Olive Oil Success



  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    Congrats on your EPIC bowel movement!!!
  • SGreen134
    SGreen134 Posts: 136 Member
    Congrats on your EPIC bowel movement!!!

    LOL! :laugh:
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    It's like high school all over again on here! I love it! You all are so encouraging and hateful at the same time.

    No one was hateful.. they pointed out the article you posted was an opinion on a study that was carried out on rats and that the word Maybe or something along that sorts was used often.

    Olive oil, while it is a good source of healthy fats it is not a miracle... perhaps you went to the bathroom before you weighed in, perhaps you have less water retention but surely its not the olive oil that did it. The fact the scale went down because you ate olive oil means nothing, the scale may have went down without it you don't know.
  • Arismar2022
    Arismar2022 Posts: 24 Member
    You all can call me stupid, ignorant, or whatever, I don't really care. I am trying this concept, which is not unhealthy by any means, and I am PRAYING it works, this weight is making my life miserable. LIKE OMG OLIVE OIL MELTED MY FAT OFF OVERNIGHT, no wasn't saying that at all...but I am sooo happy that I finally lost A POUND after increasing my monounsaturated fat.. A POUND is progress...and I am EXCITED that I might see the scale move in the right direction from here on out. Thanks everyone for your KIND words, LOL!

    I understand you! You wanted to share what worked for you!
    Thanks for that! :)
  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
    Congrats on your EPIC bowel movement!!!

    That's how I know my coffee is working.
  • hayz182
    hayz182 Posts: 31
    You all can call me stupid, ignorant, or whatever, I don't really care. I am trying this concept, which is not unhealthy by any means, and I am PRAYING it works, this weight is making my life miserable. LIKE OMG OLIVE OIL MELTED MY FAT OFF OVERNIGHT, no wasn't saying that at all...but I am sooo happy that I finally lost A POUND after increasing my monounsaturated fat.. A POUND is progress...and I am EXCITED that I might see the scale move in the right direction from here on out. Thanks everyone for your KIND words, LOL!

    I understand you! You wanted to share what worked for you!
    Thanks for that! :)

    I was just happy I finally lost a damn pound after 30 days! Wasn't expecting people to take time out of their busy and important lives to comment nasty things.

    Oh.. and as for the word MAYBE...companies use that word to cover their *kitten*. They can't be sued for something that works for one person but not for another.
  • Ronda145
    Ronda145 Posts: 7 Member
    First of all, congratulations on losing that first pound, I'm proud of you.
    I encourage you to find ways to fit olive oil into your diet, it's a healthy fat.
    If it works for you, I'm psyched for you, go for it!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I have very good (green virgin first cold-presses) olive oil everyday. One tablespoon in my salad and one in my veggies and I love olive oil. I also have it with my bread crusts at restaurants on the weekend.
    I believe it's great for your health in moderation. I'm Greek and I've been eating it all my life. I've been up to 188 pounds and now I'm 129 all the while eating olive oil. It's a great fat in place of veg oil or butter but as far as losing, I don't think you lose as a direct result of eating it.
  • bertypainter
    Everything i read talks about how olive oil is good for you. I use it all the time and have a steady weight loss but olive oil is only part of a healthy balanced diet. A healthy diet includes lots of healthy things. I dont go hungry because that is a recipe for failure. I eat cereal,fruits, chicken,ham,vegetables,potatoes,eggs. When i crave sugar i have a sugar free werthers caramel which is 60 calories i think but lasts a long time to melt, also i snack on animal crackers and poporn. It takes time. I just saw a girl on here who was skin and bones, upsetting to me that so many young women starve theirselves and still think they are fat. Its all about balance and being realistic. Women need to know that they are ok, even if you need or want to lose a little weight to feel better and look better, you are still ok wherever you happen to be in your weightloss.
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    Congrats on your EPIC bowel movement!!!

    I'm sorry I was on the toilet taking a popeye...what was this thread all about?
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,739 Member
    Yes, you are right, it does have a high fat content and quite a bit of calories, but I'm not chugging the bottle.

    2 tablespoons of it per day are recommended for heart health, antioxidant, and many other benefits, and that's what I'm going to stick to along with my healthy diet.

    I'm going to start finding uses for it in salads and whole wheat pastas. Last night, I have to say, it was a bit much at one time LOL but I was so happy the scale has moved DOWN instead of UP.

    I thought it was 2 teaspoons per day?? Are you sure 2 tablespoons? That's 240 calories, seems like a lot if you are only eating 1200-1400 calories a day.

    Congrats on the weight loss.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    You say this feels like high school. Why not take the opportunity to learn something. CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION, as many people have said. There is no science here. No proof.

    Most likely you did a big poo.

    People get mean because they are frustrated when people say stuff that is inaccurate. You are a newbie so we should not be so harsh on you. However, please listen to what we say. Olive oil will not help you lose weight. If you like it then enjoy it (in small quantities) as part of a balanced diet.
  • PhotogNerd
    PhotogNerd Posts: 420 Member
    Lolol!!! Yeah if this was accurate, I'd be a walking skeleton at the amount of olive oil I consume.

    Thanks for cracking me up though!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You all can call me stupid, ignorant, or whatever, I don't really care. I am trying this concept, which is not unhealthy by any means, and I am PRAYING it works, this weight is making my life miserable. LIKE OMG OLIVE OIL MELTED MY FAT OFF OVERNIGHT, no wasn't saying that at all...but I am sooo happy that I finally lost A POUND after increasing my monounsaturated fat.. A POUND is progress...and I am EXCITED that I might see the scale move in the right direction from here on out. Thanks everyone for your KIND words, LOL!

    Not one singel pesron called you one single name. Not one.

    This is what's wrong with the internet. People get their panties in a bunch when people don't tellt hem what they want to hear.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member

    This!! A million times, this.

    OP, yay, you lost a pound, and no one here wants to take that from you. However, coming on here and stating, with the voice of authority, that it was the magical, mystical properties of the EVOO that caused your loss is well, laughable at best and dangerous at worse. There are many people on here who have educated themselves about nutrition, macros, etc. however, the uneducated will read your post and think that EVOO is a miracle cure and then get super-frustrated when it doesn't magically melt off the pounds.

    No one here was yelling, or even making fun, we're just trying to be honest and real with you...

    Yes, EVOO is a healthy fat. We need fat in our diets.
    No, EVOO didn't magically "melt" your pound.

  • lauragoat
    lauragoat Posts: 196 Member
    My new favority quote!!

    “Don't mistake activity with achievement.”
    ― John Wooden
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    Certain Oils do have health benefits, however overnight is a bit of a push to think it worked that fast. If that's all it was, then I would chug the bottle tonight to be down by tomorrow. Congrats on the scale moving though, and long term it will have positive health benefits. However, overnight was most likely water weight you lost.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Hi, I understand what you are saying. I have not hit a plateau other than just being off my diet. It is something I will remember when I get there though. Upping my fat intake a bit will be helpful in keeping things moving. Thanks for sharing.
  • 1917Ashley
    1917Ashley Posts: 100 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss!! Keep it up! One pound at a time!! :flowerforyou: