Shakeology or Advocare?



  • I like advocare :)
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Look inter Herbalife! ( I don't sell it).. But I have used it, and LOVE it!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I like Spirutein with almond coconut milk. You kinda need a blender bottle though.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    ...I use Shakeology daily and I'm a big foodie, very into nutrition labels and am also soy-free, so the amount of foods I can eat isn't extensive. I keep my diet very clean. ShakeO is more than just protein. It's got that and more (superfoods, prebiotics, adaptagens, phytonutrients, etc...) and is my favorite post-workout meal. I eat six meals a day and yep, it's totally easier to drink one great meal on-the-go a lot of the time. It's my multi-vitamin and I haven't gotten sick in 2yrs and I have 2 little kids....
    In light of such a glorious testimonial, it would probably only be fair for you to disclose that you're a beachbody salesperson (or "coach", in their parlance).

    As to the OP - I agree with the poster above that using meal replacement shakes teaches you nothing about good eating habits and wise food choices. I use protein shakes to supplement my protein intake, but not as a weight loss / calorie reduction tool.

    I am! It's actually something I decided to do as a stay-at-home mom looking to make some income and be home with my girls and yep, it was the catalyst that helped me lose 50+lbs. I gave my own personal story here. That's it. No links or over-the-top shenanigans. Everyone has to decide what is right for them.

    Like I said, I eat a lot and I'm soy-free, so beyond whole foods (which I eat all day during all 5 other meals) I can't have a whole lot else. Most multi-vitamins contains soy. Many organic products still contain soy. I have to be careful with protein powders, b/c many contains soy or sucralose. Yep, even my fave dark chocolate contains soy lethicin so I can't eat it. I get to have Shakeology for my chocolate, my choice. :)
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    I drink an advocare meal replacement shake for breakfast every day and really like it. I have never tried shakeology so I don't have an opinion there. Good luck!
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    I was VERY reluctant to try Shakeology because of how expensive it is. Come to find out it is very convenient to have this on the go instead of reaching for fast food and it really holds you up for a while until next meal without any cravings in between. That's what I like the most. Oh and the chocolate tastes divine....I do add a little more sweetener (erythtritol and stevia) for my taste...otherwise I wouldn't care much for it. The long term benefits I don't know because I only started drinking it this week.

    My advice is try to get samples and try them. I would say try it for 2-3 days and see how you feel and if you like it.
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    I'm going to go a different direction with this than what everyone else has gone. I lost about 15 lbs in a couple months using Herbalife shakes. They really did taste good, they were full of vitamins, and they kept me in check. Those things are super expensive but it was worth it to be because I wasn't going to take the time to make my own, as people here have suggested. They may not be magic but they definitely ensure you get a good dose of nutrition on a limited number of calories. They do the trick if you follow the plan.

    Here's the problem most people have with them: They don't teach you how to eat. I IMMEDIATELY started gaining weight back (just like everyone said I would). Within a year, I was right back where I started. If you can use the shakes as a way to motivate your weight loss, then more power to you. Those skinny pictures were enough to make me re-evaluate what I wanted from being skinny. Now, I still have that same 15 lbs on me but now at least half of that is muscle instead of fat because I do work and eat a much healthier diet. Instead of 1200 calories a day, with two of those meals being shakes, I get about 1500 calories minimum and more on workout days. It's real food! Good luck if you decide to go for the shakes. Just know that it's going to require a serious change in your eating habits once you go back to regular food, otherwise it will be a huge waste of your time and money.
  • I love Advocare But I'm also on a tight budget, and I often will use the Special K shakes too. I do enjoy the Advocare supplements though--they seem to work well with my body as far as feeling good/taste/etc.

    It really is an individual thing. After I did the 24-day challenge, I pick more of a la carte items, like the SPARK energy drinks (LOVE) and I am partial MNS3 Max and will re-up that pretty regularly to help boost weight loss or in maintenance periods.

    I have really started to change my diet though, and find a mix of that and still some supplements helps me a lot! I'm 46, and workout pretty regularly--my size fluctuates from 16-12--currently have stayed in 12 for about a year now and feeli good!

    Good Luck on what you decide!
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    I like to have a Vega One shake mix as a snack now and then because it is convenient and very healthy. I just mix with water, and they are about 135 cals per serving. It sustains me for about 2 hours, and I wouldn't really call it meal replacement because I need like 300 or so cals for a meal.

    As an example, I had lunch, but I am hungry and won't eat dinner for 2 hours. So, I'm having a snack. It also has 50% of the daily vitamin requirements. You can get them at Whole Foods, Vitacost, Amazon. The nutritional profile and superfoods are on par with Shakeology, but it is a little cheaper than Shakeology.

    I have read that Shakeology tastes better though.
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member

    Here's the problem most people have with them: They don't teach you how to eat. I IMMEDIATELY started gaining weight back (just like everyone said I would). Within a year, I was right back where I started. If you can use the shakes as a way to motivate your weight loss, then more power to you. Those skinny pictures were enough to make me re-evaluate what I wanted from being skinny. Now, I still have that same 15 lbs on me but now at least half of that is muscle instead of fat because I do work and eat a much healthier diet. Instead of 1200 calories a day, with two of those meals being shakes, I get about 1500 calories minimum and more on workout days. It's real food! Good luck if you decide to go for the shakes. Just know that it's going to require a serious change in your eating habits once you go back to regular food, otherwise it will be a huge waste of your time and money.

    I totally agree with this but only halfway. It is true that you shouldn't expect the shakes to be a miracle nor should it be a replacement for your learning to eat healthy. I struggled with the same question when I started taking my shake. I do not want to replace it with real food and then not have the tools, habits and knowledge to maintain my goal weight. I don't want to gain everything back. That would be a disaster.

    For myself in particular my days are too busy. I don't have a lot of time to cook on a daily basis. I have to prepare lunch for myself and the baby the next day and I get home really late from work. We don't eat until around 7 pm or later. I decided to get the shake so I can substitute it for my lunch. Why? well it aleviates some of the stress about "what I should take to work for lunch today?" I have too many other things to worry about on a daily basis and not having to worry about lunch is great. I can focus on what I'll cook for dinner instead and relax the rest of the day. For the same reason I keep my breakfast the same daily. I don't feel the need to change up my breakfast. It is just one less thing to think about. However drinking the shake does NOT mean I forget about learning different and new ways to cook and eat healthy meals. I still seek out recipes and I'm always looking for different ways to cook veggies because I want to learn to love them. The shake is good if you are using it to avoid eating out on the go. It is also good for the occassions that you really can't think about food and calories and just need to eat something to hold you over.

    I always say things in moderation is the best way to succeed. Moderation is balance. Tilting to the extremes will eventually have you "fall" and fail.
  • lamos1
    lamos1 Posts: 167 Member
    I got a sample of the chocolate shakeology. I mixed with my favorite coffee for a chocolate mocha flavor. I saw the recipe on the brochure they sent me and it is absolutely disgusting. I doubt that it would even taste good without the coffee. I guess I will just stick to my chocolate and vanilla muscle milk protein powder.
  • kellyj5201
    kellyj5201 Posts: 57 Member
    I did the advocarw 24 day challenge and the chocolate shakes are pretty good. Havent tried any other flavors though.

    i also did advocare 24 day challenge. lost 10 lbs but was starving the entire time and just plain out miserable!!! the chockloate shakes are good but i was never full from them. JMO
  • In June 2012, I began a comprehensive, medically supervised weight loss program that took me down to a very low caloric intake level. (And also a very low balance in my savings account) But I embraced the program and as I increased my level of exercise, the dietician and doctor directed me to slowly increase my caloric intake. Since the cost of the program included meal replacement shakes, I picked up some protein powder from the strip mall to add to my liquid diet. In August I was introduced to AdvoCare and my initial look at their products proved to me that they really "get it". This was most evidenced to me with their Meal Replacement Shake as it is the only product I have found in the market place that has an equal balance of carbs and protein. I incorporated the 24-Day Challenge into what I was already doing and I had amazing results. In just 24-Days I lost over 8 pounds and nearly 13 inches off my body. Since May 2012 I have lost 100 pounds. I have gone from a tight 3XL (even a 4xl) shirt down to Mediums and Larges and from 44-inch pants down to 33 that require a belt. In the 24 weeks I have been working with a Personal Trainer (and using AdvoCare products) I have lost just over 50 pounds. My body fat percentage has dropped 10 points. I have lost over 32 inches from my body, 11.5 inches just from my waist.
  • Sbthud
    Sbthud Posts: 33 Member
    I have done a few Beachbody programs (TurboFire and Pump) over the last year and avoided Shakeology because of the cost. I never would have tried it because I can't stand the taste of protein powders, except that I participated in a Clean Eating Challenge. It was 21 days of eating no fast foods, lots of veggies and lean proteins and ShakeO once a day. Fortunately my mom had an extra bag and sent it to me so I could try. I LOVE IT. The chocolate is awesome, by itself, with PB2 or with strawberries is how I have it most of the time. I have used it daily post workout and I have noticed that my BP is down a bit, and while I normally am one of the first people to get sick with the flu or whatever comes around (due to abnormally large tonsils), I am the only one in the office who hasn't gotten sick in the last 3 months. Whatever that is due to, no idea, but I think all the additional stuff in ShakeO, not just protein, is helping me. Whether that would help you? Don't know. Just wanted to share. And no, I am not a coach.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    In June 2012, I began a comprehensive, medically supervised weight loss program that took me down to a very low caloric intake level. (And also a very low balance in my savings account) But I embraced the program and as I increased my level of exercise, the dietician and doctor directed me to slowly increase my caloric intake. Since the cost of the program included meal replacement shakes, I picked up some protein powder from the strip mall to add to my liquid diet. In August I was introduced to AdvoCare and my initial look at their products proved to me that they really "get it". This was most evidenced to me with their Meal Replacement Shake as it is the only product I have found in the market place that has an equal balance of carbs and protein. I incorporated the 24-Day Challenge into what I was already doing and I had amazing results. In just 24-Days I lost over 8 pounds and nearly 13 inches off my body. Since May 2012 I have lost 100 pounds. I have gone from a tight 3XL (even a 4xl) shirt down to Mediums and Larges and from 44-inch pants down to 33 that require a belt. In the 24 weeks I have been working with a Personal Trainer (and using AdvoCare products) I have lost just over 50 pounds. My body fat percentage has dropped 10 points. I have lost over 32 inches from my body, 11.5 inches just from my waist.

    how does AdvoCare compare to Shakeology nutritional profile-wise?
  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    I use Shakeology and it's the best meal replacement shake I have found. I am a beachbody coach but I'm not actively selling at the moment I'm just doing it for the discount on beachbody products. I was not willing to pay for Shakeology to begin with because I didn't think that it was as great as everyone was making it out to be. Well I had a friend that would give me half bags full just so I could try it to get the effects and the way it made me feel energy wise was amazing, I had stomach issue and they went away, and I was doing P90X and was having trouble with enough energy to get through my workouts using Shakeology fixed that for me. I ended up making room in my budget for it so that I can continue using it, I don't know if I'll ever stop using it. I don't know about the other product that you're asking about but I do know that Shakeology has a 30 day money back guarantee you can even return the empty bag if it doesn't work for you so you really have nothing to loose. They improved the chocolate flavor a little under a month ago and it's great!
  • linbein
    linbein Posts: 11 Member
    I tried Shakeology. I actually became a Beachbody Coach for a few months. I have a few opinions.
    Shakeology is good. I love the Tropical Strawberry. I looked forward to my shake every morning. It gave me energy, and kept me full. And I did see a dramatic change in my cholesterol, and triglycerides. HOWEVER, I did not find that it helped me lost weight. I wasn't making any money being a's very hard to sell something that expensive, and I found that paying for my Shakeology and the monthly coaching fee, I just wasn't saving any money, so I stopped doing it. And w/o the discount, I can't justify spending that much on Shakeology. I know that it's "just" $4/shake. And it's packed with nutrients, but I just wasn't losing weight with it. Maybe if I had, I would have continued it. I do miss it. And I know there are a lot of people who have had great success with it. But I have to tell you, the regular chocolate? I do not like it. They have supposedly changed the formulation again and it's supposed to taste better, but I haven't tried the new one.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I tried Shakeology. I actually became a Beachbody Coach for a few months. I have a few opinions.
    Shakeology is good. I love the Tropical Strawberry. I looked forward to my shake every morning. It gave me energy, and kept me full. And I did see a dramatic change in my cholesterol, and triglycerides. HOWEVER, I did not find that it helped me lost weight. I wasn't making any money being a's very hard to sell something that expensive, and I found that paying for my Shakeology and the monthly coaching fee, I just wasn't saving any money, so I stopped doing it. And w/o the discount, I can't justify spending that much on Shakeology. I know that it's "just" $4/shake. And it's packed with nutrients, but I just wasn't losing weight with it. Maybe if I had, I would have continued it. I do miss it. And I know there are a lot of people who have had great success with it. But I have to tell you, the regular chocolate? I do not like it. They have supposedly changed the formulation again and it's supposed to taste better, but I haven't tried the new one.

    yeah, the new one is WAY better.

    the way I've always looked at it is if you replace your $4 drink at starbucks daily with a $4 mega-nutrient shake... you're doing yourself a world of good and not spending any more money than you would be otherwise.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    poor thing innocently asked a question dipped her toe into the shallow MFP oceans. Damn look at all those sharks circling. Gonna be a blood bath.
  • amberecochran
    amberecochran Posts: 124 Member
    So after a little research, this is what I found on the comparison:

    Shakeology Advocare
    Calories: 160 220
    Protein: 17 g 24g
    Sat Fat: 1 g 1g
    Carbs: 17g 24g
    Sugar: 6g 12g
    Fiber: 6g 5g
    Nut & Vitamins: 70+ 26

    I was an AdvoCare user for years and now I use Shakeology. The choice is pretty clear to me.