30 Day Shred.. Starting 1/28/13



  • Last year i did it around 90 days and toned up but didn't lose weight ( I didn't diet though)

    I have started again 2 weeks ago and am trying to eat slightly less and have lost 2lb and an inch from each thigh :-) ( i only want to lose around 6-8 lb) anyway, what I really want to ask is how are you logging it on MFP ?

  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I've been wanting to do this last time only got to day 4.
    But will do it this time!
    Would really like to complete this before middle of March.
  • lovehandles_nomore
    lovehandles_nomore Posts: 11 Member
    I am in! Cant wait to see our results.
  • tillybeth72
    tillybeth72 Posts: 12 Member
    im on level 2 started 15 days ago, love it and already seeing results:)
  • Tried doing the shred three times before and never got past day three, this time I will do it, starting today! I'm in!
  • Rice27
    Rice27 Posts: 29 Member
    I am in! Planned on starting today so this is pefect timing. Need to stop and get a measuring tape to take my starting measurements!

    Tried it last year - got 7 days in and hurt my knee running ;)
  • I started the 30DS on Tuesday Jan 22. It kicked my butt. My legs hurt so bad on Wednesday I had to crawl up the stairs. I would be walking at work and my knee/leg would just go jello. I continued to do the shred, but with limited movement with the legs.

    Today I decided to try again full steam ahead since my legs were feeling MUCH better. I think I did ok, still can not go without stopping for a breather. I'm not logging these as completed though, my goal is to be able to do level 1 all the way before I start keeping track. I'm getting close!! I'm setting a goal to be able to do level 1... 100% no stopping by February 1st. Ten I'll be on Day 1 Level 1.

    Wish me luck. I've already went from 198 pounds to 187.5 in a month. Cut out Mountain Dew and I drink around 10 glasses of water a day. Also trying to not going over 1200 calories a day. I've also been using my elliptical.

    I'm new here so any advice is welcome!!!!!
  • sparkie51
    sparkie51 Posts: 98 Member
    Rest days are needed and are good for you.She says it herself in the beginning of the DVD.My first times through I did them with only one day rest and now I have added another day when I will walk only to burn calories.My muscles need it.
  • everydaymom
    everydaymom Posts: 13 Member
    I started this a few days ago.. So hard and make me so sore!! That's a good thing though,, my only issue is each day I have done it I have went up a pound????!!!! Not loving that. I"m not eating anymore and I'm staying in my calories for the day.. Any one have any advice for that. I really wanna do this but I am getting discouraged by the gaining.
  • I am in! I just did day 1, I am really out of shape and haven't excersised in about 10 years! I am really motivated right now! I hope that I can keep it up! Cant wait to see the results!
  • Nimbkar
    Nimbkar Posts: 63 Member
    I am in.
  • tracyface399
    tracyface399 Posts: 83 Member
    I am going to give it a go!! I'm nervous, but I am going to give it my all! Good luck peeps!
  • MzzNkki
    MzzNkki Posts: 57
    just started today as well !!! yay !!!
  • Anyone know yet what to put it down as on MFP????
  • I just started 30DS on Saturday, tonight is day 3. Be happy to join all of you!

    Day 1 was not as bad as I expected, except for the ab exercises, and I can only do modified push ups.
    Day 2 was harder because my muscles were tired. The worst were the bicycle crunches. Still can only do modified push ups.

    I'm using 3lb weights.
  • aug145
    aug145 Posts: 3
    I'm on Level 2 Day 2 today!! For all of you who just started, it was rough at first but I can actually feel myself getting stronger and more energized daily! I feel great and the workouts are getting easier. Keep it up!!!
  • I am also with you .....my target is to shed at least 6 kgs in 30 days..........
  • sperocras
    sperocras Posts: 60 Member
    I just got this DVD this morning and will be doing day one of Level One tonight. I'm kind of terrified!
  • I'm in. I'm a runner, but I live in Chicago, so it's a bit cold especially when I get up to work out at 4am. I'll do this everyday with you guys except on those rare winter days when it's warm enough to be outside. I get really bored, really fast with at-home workouts, so hopefully this is enough motivation for me.
  • aug145
    aug145 Posts: 3
    Anyone know yet what to put it down as on MFP????

    I use the general Circuit Training.