PCOS & Success



  • TracyBarrett81
    TracyBarrett81 Posts: 24 Member
    This is my first time using MFP. I signed up two weeks ago and so far its going great.

    I have struggled with PCOS for years with out being diagnosed. When I was TTC I was finally diagnosed. I have battled with my weight since I was 18 and gained almost 70 pounds while being treated for infertility. I would love to have MFP friends with PCOS so that we can support each other. Please feel free to add me :)
  • danilynn2
    danilynn2 Posts: 47 Member
    I have PCOS (diagnosed at 22 years old), hypothyroid (diagnosed at 18 years old) and endometriosis (diagnosed about 2 years ago now. I have had weight problems most of my life. I am currently taking metformin and BC.
    When I was diagnosed with PCOS, I was 230lbs. I was determined to do something about my weight but do it in a healthy way!
    I was able to lose 30lbs over a 1-1.5 year time frame prior to getting married. Then I got pregnant with my daughter and gained 20lbs of it back. After giving birth I was able to lose those 20lbs and an additional 10lbs over a 2 year period (putting me at 190(ish)lbs!). I have had a few miscarriages and a son since (I was on fertility meds to get pregnant all 4 times). I have lost my pregnancy weight from my son and currently fluctuate between 184-186lbs. But my goal weight (for now) is 150lbs (I never remember weight that), I am really struggling with losing any weight right now.
    But I know it can be done. It is harder for us PCOS ladies, but that means we are tougher...right!?!??! ;)
    Good luck all of you!
  • michellepoffsation
    I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago. Since I had started my periods at age 12, I was never quite a 'normal' girl. At age 14 the Dr put me on a low hormone birth control, just to keep me regulated. Every now and then I would run out and not renew, just to see if I were 'fixed' yet. Nope, back to the pill again. It wasn't until I was around 22 that I was finally diagnosed. Last year we tried Metformin and I will never go back. I was warned that I would be sick for a couple of weeks while my body adjusts... With my schedule, I don't eat regularly and so my body never adjusted. My sugar levels would crash and I would feel terrible. I've been sitting at 200 pounds for the last 9 years but now I'm ready to do something about it. I got married last April and would like to start a family in the next few years. SO, now's the time to finally get my butt in gear! I'm new to MyFitnessPal. A friend of mine has started on KETO and has read about a lot of ladies having good results, so why not try it : ) All I have to lose is weight, right?
  • irishgirl818
    I've never really had issues with my cycle, but have issues with some excess hair and a hard time losing weight. I'm following the PCOS Diet Book and reading a psychology of weight loss book. I've found that I tend to eat when I sit in front of the TV, so I've spent more time in my room doing crafts or reading instead. By staying in my room (which is in the basement) I don't have easy access to the kitchen or food. I am only going upstairs when I am legitimately hungry or thirsty (of course keeping water bottles in my room helps me stay hydrated).
    I'm also beginning to understand that PCOS has made me feel addicted to carbs and my own emotional eating stems from being bored and lonely and unsure where my future is going with the guy I'm involved with and my career. I've picked up sewing and knitting in an effort to keep myself occupied and I now live with 2 roommates which helps with the lonely feelings.
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    I've lost 40lbs using MFP and I have PCOS. It is possible.
  • dreamchaser12
    dreamchaser12 Posts: 223 Member
    Another PCOS'er here! My weightloss is very very slow, but it is coming off!! :happy:
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
  • mk_hammer
    mk_hammer Posts: 105
    I was diagnosed with PCOS/insulin resistance about 5 years ago. I've been on Metformin for a few years, and have lost 70 lbs from my highest weight. I tried the low carb thing, but I found I couldn't stick with it. I do love the carbs! I've found success, though, by simply maintaining a calorie deficit and exercising 3-5 times a week.

    It's tough to say whether the Metformin has been a major contributing factor in my weight loss, but my doctor seems to think it's helping. Just had my annual a few weeks ago, and my bloodwork came back clean!

    Your symptoms will wane as you lose weight. You can do it! Everyone, feel free to add me so we can motivate each other!
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism 20yrs ago. I've never received medication or diet advice for PCOS and just try to eat a healthy balanced diet which avoids processed foods. I've been losing steadily over the past year. :smile:
  • Suewags
    Suewags Posts: 57 Member
    I have been diagnosed with PCOS too. My periods were never regular and when they came they were light. Sometimes I would go a year or more without one! I had to go on fertility medicine to get pregnant with both my kids. I always carried (still do) weight in my middle. At my highest weight (264) I looked like I was 8 months pregnant all the time. I also deal with excessive hair. My doctor put me on Metformin. I can tolerate it fine. I do notice, though, that when I miss several days (usually because I forget to take it when I'm traveling), my next period is always lighter and the excess hair starts coming back.

    I've also been diagnosed as insulin resistant (I'm sure they go hand-in-hand). I've been able to lose about 40 pounds from my highest but it is SLOW going! You have to work extra hard to get it off but it goes back on in an instant. I'm starting to recognize that about my body and trying to tell myself "I just can't go off the wagon. It's not an option for my body."

    What seems to work best for me is staying lower in the carbs (I try to stick to about 100-135 a day), definitely staying away from processed white bread and white rice, and interval exercising. When I started running, even just spurts in between walking, I noticed it really affected my weight for the good! I also have had a heck of a time busting my sugar addiction, but I think I finally have. The key seemed to be finally cutting out the Diet Coke. I think even though it had no calories, it still had that sweet taste and so it made me crave the sweets.
  • Remarkable1
    Remarkable1 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello all you beautiful ladies!

    I also have PCOS and Hypothyroidism.. diagnosed at age 14 (I'm almost 28 now). I've struggled with my weight my whole life, letting it get in the way of too many opportunities and adventures. I've been successful at losing weight over the years when I exercised daily (including strength training) and stayed low carb. This past summer, I went on a very strict diet (20 carbs and 700 calories/day) which worked, but was too extreme and could not get myself to keep going. I was constantly hungry and grumpy even though I had lost almost 30 pounds in one month! It just wasn't worth it. Unfortunately, when I stopped eating only 700 cals a day, I slowly gained the weight back and then some. I am now just getting enough courage to start again, this time with a more reasonable outlook. I've cut out all processed/refined foods and stick to under 100 carbs/day. I am walking daily and am thinking about getting a kettlebell dvd soon. I would LOVE to have more friends that are going through the same process, so please feel free to add me!

    Also, I started following Amy, the PCOS diva on facebook and read her blog/newsletters often. She is a wonderful source for all things PCOS, esp. for those who are trying to become pregnant. She even does a program for a jumpstart into a healthy lifestyle (if I could afford it, I would do it!) If you'd like, check out her website at PCOSdiva.com!

    -Kim :-)
  • guwisti
    guwisti Posts: 171 Member
    I've lost 37 pounds in 5 months here on MFP. Diagnosed at 21 with PCOS and I'm now 35. Weight just slowly went up year by year. Of course I ate awful too, way more calories than I needed. I haven't cut anything out, just stuck to my calorie guidelines and have incorporated exercise, 5-6 times a week. If I could lose my tummy, I'd be loads skinnier. lol. But it's good to know it is coming off and I can do this. WE CAN DO THIS! :D Hoping to make it to Onederland by the end of the year. We shall see. As long as I keep losing I"ll be happy with my results.

    Feel free to add me!
  • akmett
    akmett Posts: 75 Member
    For those of you trying to start a family....both times I became pregnant was after I had lost only 15 lbs. Losing just a little might be all that it takes. :) Hang in there.

    I have been a slow learner with this whole weight loss thing, but I have reached a point where if I don't stay under 1300 cals and exercise most days a week I can't lose. I have had people suggest to "up" my cals to lose, but when I tried I gained. I think that eveyone is built differently and you just need to experiment a little to see what works for you. I also agree with what others say about staying away from carbs...I have never given up fruit (I just can't think of fruit as being "bad") but I can't lose if I have sweets, even if I stay under calorie....and boy do I CRAVE them. What really helps me is that when I get a craving I start looking at the "success story" forums. When I see how great everyone else looks it makes that chocolate less appealing.

    That being said, I feel like I lose slower then all of my friends (and many of the people who have posted on here) even though I am eating less and so I get discouraged at times, BUT I have managed to lose 43 lbs in a year. Slow and steady will still get me there :)

    Best of luck...you can do it!
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Hey there ladies!

    I have PCOS, as well! I was diagnosed when I was 18. Literally the day before I went to college. Like so many of you I have struggled with my weight, and still do. I have about 50 lbs I would like to lose. As much as I hate it and don't want it to exist - it does. It really effects my self esteem, I think everyone of you can understand that All the side effects sincerely suck.

    I've been lucky though - for the last year I have actually had spot on periods, and that's been since I've lost about 15 lbs. 30 day cycle - fun times!

    However the rest of my weight just isn't coming off so I'm going the route many of you are, the lower carb higher protein. I'm going to see if that finally works for me.

    As for exercise - I do it religiously! I do zumba 3x's a week, lift weights 2-3x a week and also do yoga 1x a week. I know that people who do the same amount of activity that I do have lost significant amounts of weight, but me??? No. I talked to my dr. about it and she said that I need to probably cut out the wheat, which I'm slowly doing. It's so hard to do. But it's our bodies....they are the way they are.

    It's great knowing we're not in this alone and that we can have a wonderful support system. But we can't eat like other people, and a lot of people will never understand that this is a disease that effects us and they will only ever think of us as fat and lazy - I challenge them on that and say that all of us ladies can do it. As long as we support each other.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS after eight years on the pill, when I was trying to conceive my first child. Back then I had success losing the 25 pounds I put off when I got off birth control using the low-gylcemic index diet primarily as outlined in The Infertility Cure. I tried metformin for a few months, and it may have helped me conceive Kid 1, but I really didn't lose much weight. It didn't make me sick, because I made sure to avoid greasy and starchy foods while I was on it.

    But this time around, after my second child, I have so far lost 20 pounds in 22 weeks, using calories in<calories out, and lots of exercise. I eat around 1500-1600 net calories, 1800 gross calories a day allowing myself some wiggle room above that, and I work out 3-5 times a week, running, swimming, and heavy lifting. I make sure I get about 100+ grams of protein, and I regularly go over my fat allotment, but other than that, my diet is not "low carb." I am probably in better shape than I have ever been in my life. I still have a LOT of work to do, but it is happening, and it's easy. I have photos in my profile.
  • happycamperinsc
    I have PCOS. I am pregnant with baby #2, so don't give up! :) Weight loss has been slow for my entire family. The only success my family and I have had is with Isagenix. My sister has lost 100 pounds in the last year and is like a different person. It wasn't easy, but the results kept her going. :smile: We actually started working with Isagenix because of the results. Neither of us are sales people but our friends saw results and asked us for help. It's been great. If you want details, contact me because my sister and I have been through the program, and I'd love to help others with PCOS get their weight under control.
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