How often do you workout?

For someone who has been inactive for many years. I am working out 4-5 times a week. Just the treadmill right now to get my cardio better than I plan on doing the Jillian 30 day shred. How much do other people workout?


  • 1Fizzle
    1Fizzle Posts: 241 Member
    I do at least 5 days a week...normally 6 though. I run daily even on days that I incorporate weighlifting. If you are just getting back in the swing of things, don't push too hard to fast. Just build a good solid regimen and be consistent!
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    I workout at least 5 days a week but I always try to workout 6 days.

    Lately it's looked like this:

    Monday - chest & triceps, 30-45 mins of cardio
    Tuesday - 45 mins of cardio
    Wednesday - Back & biceps,30- 45 mins of cardio
    Thursday - 30 minutes of cardio in the morning, Legs at night
    Friday - Shoulders & abs, 30-45 mins of cardio
    Saturday -30- 45 mins cardio
    Sunday - Rest
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    I finally found a perfect balance for me:

    3x week intense cardio on stationary bike or elliptical (30-45 min) and about a half hour of lifting. (at the gym)
    2x week vinyasa yoga (at home)

    Any more than that, I don't feel like I've had enough "rest," any less, I don't feel like I've done enough =)
  • I have a question. I know you burn calories when you do strength training. Why isn't it counted in this app? They only count cardio, which is fine, but i do have days I just do strength training.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    There is a "strength training" option under cardio for calories burned.

    I work out 5 - 6 days a week...generally something like this...

    Monday - 2 hours b/t strength, treadmill and bike
    Tuesday - off or some sort of cardio if I have time
    Wednesday - 30 - 45 minutes treadmill (depending on how many miles are on my schedule for the day)
    Thursday - off
    Friday - an hour b/t strength training and bike
    Saturday - an hour at the park putting in miles (time dependent on how many miles i need to do that day)
    Sunday - 2 hours b/t strength, treadmill and bike
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    I was inactive for a long time and started walk-jog-walk-jog every day for 30 minutes at my own pace without being uncomfortable for a couple weeks just tot get my body and joints used to moving and working like that. Unfortunately that was disrupted by surgery on Christmas, and when I got the okay from the surgeon, I started doing the same routine again. After a pain free week of that, I have amped it up with longer runs where I push myself, and am on day 6 of the 30 Day Shred. I really would recommend it even for beginners, but give it a couple weeks and just incorporate more activity and movement so your body can warm up to whats going on. The last thing you want is to finally be motivated and then hurt yourself a few days in. Slow and steady is the way to go, and when you feel your body is ready to be pushed hard, then start pushing. Remember to be patient with yourself. Changes will happen faster than you think. In December I couldn't run a mile, and I ran one in 10 minutes yesterday without walking at all! I can also do 3 modified pushups all the way, and can keep going half way down for another 10!

    Something else I've found is that as a beginner, you can't look for the runner's high or the lifter's high. The exercise will be tough, and painful. If you do the shred and you're anything like me, your legs will be shaking halfway through. The high for me comes when I've finished the workout. When I've done a little better than yesterday. I'm a little faster. My arms aren't as sore. When I sit down with a tall glass of water and a post-workout snack and I can feel all my muscles still activated and warm, I know what I accomplished today that I couldn't have done on New Years Day. I huffed and puffed and my legs screamed through my mile yesterday. It wasn't exactly "fun", but when I saw my time I started crying from happiness. I was on cloud 9 all day.

    You can do this! Just don't get impatient with yourself. One last thing to mention is your weight might go up a little when you start working out. Track your inches too (I do bra line, waist, bellybutton, thighs, and wrists). A new exercise regimen can make you gain some water weight initially and muscle is denser than fat (so 1lb of muscle takes up a lot less area on you than 1lb of fat). Make sure you are eating enough to make your routine sustainable- remember, food is what gives us energy. Without it, your body will turn on those muscles you are trying to build. And don't be afraid to take rest days, this allows your body to more efficiently rebuild.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    6 or 7 days a week. Ballroom &/or Latin dance nearly every day (I'm an instructor), in addition to heavy lifting, cycling, and paddleboarding.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    It is/was 3x a week.

    Starting next week I'm moving to 4x a week.

    All lifting, with the exception of 5 minutes on the bike to warm up and possibly 20-30 minutes after lifting on the weekends, if I think my bf% is going up.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    4-6x / week. 4 of them are strength training
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I'm coming out of being VERY inactive.
    I work out (hard) 3 times a week, and then I get on the treadmill twice a week, and do yoga twice a week, usually

    **Edit- the 3 times a week is for 1 hour and 15 minutes each class, the treadmill is anywhere from a half hour to an hour, and the yoga is usually 20 minutes
  • jbr121
    jbr121 Posts: 28 Member
    5x a week for 25mins. Any more and I won't be motivated to get off my butt, it's enough to make a difference, but not too much so I lose interest or get demotivated. Quality, not quantity!
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I do something everyday. I'm currently following a marathon training program and that mandates 4 days of running, 1 day of cross training and 2 rest days - however on the rest days, I still do something. It's usually mellow (like yoga), but I still do something. If I have days off, it just throws my schedule off.

    I've also found that, on those rare occassions when I save my workout for night rather than the morning, I'm the biggest grouch ALL DAY LONG without my workout. So, apparently I need daily workouts for my sanity and for the sake of those around me!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    5-6 days a week, average of 90 minutes per day, with a focus on strength training at least 3 of those days and more cardio on the others (strength days, I do less cardio, but still a little bit)
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Maximum: 7 days a week alt between gym (cardio& heavy weights), Wii & Bikram yoga.
    My goal this week is to get 1.5 hr of gym today of 1hr cardio and 30mins heavy weights
    Tomorrow an hour on the wii
    friday is 90mins of bikram yoga
    Saturday hopefully an hour at the gym
    Sunday 90mins of Bikram Yoga.

    Total: 7hrs in a week (includes yesterday 30mins)
  • aj445
    aj445 Posts: 183 Member
    I do 5 - 6 days a week. With active activities as extra on the weekend with the kids. 4 days minimum of running in there.

  • maulop
    maulop Posts: 15 Member
    I try to go 6 days a week, 3 times a week is cardio and strengt training, the other 3 days is yoga and cardio, and rest on sunday.

    If i can't go to the gym because of work, i try to do one of the workouts at home, or yoga, depends on how tired i get home.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    7-10X a week. I do some sort of cardio every stinking day. (and at that rate, I'm probably the stinky part) If I start skipping days, I end up giving up altogether. On weekends, I try to exercise twice day, and I can usually slip in an extra on one weekday. I do strength training as often as I can. There are definitely days I don't hit it as hard, but I try to do something every day, usually for around 40 minutes minimum. I get better results this way. 3-4x a week wasn't enough to move the scale or the tape measure.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Lots of motivated people in this thread. I shoot for 3 or 4 times a week.
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    I was inactive for a long time and started walk-jog-walk-jog every day for 30 minutes at my own pace without being uncomfortable for a couple weeks just tot get my body and joints used to moving and working like that. Unfortunately that was disrupted by surgery on Christmas, and when I got the okay from the surgeon, I started doing the same routine again. After a pain free week of that, I have amped it up with longer runs where I push myself, and am on day 6 of the 30 Day Shred. I really would recommend it even for beginners, but give it a couple weeks and just incorporate more activity and movement so your body can warm up to whats going on. The last thing you want is to finally be motivated and then hurt yourself a few days in. Slow and steady is the way to go, and when you feel your body is ready to be pushed hard, then start pushing. Remember to be patient with yourself. Changes will happen faster than you think. In December I couldn't run a mile, and I ran one in 10 minutes yesterday without walking at all! I can also do 3 modified pushups all the way, and can keep going half way down for another 10!

    Something else I've found is that as a beginner, you can't look for the runner's high or the lifter's high. The exercise will be tough, and painful. If you do the shred and you're anything like me, your legs will be shaking halfway through. The high for me comes when I've finished the workout. When I've done a little better than yesterday. I'm a little faster. My arms aren't as sore. When I sit down with a tall glass of water and a post-workout snack and I can feel all my muscles still activated and warm, I know what I accomplished today that I couldn't have done on New Years Day. I huffed and puffed and my legs screamed through my mile yesterday. It wasn't exactly "fun", but when I saw my time I started crying from happiness. I was on cloud 9 all day.

    You can do this! Just don't get impatient with yourself. One last thing to mention is your weight might go up a little when you start working out. Track your inches too (I do bra line, waist, bellybutton, thighs, and wrists). A new exercise regimen can make you gain some water weight initially and muscle is denser than fat (so 1lb of muscle takes up a lot less area on you than 1lb of fat). Make sure you are eating enough to make your routine sustainable- remember, food is what gives us energy. Without it, your body will turn on those muscles you are trying to build. And don't be afraid to take rest days, this allows your body to more efficiently rebuild.

    VERY well said!
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I just built up to 5 days last week, this week my goal is 6 days.

    M-W-F 30 minutes of strength followed by 30 minutes of cardio
    T-Th-Sat, 30 minutes of cardio.

    I also try and do something active on Sunday and will be building the cardio only days to 45 minutes.