Do you weight in each week no matter what . . . .?

OR do you only record your weight when it goes down?


  • Kimaw65
    Kimaw65 Posts: 74 Member
    each week no matter what!!! I also log all my foods no matter what went in my mouth. That way I am holding myself accountable for all my successes and all my set backs.
  • HardRockCamaro
    I weigh in daily, despite the fact it may not show a loss or may even go up.
    But I do it because in the past I have avoided weighing in if I know I've been naughty (food wise) and because I wasn't seeing the rises I didn't change my behaviour.
    So now I weigh in every morning unless I'm running late and forget.
    I even bought a fitbit aria so it logs automatically on here.
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    I weigh in weekly no matter what up or down.
  • 212ackley
    212ackley Posts: 431 Member
    I . weigh myself daily, post 1-2 x a week..have only had losses so far, but imagine I' d post a standstill or gain..why not be honest with yourself?
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I record weekly whether it's up or down. I feel like this helps keep me accountable to myself. I actually weigh myself pretty much every day, but I don't let it have an effect on me. I know that Saturday morning is my weigh-in time, so that's the only one that "counts."

    Also, I'm on maintenance now and have been since August, but I switched to weekly weigh ins when I was still losing. I had to because I was getting too scale-obsessed, recording changes every day or every other day. This actually helped relieve some of my stress about losing weight. Because even when it DOES go up now, I generally have a good idea of WHY it went up (eating too much sodium without drinking enough water, having several "bad" food days, TOM, etc) and it doesn't bother me nearly as much. I chose Saturdays because that seems to be the day of the week on which I historically tend to weigh the least, for whatever reason. :laugh:
  • misssmarita
    I've only been on MFP a few days, but my policy is to weigh in each week no matter what. Like yesterday, I had a weigh in and I gained 0.2 lbs, but I recorded it anyway. Obviously I'm not happy with a gain, but you move on and do better next time around. It's about accountability for your actions, and realizing that a weight loss journey isn't linear. You'll have your ups and downs.
  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member
    Used to weight myself without fail each week, but as I have gotten fitter and almost hit my goal Im just enjoying having more energy!

  • 2hip2009
    2hip2009 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes, I do weekly wiegh in here on base...
  • Ilovevwgolf
    Ilovevwgolf Posts: 564 Member
    Every week on a Monday first thing in the morning. Doesn't matter if it goes up or (better still) down but I still record it. It'll teach me to try harder and watch what I eat the following week if I gain weight.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I weigh in weekly. I have not had any increases in weight, just loooong stretches of staying the same. :( I'm not sure if I would log it if it went up. Hopefully I won't have to find out. =)
  • juliesmithdiet
    Weekly no matter what, being honest with myself is working and is extremely important and where I have gone wrong before.
  • BDani
    BDani Posts: 17 Member
    I weight-in every morning around the same time and same clothes (PJs). I hear all the time not to, but I find it keeps me motivated. I usually only record my weight weekly, but sometimes I will half-way through the week.

    And if I gain weight I update my profile to reflect that. If I can't be honest, what's the point of having a ticker?

    Ohh, I also record my weight loss on my calendar. I need to look at it every day to see what activities the kids have. It's another way of keeping motivated for me. I love being able to see what I weight now compared to a week ago, 2 weeks ago, a month ago... :)

  • MBNagel74
    MBNagel74 Posts: 444 Member
    I only weigh myself once a week, but I do it every Friday morning regardless of how the week had gone. Although I have only had losses, I would post if I gained. I joined to be more accountable. I would only be cheating myself if I lied about my progress.
  • kazmancod
    Only started a couple of weeks ago but have been doing it every monday morning. I think we would only be fooling ourselves if we didnt record a negative result
  • StefieLou
    StefieLou Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for all the thoughts!!!

    I wondered what some other folks thought about the topic after a girl friend mentioned that she only records weight if she loses.
    I think being honest with yourself is the most important thing; whether weight goes up, down, or stays the same!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • tomjenn
    tomjenn Posts: 6 Member
    I weigh in daily, but I log in the weight weekly that way I am consistent on the same day at the same time whether I lose or not
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    Yep, I weigh in each Tuesday and record it regardless. I also record my weight and measurements on the 1st of each month as I think this gives a more realistic idea of where I am at.
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    I weigh daily, but only post to MFP on a weekly basis, no matter if it's up or down, thankfully it's only ever gone down! I weigh on the same day each week, at the same time for consistency.
  • Khisalandra
    Khisalandra Posts: 100 Member
    I weigh in every Friday morning the same way and record no matter what it is.

    I only started MFP on the 1st of January, but I did record measurements that day. I'm planning on measuring on the 1st of every month to see what's going on in that area as well. That's this coming Friday! I'm excited and hopeful since I haven't lost that much weight on the scale this month, and I'd like to see inches go since I've been working so hard.
  • StefieLou
    StefieLou Posts: 45 Member
    good luck!!!!