Help with moving? South Carolina?



  • DarkAngel262
    DarkAngel262 Posts: 118 Member
    Greenville Goodies

    *Plenty of restaurants and bars
    *Variety of religious establishments
    *Weather is usually pretty good (you have all four seasons, nothing too crazy)
    *It is cheap to live there. My 1 bedroom/2story brick townhouse was $495 a month
    *Great place to raise a family
    *Schools close by are USC Upstate, Greenville Tech, Clemson
    *Not too many bad, unsafe areas in town

    Greenville Not so Goodies

    *It IS a smaller town with not a huge diversity in people/cultures
    *We do have an airport but it's small and rather expensive to fly in and out of
    *Nightlife is limited as downtown consists of one street...aptly named Main Street
    *It can get very cold in the winter (30s or below)
    *Jobs - - there are only a handful of big companies (Jacobs, Fluor, Michelin, BMW) so if times get tough you are in a small population all fighting for the same jobs

    Hope this helps!

    The best part about Greenville is the cost, most definitely, We pay $600 a month right now, and I'm sure it is much less than what you have! I am used to negative weather, so I will take the 30's any day! :P

    Do you know if the job scene is better in Charleston?

    No, love, I'm not sure about the Charleston jobs. Sorry!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    In your sweetie's defense, we do tend to be a little clandish (that's what my husband calls it).
    When my husband married me, I only had his folks to deal with.

    He had my folks, Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins once and twice removed.....

    Soprano or alto?
  • DeterminedAshley
    DeterminedAshley Posts: 297 Member
    In your sweetie's defense, we do tend to be a little clandish (that's what my husband calls it).
    When my husband married me, I only had his folks to deal with.

    He had my folks, Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins once and twice removed.....

    Soprano or alto?

    Well, if we move out to Charleston we won't know anybody. If we move to greenville we know his cousin, big whoop. lol :P
    I am a mezzo soprano, I prefer singing soprano 2, or alto. I would much rather harmonize than sing the blah melody that everybody knows! :P do you sing?!
    Yes, and a beach is a huge plus.
  • twinmom14ek
    twinmom14ek Posts: 174 Member
    I'd echo most of what's been said above. If it were just based on location, I'd recommend Charleston hands-down, although it has a lot more of a tourist-based economy versus Greenville--without an intimate knowledge of the job markets in either city, I'd say he has slightly better chances in Greenville. I wouldn't mind living in either place myself though (my parents lived in Greenville while I was in college and I stayed there for a summer, and I LOVE vacationing in Charleston).

    Regarding the southern hospitality issue, I think you get out of it what you're willing to put in. Some people have a small-town attitude and may not be welcoming toward outsiders, but you can find that anywhere in the US. I've lived in Charlotte for 9 years now and I'm amazed at the little things we take for granted; when I visit family up north, people think I'm weird for smiling and saying hi to strangers. :smile: Move down here with an open mind and you shouldn't have any problems, but remember that there are grumps everywhere. I'll take the warm weather and friendly people here any day!
  • Lsteedly85
    Lsteedly85 Posts: 76 Member
    I currently live in Charleston, born and raised... Love it here! As for jobs, there are many manufacturing jobs that are relocating here since Boeing came years back... The pay is decent for the standard of living... The weather is gorgeous and while I didn't go to Charleston Southern University (its right down the road from me) I know several friends and a few family members that have gone. If you need any help with the college, my cousin works there and can provide you with any insider information you may need. I've been told we operate at a slower pace... But year after year Charleston is voted the best in many categories, vacation... living.... food... I love it! Couldn't imagine living away from the beaches!!!
  • DeterminedAshley
    DeterminedAshley Posts: 297 Member
    I'd echo most of what's been said above. If it were just based on location, I'd recommend Charleston hands-down, although it has a lot more of a tourist-based economy versus Greenville--without an intimate knowledge of the job markets in either city, I'd say he has slightly better chances in Greenville. I wouldn't mind living in either place myself though (my parents lived in Greenville while I was in college and I stayed there for a summer, and I LOVE vacationing in Charleston).

    Regarding the southern hospitality issue, I think you get out of it what you're willing to put in. Some people have a small-town attitude and may not be welcoming toward outsiders, but you can find that anywhere in the US. I've lived in Charlotte for 9 years now and I'm amazed at the little things we take for granted; when I visit family up north, people think I'm weird for smiling and saying hi to strangers. :smile: Move down here with an open mind and you shouldn't have any problems, but remember that there are grumps everywhere. I'll take the warm weather and friendly people here any day!
    Sorry, I just noticed this! Thank you so much for your reply. Charleston seems to be the town that fits most of my needs. :) I am definitely a warm hearted outgoing person, and I don't think I'll have any problems :)
  • cubbie_girl
    cubbie_girl Posts: 99 Member
    I relocated to SC from the midwest a few years ago (originally from Iowa). I skimmed over everyone else's responses since they mostly seemed to be from locals. Charleston is my favorite place to visit on the weekends. I love the history and the laid back feeling there. A lot of the younger people from work spend their weekends at Myrtle Beach. For schools, I've heard a lot of good things about the ones you mentioned and a lot of people I work with have kids going to those schools.

    Yes, the winters are warmer here than in the midwest, but when it does snow or get icy NO ONE in SC knows how to drive or act. I've seen government offices and schools shut down because the forecast called for a chance of flurries. The grocery stores will run out of essentials - bottled water, milk, bread, etc.- and the home improvement stores will be out of salt, shovels, pipe insulation and back up generators if the forecast looks like it might snow. The first time I experienced that, it was like they were expecting a blizzard to bury the state and they only got about half an inch that melted by noon. :laugh:

    Beware of the allergies in SC though. They are nothing compared to the midwest. I'm miserable with allergies 3/4 of year down here. :cry:

    Good luck!
  • unworthyservant12
    unworthyservant12 Posts: 14 Member
    I was born and raised in SC, Charlotte-Metropolitan area. I don't think I could live in a better place! Mild winters, humid not too hot summers, a short trip to the beach, not far from the mountains, everyone one is really nice, to native southerners and anyone else! Allergies are bad here though, like someone else mentioned, but no place is perfect. I have bad allergies, but I just take some generic claritin for a few days and I'm good to go for another few months :). I know Charleston is really nice, but it's definitely cheaper to find a small town close to bigger places like Charleston. Live in the cheap local town that's not a long drive to the nicer big city =P. That's how I do it. I live less than 20 minutes from Charlotte but the rent in my area is 1/3 of what it is to live in Charlotte! You will love the South! You'll never want to go back!! =D
  • Chrissyj83
    What part of Iowa? I moved here from Cedar Rapids this past August. Definitely enjoying the lack of snow, but also looking forward to warmer weather again and chances to get to the pool and beach.