30 day shred starts tomoro!



  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    D2L1..... Killing me. Still very week upper body and sore hip tonight. I will try and get this 30DS done every day since most people have been doing that and finding it gets better!
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    D2L1..... Killing me. Still very week upper body and sore hip tonight. I will try and get this 30DS done every day since most people have been doing that and finding it gets better!

    yeah keep at it , I found it easier day 3 and today day 4!!! add me if u want for moral support!
  • it does get easier! i find my knees click in the warm up haha
  • lolainlondon
    lolainlondon Posts: 160 Member
    I agree, day 4 is definitely easier. But the side lunges and lift are killing me. When I do the lunge properly, I don't seem to have the leverage to lift the weights. Can see a little bit of a difference already though, so that's motivating.
  • JOYOUS62
    JOYOUS62 Posts: 104 Member
    My dvd arrived today but I am not going to be doing 30 days on the trot as the days I work I do 12 1/2 gruelling hrs in the hospital and wont have the energy
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    yay lost a pound since last Sunday!!! 30 day shred rocks! am definitely gonna stick with it!!!
  • bunnabear
    bunnabear Posts: 36 Member
    I'm glad to read that Day 4 is easier since that's what I'll be doing today. My muscles are still sore today but not as bad as yesterday.
  • 1 week in and already not a lot of people left posting... haha...

    My results so far...

    The Good: I feel stronger. No more soreness from the workouts at all and not feeling like I am going to die during them. I am able to push a lot harder now during. Deeper lunges, jumping higher, etc. Not doing the full butt kicks yet, nor have I gotten brave enough to try Level 2. I can tell my muscles are tightening back up and definitely feel some growth in my arms. I am using ten pounders instead of 5... (But that still makes me feel puny considering I used to lift almost 400) ...the life of someone bound to a desk. Also, my wife and I are Kids Pastors and on Sunday morning we do a couple of fast worship songs with dance moves with the kids. About 10-15 minutes of pretty intense dance/jumping around that usually kills us. We both got through it without losing our breath!

    The Bad: I expected to lose weight and inches immediately. After a week, I have lost 1" of my gut, and that's it. I gained about 4 pounds 3-4 days in and now I am back down to 1 pound over what I weighed when I started. I contributed that to the muscle building, however only an inch of my gut and no where else? I understand that as I build muscle the fat will come off and apparently after viewing these boards, some people end up weighing more but looking a whole lot better and having a lot less fat on them. (Usually people that are already a lot thinner than me though.) I'm not discouraged as much as perplexed.

    I plan on staying on Level 1 for the next week at a minimum. My wife is not progressing through them as fast and if I get too far ahead of her she may not continue on with me. Now that I have more energy I may add a separate program if I can squeeze in the time, as well as more calories to continue to raise my metabolism and fuel the burn. I like the treadmill. (With 5 kids it's a good excuse to shut the door and watch some TV or listen to music or a podcast without much interruption) and have a mountain bike collecting dust. My problem is more options than time.
  • Lobster_Lover
    Lobster_Lover Posts: 45 Member
    1 week in and already not a lot of people left posting... haha...

    So true and I'm guilty of not posting too lol

    I actually made a conscious effort to stop although I wanted to keep going. About 4 days into Shred, my bf said that he thought he could beat me at losing weight. Challenge accepted. It was decided that our start day would be Monday. So knowing that I had already lost the water weight you lose when you first make the lifestyle choice, I decided to stop Shred until this week and try to pack on some water weight from sodium. Not the most healthy plan, but my bf has more than 100 lbs on me so I need every lb I can get to win.

    With all that said, the Challenge has begun and it looks like it will be a close race (our challenge is based on percentage of weight lost to keep it fair). So I am happy to be able to get back to working out this week and so although I had a temporary vaca, I'm still at it.
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    I am still here! did L1 day 6 yesterday! definitely getting stronger too & can do the cardio bit much better, this is the furthest I have ever stuck too this DVD! not checked inch loss will do on Friday I think!
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    just done L1 day 8!!! found it a bit tough today maybe a bit run down cos I was so out of breath at the end of workout! who is still with me & on track still?
  • I'm still sticking with it. Missed yesterday because I had too much going on and I was so disappointed to have gotten off track
    for even one day. I'll be doing today's workout tonight since I didn't get to do it this morning.
    I wanted to comment because I too have been feeling a little worn out mid workout. I feel like I'm getting stronger
    and that some of it is getting easier, but what's difficult is I am finding myself out of breath and my muscles wanting
    to give in with some of the moves. I've been doing it daily and only taking off on Sunday. Wonder if I'm not getting
    the right nutrition to keep up the energy or what. Figured it would get to be much easier as it went on, but I am
    finding myself tiring out a little sooner too.
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    wow lost an inch off my arms and hips & stomach!!! but nothing off my legs??? ????
  • Well, I'm disappointed to report that I have fallen off the wagon a bit. From Thursday to Sunday I did no workout and
    thanks to the boyfriend's Popeyes kick, I haven't been eating so great either. :(
    I had a plan to continue these workouts (I'm alternating Killer Buns and 6 Week 6 Pack with 30 Day Shred daily)
    for 6 weeks and hopefully see results... I'm araid that these 4 days of not working out and bad eating habits have
    set me back. I'm only about 126 or so and 5'4... the number on the scale isn't really the issue... I currently wear a
    size 7 and my old jeans are 2's! I was hoping to just fit into a smaller size by the end of my 6 weeks, but ...

    My sister in law told me to get this protein powder (it's low cal, no fat, no sugar, no cholesterol and 90% pure protein)
    and she said that if I drink it within 30 minutes after my workout , that I will maximize my workout by about 80%.
    She used to workout a lot, so I trust her advice... Kinda hoping that if I add this with my continued workout, I'll see
    the results I'm hoping to see. I plan to start back up again today!

    On another note, the one bit of difference I have seen in the 8 Days that I have worked out is that the front part of my upper legs is definitely toning up! I KIND OF think my arms look a little thinner, but haven't measured to see, and when I tighten up my tummy, I see there's some muscles starting to build there. However still waiting for everything else to firm up. Sis in Law says that the buns and back of thighs is the last thing to tone up... I guess it takes longer?
  • Im on Day 5 level 2!!! It gets easier the more you do it!! My knees hurt all through level 1 but now they dont hurt a bit!!!!
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    Well, I'm disappointed to report that I have fallen off the wagon a bit. From Thursday to Sunday I did no workout and
    thanks to the boyfriend's Popeyes kick, I haven't been eating so great either. :(
    I had a plan to continue these workouts (I'm alternating Killer Buns and 6 Week 6 Pack with 30 Day Shred daily)
    for 6 weeks and hopefully see results... I'm araid that these 4 days of not working out and bad eating habits have
    set me back. I'm only about 126 or so and 5'4... the number on the scale isn't really the issue... I currently wear a
    size 7 and my old jeans are 2's! I was hoping to just fit into a smaller size by the end of my 6 weeks, but ...

    My sister in law told me to get this protein powder (it's low cal, no fat, no sugar, no cholesterol and 90% pure protein)
    and she said that if I drink it within 30 minutes after my workout , that I will maximize my workout by about 80%.
    She used to workout a lot, so I trust her advice... Kinda hoping that if I add this with my continued workout, I'll see
    the results I'm hoping to see. I plan to start back up again today!

    On another note, the one bit of difference I have seen in the 8 Days that I have worked out is that the front part of my upper legs is definitely toning up! I KIND OF think my arms look a little thinner, but haven't measured to see, and when I tighten up my tummy, I see there's some muscles starting to build there. However still waiting for everything else to firm up. Sis in Law says that the buns and back of thighs is the last thing to tone up... I guess it takes longer?

    it doesn't matter if u go off track sometimes cos u are gonna carry on and u have a plan! good luck!
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    1 week in and already not a lot of people left posting... haha...

    I've been sharing my results on my newsfeed, but I guess I can share them on here as well.

    Yesterday marked week three for me. Today is supposed to be the start of level 3, but I think I'll wait a few more days to start it.

    My results have been really good so far though; here's what I've lost so far:

    Neck: 0.75 in.
    Bust: 1.75 in.
    Waist: 4 in.
    Hips: 3 in.
    Thighs: 3 in.
    Upper Arms: 0.5 (there is also a lot more noticeable muscle than there use to be)
    Calves: 1.5 in.
    BMI: -0.7 change
    Body Fat %: -4% change
    Weight: 4 lbs
  • it doesn't matter if u go off track sometimes cos u are gonna carry on and u have a plan! good luck!

    Thank you! :) I definitely appreciate the support! Good luck to you too!
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    to move to level 2 or not that is the question!!! today I have done L1 day 10 but I still don't think I can move onto the next level cos I can still only do Anita's way of doing the exercises! tried to do Natalie's on some of the workout I just cannot do them! did anyone else move up a level feeling like this? should I move up? ( level 2 looks scary! ) maybe I should only move up when I can do Natalie's workout moves??? I do feel fitter but not sure what to do???
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    to move to level 2 or not that is the question!!! today I have done L1 day 10 but I still don't think I can move onto the next level cos I can still only do Anita's way of doing the exercises! tried to do Natalie's on some of the workout I just cannot do them! did anyone else move up a level feeling like this? should I move up? ( level 2 looks scary! ) maybe I should only move up when I can do Natalie's workout moves??? I do feel fitter but not sure what to do???

    I moved up to level 2 when I felt that a lot of the exercises during level 1 were too easy; meaning, I could do them for the whole time using 5 lb weights. I couldn't do all of them, but I could do a majority of them. I couldn't do the advanced move of all of them either, but I was able to do the beginner the whole time and that was enough proof for me that I was ready to move on.

    You really don't have to do every level in ten days; Jillian says it in the video that you should move up when you are comfortable. So, if you don't feel ready to move on then don't; just spend a few more days on level 1 and then move up. There's nothing wrong with that. I spent an extra day on level 2 because I didn't feel comfortable moving on to level 3 quite yet.

    Though, you could go ahead and try level 2 and if it's too hard, you could just move back down to level 1.