Is organic milk really better?



  • NavyMommy
    NavyMommy Posts: 102 Member
    I have our milk deliverded from a local dairy. It's very fresh, delicious, no BHG, and competitively priced.

    I do the same. It's not labled organic because they allow a sick cow to be nursed back to health and once there are no longer traces of antibiotic in their system they allow their milk to be used again. On an organic farm if a cow has antibiotics no matter the reason or length of time they must be removed from the herd. The cows are also eating mainly grass (depending on the weather) which is what they were meant to be raised on.

    ETA: Plus, I love waking up in the morning to a cooler of fresh milk, butter and eggs without having to go to the store!
  • Babst500
    Babst500 Posts: 2 Member
    Much better. Take it from someone who has trouble handling regular milk (i.e. milk intolerance.) Last year, I spent time trying to adjust to Pure Almond and Silk milk without much success. IMO, the taste is horrible in both milk.

    My brother had recommended Creamline milk, the old fashion milk where the cream rise to the top. The process eliminates pesticides, and antibotic and the junk found in regular milk. Unfortunately, I couldn't find Creamline at my supermarkets so I settled for organic. I can drink straight from the carton without adding something to make it taste better. And organic milk doesn't adversely affect me.
  • hedgehogia
    hedgehogia Posts: 40 Member
    I think the more expensive brands taste better. Also I'm happy to put pesticide and antibiotic free food into my kids bellies.