How often do you weigh yourself?



  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    I choose to do it once every 2 weeks. It keeps me on track and i don't get discouraged so easily. Also if I'm feeling bloated or not great I just wait again. Much better to see results!
  • FunFitFast
    FunFitFast Posts: 35 Member
    Way more than I should haha. Although I only log it on Wednesdays! (Weigh in Wednesday :] )
  • Once a week I record it. If I weigh in more than that I get discouraged.
  • dispatchbug
    dispatchbug Posts: 12 Member
    I found daily weigh in too discouraging - i seem go fluctuate a lot. I am aiming to weigh myself once a week on Monday morning after a bathroom break, but before my first coffee.
  • danielson144
    danielson144 Posts: 4 Member
    I do every Friday mornings when I wake up. That way it makes Friday that much better, when I start out the day knowing that i've lost a few pounds.
  • Daily, when I wake up after taking a piss. Obviously on the same scale.
    I use that as a point of reference. Weight fluctuations happen with the amount if water in you.
    Its best to weigh yourself at that time because you haven't done any activity and your body is still under fasting.
    (no food or water has been added to your "natural weight".)

    my 2 cents
  • Take your weight every morning at the same time after you use the bathroom. That is your most accurate weight. I too step on the scale every day and it is annoying to not see any change or a few ounces up. The thing about working out everyday, depending on the type of workout that you do, you can gain muscle. Have in mind the more muscle you gain the more calories you burn. I started lifting weights and the fat began to melt off. My trainer has taught me not to focus on the scale but on the measuring rope. Inches is what you want to loose. screw the scale lol
  • Every Monday morning :)
    I don't do it daily because weight fluctuates all the time and I know I'll get super upset if I see i've gone up even just a little bit!!
    It's tempting sometimes to step on the scale just to see how I'm doing, but I find that once a week works best for me :)
  • i get on the scale every day...and it drives me crazy...i want to see the drop....but i know that weight varies from day to day...and if i see i go up a lb or dont lose i get discouraged...any body have some suggestions to keep me from jumping on daily???
  • wcso911mn
    wcso911mn Posts: 68 Member
    I started taking Zumba classes on Tuesdays (yesterday was my second class), so I'm starting to weigh myself on Wednesday mornings when I get to work around 7am.
  • terricakes
    terricakes Posts: 16 Member
    I also weigh every day and only log if it is a loss! That way it keeps me motivated and the odd fluctuation bothers me less, I just don't log it that day. Working for me so far.
  • WatchMeSoar
    WatchMeSoar Posts: 14 Member
    I was weighin myself daily but was told i was to obessive - then went bi-weekly UGH started gaining now getting back in the saddle and wieghing daily!!:glasses: :glasses:
  • brosiaeloise
    brosiaeloise Posts: 2 Member
    I am going to stop weighing myself everyday and start weigh in in once a week. It drives me crazy when my weight fluctuates and then I become discouraged. I find it easier to just do a weekly weigh in.
  • I weigh myself twice a week, on Fridays to see the weeks progress and on Monday to survey the damage done over the weekend. This helped me a lot in the beginning to realize that this is an everyday commitment. To see that I lost 2 lbs on Friday only to see 1.5 back was a real eye opener.
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I weigh most days, but it fluctuates up and down so much, it can be discouraging, so I'm going to try only weighing on Fridays. I Know water weight and whatnot contributes to the fluctuations, but it just sucks when the scale doesnt budge.
    However, weighing every day does help me make smarter choices. If I eat something salty, the scale usually goes up the next day and I try to drink more water and watch my sodium.

    Whatever works for you!!
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I am currently weighing myself twice a week, but I am at the beginning where weight loss is quicker for me. As I settle into losing a pound a week, I will only weigh myself once a week. Those daily ups and downs can play with my brain, and I need to stay encouraged until eating a more healthy diet is a habit.
  • What do you eat every week to lose 2-3 lbs?
  • sherodswife
    sherodswife Posts: 19 Member
    I used to weight twice a day. Then I knew I was eating wrong so I didn't weigh at all for months. Now I try not to weigh more than twice a week, but sometimes I weigh more often. I know that weighing too often discourages me when I see the normal fluctuations, but sometimes I just can't seem to help myself.
  • SammieAus
    SammieAus Posts: 20 Member
    I step on the scale every morning but only record my weight once a week. My official weigh in day is Monday. Stepping on the scale daily helps me focus and kind of keeps me on track. I went months without stepping on a scale and just avoided and ignored the fact that I was gaining weight. I don't stress too much on the daily number just the number on Mondays!
  • Once every 2-3 weeks.

    I'm actually trying to gain weight though and ditch the scales though =D