Looking For Women 300 lbs or Heavier



  • sarah0709
    sarah0709 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi started in the 320's and have at least 140 to lose total with 56 gone already. Started two years ago with a major relapse in the last 9 months! Please feel free to add me xxx
  • esvaemt
    esvaemt Posts: 11 Member
    Okay ladies, what is your BMR, what does MFP tell you that you should be eating in a day calorie wise, and what do you ACTUALLY eat? My BMR is like 2300, MFP gave me 1975, but I set it for 1700 and stick around that.....
  • Gabbers89
    Gabbers89 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm over 300! feel free to add me guys!! I love new friends :D
  • ryamcshme
    I currently weigh about 314. My heaviest was 375 when I had my daughter, after I had her I got down to 240 and then gained a lot back while pregnant with my second son. I was at 350, got down to 288 and it's just been going up and down for a while(due to meds). Working harder now to lose it and keep it off.

    Anyone feel free to add me! :D
  • jacalennejax
    jacalennejax Posts: 97 Member
    I am currently at 325 ( I think- Havent weighed myself again yet).

    I am looking to drop to around 180.

    My first goal is to get under 300.

    I'm going to set my goals in increments.

    Let's get back on the wagon, and start a fresh.

    Add me! I'm new too!
  • KatPac13
    About 330- wanting to get down to 170-180. Add me!
  • ericafaye6988
    ericafaye6988 Posts: 30 Member
    I am at 299 hoping for my ultimate goal of 150!
  • Labriska
    Labriska Posts: 34 Member
    HI everyone its my second time around as well, its time for me to get back, add me i need the support of people who know what its like to lose fall off the wagon and get back up.
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    Feel free to add me! I started at 285. It feels good when the pounds fiiiiiinally start coming off! I've only lost 5, but I'm SUPER excited!
  • KayeArlana
    KayeArlana Posts: 42 Member
    Anybody who wants, feel free to add me! Right now I'm about 365 down from a little over 400 at my highest. I'd also love to connect with anyone.
  • mdrhodes80
    add me too! I weigh 365 and this is my first time here, but billionth tryiing to lose weight!
  • Swtmngo
    Hi! I'm so happy I found this topic, I'm currently at 340 and I'm looking to lose 140, I'm pretty tall so I think 200 will be a good weight for me. :) Please add me I'd like to have a supportive community of people that understand what it's like to be 300+!

    I'm excited to support all of you in your journeys as well.
  • Ptah2
    Ptah2 Posts: 1
    I'm fairly new to MFP and brand new to the message boards. I started on 339 on Dec 4, 2012. Nine weeks later, I'm down 26 pounds. My question for you all is what kind of exercise are you doing? I'm basically doing a lot of walking and dancing around the house. I'm slowly starting DDPYoga. I feel like I'm shrinking everything at the same pace, but I want my belly and backside to go away quicker. Any suggestions or am I actually doing it the right way (for the first time)? I'm a full-time housewife and pretty much sit all day. So any movement I do is a huge improvement. My husband and I are doing this together, but he was in better condition than me to start with. Thanks for the support!
  • lynnw24
    lynnw24 Posts: 116 Member
    I have similar goals and I'm currently 303 pounds. I lost 36 pounds so far! Anyone can add me!
  • lotusspark
    I used to be 316... if anone here want's a friend whose been there and still workin on it. =*)
  • Rosytakesoff
    Add me if you wish. My starting weight was 314 and I am now 183. I had surgery 9/2012. Surgery or not, we all have to work at it, and it helps to have folks around who understand how daunting the prospect of losing over 100 pounds can be.
  • Sassafrass1981
    Sassafrass1981 Posts: 28 Member
    Hey everyone!!!

    Congrats on everyone's success so far :)!

    I started close to 300 & now I'm down in the 260s...

    Always looking for new friends :) can never have enough!

  • shawnaarbaugh
    Hi you can add me I have started at 302 and this is my second time trying this site. I managed to get down to 259 and feel of the wagon and am now 289... I am looking forward to seeing your success and sending you positive thoughts:)
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    You can add me. I would love to have any of you as friends.
  • Nisaa98
    I heard about this program from a co-worker this noon hour. She was so excited, I had to get on board. 314lbs at the moment and would like to get to the point when my son says, "Hey mom - you look great." Instead of, "you act too old for your age." And I have. I seem to have one health problem after another and have become almost housebound. I work and have a great job, but do very little else. I would once again like to look good in a swim suit! I live on a lake! I'm in! Have tried many programs. Did you see the monthly membership for weight watchers lately? no i'm going to do this without spending a fortune.