Ending 1200 Calorie Bashing: Respecting Your Peers



  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    I would never "bash" anyone for being on a doctor ordered low calorie diet. That being said, there are others on here who are eating below 1200 calories who are NOT following doctors orders. They just simply need a push in the right direction.

    Its the " please help me im eating 1200 calories a day and im not losing any weight " posters that get the comments you are talking about. If they post asking for advice - what should they expect?
  • mistesh
    mistesh Posts: 243 Member
    I do appreciate the 1200 calorie cutoff noted here or the 1300 one suggested by my doctor, which opened up the realization that sometimes I would mindlessly snack on three tortillas or four slices of cheese, not to mention the occasional cheese burger with fries and soda or the jumbo hotdog, although not the more noticeable candy all that much. I still do all of these things, but far more seldom. But with this general awareness and if real food is all you eat, I'd say you don't need a cutoff. If you eat oranges, you may stop at the fifth, but if you squeeze the juice from ten, you can drink it in one gulp and ask, what's next. Not that I consider such juice processed, but staying within a healthy minimum and maximum without a ruler is so much easier once you know these things.

    OP, have you considered Joel Fuhrman's readings?

    How to live, for life, Success Stories

    The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
    I loved your post!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I applaud the sentiment that we can always strive to be a bit more considerate and thoughtful in our discussions.

    But I also want to say that I started MFP six months ago believing that I could only eat 1200, gross, because I have PCOS. I lost weight. What I have learned by listening to the voices that may sound a bit abrasive at times, but really are only frustrated, is that I was pretty much destined to gain it back when I "hit goal" and tried to eat a little more normally on a much slowed metabolism. Maybe 1200 is sustainable for some people; it isn't for me.

    So I decided to throw caution to the wind, follow the advice of well-informed MFP vets, including some who also have PCOS, and start eating 1800 calories a day, gross, with some wiggle room. I have continued losing weight, and not much more slowly than before. But this weight loss is sustainable, because I am eating close to maintenance. I also eat the same amount of carbs as is recommended for the general population, and I don't shy away from those with a high glycemic index.

    Yes, women with PCOS may tend to have a slower metabolism and be more sensitive to starchy carbs. But you know what is guaranteed to slow that metabolism *even further*? Not eating enough food. And not having enough food to fuel your workouts - there can be no argument that exercise has been proven FANTASTIC for women with PCOS.

    I'm certainly not trying to quibble with the diet that OP is eating under her doctor's guidance; but considering the traffic this is getting, I want PCOSers to know that it may not be the only route to success for you. Take the time to eat at maintenance, find the maintenance sweet spot for yourself, and then give yourself a healthy deficit from there.
  • zilea
    zilea Posts: 31 Member
  • zilea
    zilea Posts: 31 Member
    Kudos to you! I also find the evidence supporting the health benefits of a low calorie diet compelling enough to keep up with: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/08/120830085114.htm

    Facepalm. Darling, that is really not the same thing. And VLCDs for longevity are usually under 1200 (around 800 I think) and not about weight loss. At all.

    And really, would you want your life to be longer if you were constantly starved and never allowed to eat chocolate again? I think not.

    I was simply expressing a curiosity toward the benefits of lower calories, as evidenced by science, not in direct regard to weight loss but in regard to health, which I assume many of us here are also interested in.
  • Rusureyet
    Rusureyet Posts: 6 Member
    I am on a 1200 calorie plan based on what this site told me. I am not trying to starve myself and I eat a lot of low calorie veggies and a lot of fruit. I have lost one pound in three weeks. So I don't understand why people would bash anyone for being on a 1200 calorie plan. I didn't put in how many calories I wanted to use the site provided it to me based on my input. I guess I am confused as to why this is a problem with people. I haven't encounter any negative input from people.
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    I would never "bash" anyone for being on a doctor ordered low calorie diet. That being said, there are others on here who are eating below 1200 calories who are NOT following doctors orders. They just simply need a push in the right direction.

    Its the " please help me im eating 1200 calories a day and im not losing any weight " posters that get the comments you are talking about. If they post asking for advice - what should they expect?

    It's not that the advice is bad; it's that the tone is often unnecessarily negative. I've said several times that I fully endorse sending these people to IPOARM--it's a fantastic resource. There is a supportive way of doing that and a dismissive and condescending way of doing that. As I mentioned to another commenter too--sometimes people also need to stick it out for a bit. I began 5k training and gained 4lbs. It wasn't 4lbs of fat, but if someone didn't know better they might think "OMG 1200 isn't working; I'm gaining weight." Those people may need to be told to give any diet--1200, 2400, etc more than one or two weeks. That's where opening up the conversation and opening up multiple options can really pay off.
  • bevie19
    bevie19 Posts: 26 Member
    I am not a regular participant in message boards and your post points up the very reasons why.

    My facts: I've been on a roughly 1200 calorie plan since last April (with a few ups and downs) and have lost 61 pounds. For me, that was perfect and it worked. I didn't care what anyone else said. Those people were not me. I was not starving. And even more importantly, just because I was fat didn't mean I was stupid, and really, unless I asked for an opinion, I didn't want it. Apparently, I didn't need anyone's opinion --except for my doctor-- because I accomplished what I wanted: to get to a healthy weight and STAY there.

    My opinion (ha ha!) -- If you want to participate more on the boards, do so and get what you need to continue YOUR path. Simply ignore those who are not giving you what you need. My two cents.
  • 6Petite
    6Petite Posts: 41 Member
    I am not a regular participant in message boards and your post points up the very reasons why.

    My facts: I've been on a roughly 1200 calorie plan since last April (with a few ups and downs) and have lost 61 pounds. For me, that was perfect and it worked. I didn't care what anyone else said. Those people were not me. I was not starving. And even more importantly, just because I was fat didn't mean I was stupid, and really, unless I asked for an opinion, I didn't want it. Apparently, I didn't need anyone's opinion --except for my doctor-- because I accomplished what I wanted: to get to a healthy weight and STAY there.

    My opinion (ha ha!) -- If you want to participate more on the boards, do so and get what you need to continue YOUR path. Simply ignore those who are not giving you what you need. My two cents.
  • 6Petite
    6Petite Posts: 41 Member
    Not sure how to copy/paste quotes, but I meant to reply to above post:

    I agree!
    As to the forums - I take what I like - and leave the rest.
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member

    So I decided to throw caution to the wind, follow the advice of well-informed MFP vets, including some who also have PCOS, and start eating 1800 calories a day, gross, with some wiggle room. I have continued losing weight, and not much more slowly than before. But this weight loss is sustainable, because I am eating close to maintenance. I also eat the same amount of carbs as is recommended for the general population, and I don't shy away from those with a high glycemic index.

    I'm so glad you found something that works for you. That's exactly what my hope is for everyone. I certainly wouldn't recommend anyone start at 1200 calories or under for someone who hasn't received medical advice. As stated, I myself had to try several higher calorie goals before finding exactly what works. I'd also like to point out that I'm more active now that ever--just completing my first 5k and have no intention of slowing down. While it's certainly a concern that people on lower calorie diets may slow their metabolism further, I can say from personal experience that it my case--eating higher amounts of carbs caused sluggishness. We've all just got to find our balance. For those with Insulin Resistance, the glycemic index can certainly be a concern.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member

    There's also a huge difference when one understands that 1,200 or whatever is the net goal on MFP...as in you're supposed to net to the goal, not shoot under it.

    This is a huge point that is almost always blown right over in the whole 1200 calorie "debate". I have a net goal of 1200 is VERY different than I eat 1200. I net 1200, I eat about 1800 (the same number I get through the roadmap or eat more to weigh less or anything else that "forces" inclusion of exercise calories). This isn't entirely relevant to the OP's situation, but I believe that a NET of 1200 is entirely appropriate for most of the people on it. If they NET 1200-which is very, very, very different than eating 1200.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    great post.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I still hate the number 1200 and the dude who invented it. I think he was a masochist named Barney. It looks so cold and desolate to me compared to my happy land of 1800-2200 with cheese and oil!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    If your happy with your choices then why bother about others opinions? I'm pretty sure the 1200 crowd have their own groups they can converse in without fear of being 'bashed'. Not sure this huge post was needed. It will only provoke the inevitable arguements. You do it you're way, your happy, it's cool. No need to shout at the rest of the world eating more than 1200 cals. We're happy that your happy :flowerforyou:

    I think that it was needed because lately I have seen lots of post saying "why 1200 will not work," or "eat more than 1200 calories people," etc. and since this is an equal opportunity website, Natalie has the write to post her own opinion.

    So well done, and thank you Natalie!
  • plckle
    plckle Posts: 1
    thank you for this post. i'm glad somebody's said it. i hate seeing all those bashing posts, it's almost as bad as tumblr is. but this is fantastic, and really well written. bravooo~
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    I still hate the number 1200 and the dude who invented it. I think he was a masochist named Barney. It looks so cold and desolate to me compared to my happy land of 1800-2200 with cheese and oil!

    Add me as a friend dude. Check out my diary. Cheese and oil are definitely a part of my life. =)
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    This is a huge point that is almost always blown right over in the whole 1200 calorie "debate". I have a net goal of 1200 is VERY different than I eat 1200. I net 1200, I eat about 1800 (the same number I get through the roadmap or eat more to weigh less or anything else that "forces" inclusion of exercise calories). This isn't entirely relevant to the OP's situation, but I believe that a NET of 1200 is entirely appropriate for most of the people on it. If they NET 1200-which is very, very, very different than eating 1200.

    This. I have no bones to pick with the 1200 crowd if they're doing this.
  • brendae61
    Very interesting and informative post. Have to reread to fully understand, good luck! :flowerforyou:
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