to the 1200 cal ppl



  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I don't understand why anyone other than the person who is eating 1200 calories should be concerned about it. It's no body's business how much someone is eating.

    You are right. But when those people are posting threads and crying about how they have plateaued or aren't losing or whatever, they get angry and defense and refuse to take advice or try something else.

    They make it everyone's business when they post a thread crying about it.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    to all the 1200 calorie people.
    Please do not eat me when you finally snap.

    Till then, best of luck! :)

    Nothing about you looks appetizing ... I'll pass. Be glad this 1200 calorie a day person has had her coffee this morning and is in a realtively good mood lol.

    Lol I totally agree I am quite happy staying at 1200 calories but until I have to eat more calories I will hunt you down and chew you but it may be a while yet considering I have 200 more pounds to go so you might be old and grey then!
  • Bug207
    Bug207 Posts: 58 Member
    to all the 1200 calorie people.
    Please do not eat me when you finally snap.

    Till then, best of luck! :)

    Come here young lady...I'm starving and you look delicious.

    Haha love this.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    You're right, everyone can eat what they want. Just don't expect me to listen after they say "egos are nutritious".

    Egos ARE nutritious! They're full of self-worth and entitlements.
    Now eggos on the other hand......

    ...are delicious!:bigsmile:
  • believe22
    believe22 Posts: 210 Member
    I lost nearly 80lbs eating at 1200 give or take a little and have kept it off for over a year. So I don't know why anyone would say anything other than 'good job' I've never been concerned over what, or how much anyone on this site is eating, I would think it would distract me from what I'm eating and that's not what I'm here to accomplish.
    Carry on.
  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    to all the 1200 calorie people.
    Please do not eat me when you finally snap.

    Till then, best of luck! :)

    Come here young lady...I'm starving and you look delicious.

    Why is it whenever I say this I get slapped???
  • L1oyd
    L1oyd Posts: 1
    Does eating calories mean low nutrition? I am eating very low fat meals so am often well under 1700 cals per day, I eat healthy food vegetable and meat and fish and all cooked fat free and am never hungry, do what works for you and not what makes other people happy.
  • sophayz
    sophayz Posts: 592 Member
    if your tdee is 1200 and you are fine when only eating that much, why eat more
  • dfquigley
    dfquigley Posts: 186
    I'm surprised that this is an issue tbh.

    My goals are set up to have me eat 1,220 calories a day ( should be 1,200 based on my appropriate 1,000 cal. deficit, but MFB added 20 to give me a 980 deficit instead for some reason )

    So far, due to my workout volume, I've had zero hunger issues since I try and eat back every calorie I burn working out. Occasionally I go over by a bit, and I've had days where I'm 1,000 under, but a typical day ranges from 2,400-3,000 calories taken in.

    Unless I'm eating refined sugars etc. or a lot of nuts, fried food etc. I find I have a hard time shoveling much more down and it seems like I am eating ALL DAY LONG :p

    I'm down about 60 pounds at the moment, I'm making strength increases, speed increases in swim, bike and run, and not exactly "wasting away".

    1,220 is under what I need to survive long-term, the rest is fat burning, and all muscle repairs etc. are done from additional intake.

    It's just about making the right choices.

    As I taper closer to my goal weight I will increase my intake however as it gets more difficult to get the body to respond appropriately with larger deficits closer to race weight.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    THANKS for the support!! I have try to 1500-1800 it didnt work I have been working my butt off the last month and 1200 calories and now I am losing so I am sticking to it
    HATERS ARE= H-Having A-anger T-Towards E-Everyone R-Reaching S-Success :)

    But most of these "Haters" are those who have had success....
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    if your tdee is 1200 and you are fine when only eating that much, why eat more

    I would like to see someone on here who has a TDEE of 1200.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I agree with this - if things people say online hurt your feelings you should probably just shut your computer off for a minute and regroup... do not let anyone hurt your feelings - especially if they are online.

    I do want to add something and I do not want it to be seen as bashing... because its not but I see this comment all too often "i am short, therefore I do not need as many calories' I am short , like child size short re: 4'9.5" and still eat at least 1400 calories a day. So please do not feel that just because you are short you need to eat 1200 calories, so if you do get stuck don't be afraid to increase your calories, I was doing 1200 calories a day and I stopped losing all together... I upped my calories and bam started losing again. Again I mean no disrespect as I know what works for me doesn't work for other. but I thought I would put that out there.

    please dont take this the wrong way, but I would say you might want to cut back.

    Why do you say that?

    I would like to know as well.
  • webg
    webg Posts: 20 Member
    <<< 1200 cals per day person, yes it was set by MFP.

    It's working now, I sometimes go over but most days feel satisfied. I workout so technically I can have more if it's not enough or just enjoy the effects of the deficit. I do it till it's stops working then I'll change it.

    People will mock you for whatever they can and it's all about their own insecurities, nothing to do with you. Tell my kids that on a regular basis.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Fill me in... I have 70 pounds to lose (female age 38 5'4") to hit my goal and MFP gives me 1390 averaging 1.5 lbs loss a week. 1200 for someone maintaining doesn't sound unreasonable to me?? I'm expect them to drop me. So what is average for maintenance?

    I'm 5'4" 130 lbs and I maintain at around 1700-1800.

    ETA: plus exercise calories.
  • dfquigley
    dfquigley Posts: 186
    Maintenance for my weight ranges from 2,200 - 2,600 plus exercise based on how active I get with work stuff :p

    5'11" 168 lbs, and I work out a lot :p
  • stepherzzzzz
    stepherzzzzz Posts: 469 Member
    if your tdee is 1200 and you are fine when only eating that much, why eat more

    I would like to see someone on here who has a TDEE of 1200.

    Yeah, that seems awfully low. I could maybe see someone in their 70s or 80s having a TDEE that low, but they'd have to be pretty tiny.

    What does that have to do with a 1200 daily calorie goal anyway? My TDEE is over 2300 and MFP has my calorie goal set at 1200.
  • webg
    webg Posts: 20 Member
    THANKS for the support!! I have try to 1500-1800 it didnt work I have been working my butt off the last month and 1200 calories and now I am losing so I am sticking to it
    HATERS ARE= H-Having A-anger T-Towards E-Everyone R-Reaching S-Success :)

    But most of these "Haters" are those who have had success....

    I don't think so, the most successful people on any site or forum I've seen are the most helpful because they've been there.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    THANKS for the support!! I have try to 1500-1800 it didnt work I have been working my butt off the last month and 1200 calories and now I am losing so I am sticking to it
    HATERS ARE= H-Having A-anger T-Towards E-Everyone R-Reaching S-Success :)

    But most of these "Haters" are those who have had success....

    I don't think so, the most successful people on any site or forum I've seen are the most helpful because they've been there.

    But most of the people that are against 1200 and lower diets are the ones who have lost 100+ and want others to share in this success. They get called Haters and are reported and often banned because people don't like to be told that their opinions could be wrong.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    to all the 1200 calorie people.
    Please do not eat me when you finally snap.

    Till then, best of luck! :)

    Come here young lady...I'm starving and you look delicious.

    Why is it whenever I say this I get slapped???

    heh...i like you
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    I don't understand why anyone other than the person who is eating 1200 calories should be concerned about it. It's no body's business how much someone is eating.
