Ending 1200 Calorie Bashing: Respecting Your Peers



  • tofatforthisshit

    I also have pcos and hypothyroidism , i am also morbidly obese, that means my weight could kill me. Even with thyroxine tablets the recomended 1440 cals a day MFP allows me is to much I physically cannot loose weight on that amount and increase of just 100 more per day see me put on half a pound a week . I have to stick between 900 and 1200 max in order to loose a small amount of weight. My body is not starving and Im so much healthier already after just 4 weeks at this levels. Personally if I ate 1800 cals more per day my weight would be so high in a few years, everyone would be pointing fingers because Im to fat to leave the house or breathe on my own . Obviously when someone with no health problems and who is just small amounts over weight eats such a low amount it should be discouraged . But foe everyone else how about just giving them credit for doing something about it?
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    I think this was a very well written post.
    While I have yet to meet a physicist on this site, I have hung out with one in real life, and he has yet to give me weight loss tips. So, all those who would care to quote the law of thermodynamics can feel free to show me thier Ph Ds'.
    And, nope, I am not creating energy out of thin air... I'm creating it out of stored body fat. That would be human physiology.
    (just figured we should all get the sciences correct while we are all learning to be polite and less bullying)
  • queencat3
    Thank you so much for your post. I really enjoyed reading it. I am one of those 1200 calorie people and have been able to lose 108 pounds that way. I also have PCOS. However, I am currently at a standstill in my weight loss journey even though I still have another 30 to 40 lbs to lose. I am currently attempting to switch to the BMR/TDEE method in hopes that I can reach my goals. I want to wish you well on your journey and applaud you for having the courage to stand up for yourself and others, like myself, which are trying their best to make positive changes in their lives!
  • jessbb23
    jessbb23 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank You for posting what so many others have been thinking! I also have PCOS and have been able to lose weight slowly on 1200 calories (which by the way is what MFP set my target at). I am slightly under 5ft so that also could contribute to my low calorie allowance. There are some days I try to eat 1300-1400 just so my body doesn't get used to only consuming 1200. I'm not sure why everyone is bashing eating 1200 calories. I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks a day. Everyone is made different and depending on their body and lifestyle some people can consume more calories than others. I think we are all after the same goal of losing weight to be healthy. We should be supporting each other!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I'm glad somebody finally posted this!

    Unless I eat 1200 cals I really struggle to lose weight. I get people commenting on my diary sometimes criticising my meals and telling me to eat more. What people don't understand is - I won't take advice from them.

    I take advice from my doctor and the personal trainers at the gym.

    Any doctor or personal trainer worth anything wouldn't suggest such a thing.

    Yes, I said that.

    :love: And this is why I adore you...
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    All of the time it took to write that you could have been exercising and not getting angry at the forums :)

    Who cares what other people say? Find what works for you and go with it, if you ask for advice/recommendations, be ready for ideas/recommendations that you don't agree with. (this goes for everyone)
  • losing101in2013
    Awesome post!!! Anyone who feels the same as Natalie.....please feel free to add me to your friend list.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    How to say this without sounding like a prick.. because honestly I don't mean to be..

    But I'm reading the responses, "My doctor put me on this diet, they know more than you" "I know my own body" "Everyone's different, I know what works for me"

    Ok. You don't want to hear that what you're doing is wrong or isn't working. Ok.

    So why ask for advice?

    That's the part I don't understand. If you ask for advice people are going to give it. And a lot of what you'll get is "Unless you have a medical condition that your doctor is treating you for you should probably eat over 1200 calories a day and exercise."
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    Really great post. I hope people pay attention.
    GL :)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    How to say this without sounding like a prick.. because honestly I don't mean to be..

    But I'm reading the responses, "My doctor put me on this diet, they know more than you" "I know my own body" "Everyone's different, I know what works for me"

    Ok. You don't want to hear that what you're doing is wrong or isn't working. Ok.

    So why ask for advice?

    That's the part I don't understand. If you ask for advice people are going to give it. And a lot of what you'll get is "Unless you have a medical condition that your doctor is treating you for you should probably eat over 1200 calories a day and exercise."

    With respect to the OP, I agree with this. I too have PCOS. I did the 1200 calorie diet and lost 50lbs and then plateaued for several months before gaining back half of what I lost. When I told my doctor that I was struggling he was like " whoa, you need to eat more that 1200 calories!!" In my experience, after seeing 3 different doctors before finding this one I love, they used common knowledge rather than expertise to give out advice on medical conditions.

    Most importantly, as I am a perfect example, Just because it seems to be working for you, doesn't mean you are doing it right! I quit 1200 calories, ate my tdee for awhile, which made me bloated and miserable for a couple weeks but now I cut down and eat between 1900-2000 calories a day with exercise and I am feeling better, clothes are fitting better and see where I went wrong.

    As I said, OP I respect your post but I really hope that you aren't telling all these people with PCOS that they have to eat little to lose weight, that is the impression I am getting with a ton of the responses here.
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    <~~ Has PCOS. Lost 60+ lbs eating roughly 1600 calories, maintaining for over 6 months now on 1900+ calories. And I easy all my exercise calories back.
  • juliesmithdiet
    Doctor tells me 1,300 calories, MFP tells me 1,280. I eat what I need to not be hungry and lose a couple of pounds a week and it is just a shave over 1000 calories a day.

    Despite people saying every one isn't different I think we are, I am very unfit, sedentary I just do not lose when I eat above 1,300 calories. Some would struggle on my allowance but it suits me.
  • SugarBoomBoom
    Well said OP! :happy:

    We are all different. There's just too much hating on this site. Live and let live.
  • gaylemorgan1980
    Great post- although I will be honest and admit that I may have speed read some of it, however, MFP has calculated that for me to lose 1 1/2 pounds per week, I need to follow a 1200 calorie per day diet. I panicked at this at first! 1200 cals did not seem a lot. And it isn't if you eat rubbish, but I use MFP to input my food intake and track things.
    This has changed my thought process of losing weight. I have in the past (prior to reaching 30) been able to eat almost anything I wanted, but burn it out in the gym, however this is not the case for me now at 30+. I am much more aware, since using MFP, of what I eat and its worth for my body when compared to the calorie in the food. I think MFP has educated me to 'earn' my calories. If I feel the need to have more calories to eat, then I must offset this with some physical activity.

    This has so far worked for me.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Great post, I've said it before, people are different, we do respond differently to different foods...it isn't just cals in and cals out, because the body metabolizes different foods differently. I don't think 1200 cals is for everyone, clearly...but I also dont' see that you are saying that.

    A very well thought out, well written post. I wish you all the success in the world toward a healthy lifestyle.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I think that must be true because I am at the other end of the spectrum. I am losing while eating close to 2000 calories a day and maintaining what most websites call "sedentary" or just barely "lightly active" lifestyle. I believe that it's true that some women would be gaining weight if they ate what I did. The online calculators are based on averages, and some of use are above or below the average due to our unique physical attributes.

    It's important to realize that we should never judge strangers whose life stories are unknown to us. Personally, I subscribe to the "live and let live" philosophy of libertarianism. Excellent OP.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    I'm glad somebody finally posted this!

    Unless I eat 1200 cals I really struggle to lose weight. I get people commenting on my diary sometimes criticising my meals and telling me to eat more. What people don't understand is - I won't take advice from them.

    I take advice from my doctor and the personal trainers at the gym.

    Any doctor or personal trainer worth anything wouldn't suggest such a thing.

    Yes, I said that.

  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    I admire the OP for being able to stick to 1200. It does not give much wiggle room and requires a lot of vigilance.

    I have just had a cold meat salad for lunch and inputting it into my Fatsecret log I find it totals 1200. There's no way I can make that meal last me till tomorrow. In fact, I am already hungry again!

  • fitness_science
    fitness_science Posts: 9 Member
    Well said.......I believe your post will change the attitudes of many people.......I want to encourage you to stay positive and motivated:)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Haven't read any replies, just the OP. LOVE IT!!

    Unfortunately, I doubt it will change much. I fear some have put themselves on such a high pedestal that they are afraid to fall off.
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