 1 TBSP of Chia seeds to my oatmeal or shake in the morning. Helps keep me full and its low glycemic. I may not need it later on but it feels good now for only 60 cals.

    I also have a Meal Reminder app on my Android phone that reminds me to eat 5 times a day.

    Good luck everyone!

    I would definitely watch adding the Chia seeds, nor would I promote it. A 1 oz serving (a little under 2T) has 12 g of carbs in most brands, which is WAY outside the guidelines that are allowed on MF. Be careful about mixing up low glycemic and low carb!
  • nnaannccyyw
    nnaannccyyw Posts: 19 Member
    I have been on Medifast for 15 weeks and have lost 105 pounds so far. I love the food and plan to do it long term so I can get to my goal. I love the foods and think it's fairly easy to do.
  • humungus1
    humungus1 Posts: 3 Member
    I've lost 22 lbs since I started Medifast 16 days ago. I'm blown away by how fast the weight is going away. Don't think I'm not hungry for 'regular' food, I am. My crew ate chinese food today, and I wanted so badly to get orange chicken and rice...if it hadn't been for my progress, I probably would have. Instead I sat at the table and drank a diet coke. I'm getting there, one day at a time!
  • lcohen11
    lcohen11 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone! Im also on Medifast, started week and a half ago, I've lost 5 pounds. Do you guys sometimes feel that the calorie range is very low, almost unhealthy? 800-1000 calories per day is sickening to me, especially bc I exercise! I prob only lost 5 pounds bc I was trying to add more calories to my diet, I just didnt feel it was normal to have below 1000 calories! What do you guys think?
  • SallyMQ
    SallyMQ Posts: 4 Member
    Hi chellynn1983 and all :smile:

    I'm going for a consultation at a local office for Medifast next week (maybe tomorrow if they have a cancellation). Both me and my husband want to start the program.

    I found MFP a while back and have done calorie-counting (I love the MFP app!), but lately I find that my life is ruled by cravings, making it very hard to choose and portion my meals appropriately. I really need this jump-start and the ease of not having too many decisions to make. I was so glad to find that there are people on MFP that are on Medifast and seeing results! I've never done the group-support thing, but they say it helps... I'm looking forward to seeing your success and sharing mine.

    good luck to all of you :-)
  • I started the program 4 weeks ago and I am down 16 pounds already. I am really enjoying this program and proud of myself for sticking with it. I've learned SO much already about this new health plan NOT diet (LOL). I've been reading Dr. A's book and working in the study guide that goes along with the book. Amazing....that's about all I can say! My goal is to lose 100 pounds on this program and so far I think I will be okay. I would like to connect with other newbies to the program in hopes that we can support and motivate each other to maintain our direction of a better life...a healthy life. I don't know about you but I can't stand looking at myself in the mirror and seeing what I have become - I want to lose this weight not only for myself but for my children also. I want to be able to do more things with them without getting tired or not being able to do them at all. I'm only 35 years old and I want to have many more years with my family. Good luck to each and every one of you - let's do this!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Hi! I just signed up for the Be Slim program through MF and placed my first food order. I can't wait for my shipment to arrive and plan on starting soon. I have been hovering around the same weight for 6 months and want to kick start my loss. I have to lose 60 pounds and plan on using MF for 30, incorporating more unprocessed foods for the final 30.

    I will check out MFP for more MF posts.
  • Thanks
  • I stated the 22 of Jan and I am down 29.8 lbs as of today
  • I started medifast on 2 January and have lost 20 pounds so far. I'm quite pleased, though a little concerned about how to maintain later. So I have just bought a Bodymedia Core and will begin some light exercise and get into the use of logging and keeping track.

    I don't think it matters too much how we lose the weight. Any diet that reduces calories will do that. My goal is to understand why I eat too much, and keep track and alter my habits. I know that I cannot go back to as I was before, just eating whatever is in front of me.
  • I just signed up with MFP today and am starting Medifast tomorrow. I'm encouraged by seeing all of your great results.