Not losing weight??

Can anyone give some support? Been counting ALL calories, been upping protein and fiber. Exercising 3x/week. Lost 5 pounds before starting exercise, stuck at 5 pound loss for 3 weeks now.... 1200 calories/day (I'm only 5'0"). Drink plenty of water. No soda, sodium stays below 2500 everyday. Any tips? The exercises are bootcamp style group exercises.


  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    People are going to ask to see your diary to help with suggestions...

    But without knowing anything about you I would say if you were losing before exercising were you at the same calorie level? If so, then I would up your calories slightly and see if that makes a difference. 1200 calories is low...but you are 5'0". I'm 5'4", 190lbs, 31 years old, and exercise at least 3x/week. I eat 1800 calories/day and see losses.
  • jenmo787
    jenmo787 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm kind of in the same boat. I have been consistent in eating 1200 calories a day and lost 6 lbs the first week (stgarted Jan 21) and to date, have not lost anything more. I am excersizing daily and wondering if I am just building muscle? My clothes are fitting better, but I would like to see the scale move,,,it's motivating
  • I am 5'3" and have 8 lbs post third baby to go (shes 9mos). Im set at 1200 calories too and have been pretty disappointed. I workout 3-5 times a week too. Im lost. Let me know if you make any breakthroughs!
  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
    Im right there with you. Lost 6 pds jan 12. working out 7 days a week, eating 1450 calories and havent lost any weight since. took measurementand still nothing. Diary is open...
  • hthrhrpr
    hthrhrpr Posts: 29 Member
    I don't know what you mean see my diary? How do you let others see or not see your diary? Sorry, I've only been on MFP for a few weeks.
  • cgirly
    cgirly Posts: 56 Member
    My Home>Settings>Account Settings>Diary Settings>Diary Sharing>Public
  • mdshari2
    mdshari2 Posts: 6 Member
    It's also not just about calories, also about what you are eating... You could be eating great, but sometimes 1200 calories is crappy calories. Just from your post I would suggest looking into the ABS diet. It gives foods that are fat busters and help lose weight. I've been trying to stick to's not always easy, but you do get a cheat day. (:
  • hthrhrpr
    hthrhrpr Posts: 29 Member
    I think I fixed it, lol
  • hthrhrpr
    hthrhrpr Posts: 29 Member
    I applaud you all for working out everyday! I am so sore the day after my workouts I can't imagine working out again. Now, I do do some stretches and upper and lower ab work on those days, but you all are AWESOME!
  • Keep working at it. Exercise builds muscle which is heavier than fat. It will come off eventually.
  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
    It's also not just about calories, also about what you are eating... You could be eating great, but sometimes 1200 calories is crappy calories. Just from your post I would suggest looking into the ABS diet. It gives foods that are fat busters and help lose weight. I've been trying to stick to's not always easy, but you do get a cheat day. (:

    All clean eating, no added sugar. Veggies. legumes, egg whites and fruit
  • skydiveD30571
    skydiveD30571 Posts: 281 Member
    Can anyone give some support? Been counting ALL calories, been upping protein and fiber. Exercising 3x/week. Lost 5 pounds before starting exercise, stuck at 5 pound loss for 3 weeks now.... 1200 calories/day (I'm only 5'0"). Drink plenty of water. No soda, sodium stays below 2500 everyday. Any tips? The exercises are bootcamp style group exercises.

    Out of curiosity, how did you decide to target 1200 calories a day? Do you eat back calories that you burn during your workouts?
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Per your diary, you are undereating. 1200 is probably too low, but you are not even NETTING 1200, which would include eating back exercise calories. MFP already has a sizeable deficit and making it greater can be counterproductive.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? If you're exercising hard (e.g. bootcamp style) 3-4 times a week, you probably burn 4-500 calories in an hour. You can eat those and still be in a weight loss deficit. Also, what is your weight loss goal? 1 lb/week?
  • hthrhrpr
    hthrhrpr Posts: 29 Member
    I SOMETIMES eat back my calories, but not often. Last night, I definitely didn't and had trouble eating what I did. Other days, I'm starving and eat whatever I can, lol. I got 1200 bc that is what MFP put me at, but I'm only 5' so I'm thinking 1200 would be fine, right? Is eating back your exercised calories NECESSARY?
  • liliwhoa
    liliwhoa Posts: 13 Member
    Hi- I'm 5' 1". I just started, and have lost 3 lbs. I'm 56 years old. With 3 grown kids. I wonder how the age difference affects weight loss. I've been told it does. Happy to friend you!
  • kingkoopaluv
    kingkoopaluv Posts: 147 Member
    It looks like you're not eating enough. id up your cals to 1400-1500 and lower fat and carbs 40/30/30, see if that helps.
  • kingkoopaluv
    kingkoopaluv Posts: 147 Member
    Per your diary, you are undereating. 1200 is probably too low, but you are not even NETTING 1200, which would include eating back exercise calories. MFP already has a sizeable deficit and making it greater can be counterproductive.

  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    I SOMETIMES eat back my calories, but not often. Last night, I definitely didn't and had trouble eating what I did. Other days, I'm starving and eat whatever I can, lol. I got 1200 bc that is what MFP put me at, but I'm only 5' so I'm thinking 1200 would be fine, right? Is eating back your exercised calories NECESSARY?

    You should really try. If you keep creating too big of a deficit you will likely continue to stall. Eat the 1200 to lose weight, exercise and fuel that exercise to be fit.
  • hthrhrpr
    hthrhrpr Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks everyone! Ok, what is the 40,30,30 thing?