How much do you spend on groceries?



  • bserwack
    bserwack Posts: 51 Member
    $100/week for me and by boyfriend. That is including non-food stuff like TP, shampoo, ziplocks, etc that we buy at the grocery store. This doesn't include eating out, we have that as a seperate expense on our budget.
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    I spend about $250 / week for a family of 5. Me, Husband and 3 boys ages 4 - 12. We do not eat out or eat fast foods. We also eat very clean so that's fresh produce, meats, dairy and whole grains. I eat about 7 - 9 cups of veggies a day, myself, so I'd say vegetables are most of my cost as they don't last long.

    In the summer, I plan on growing a lot of my own veggies so we can cut down on costs a bit. That might seem like a lot to some, but Boys eat A LOT! :)

    About the same here except we are family of 4. I'd say $250 ish a week as well. No eating out and very clean. I am picky about organic so I know that adds to the cost a little bit but we never get sick so I say we save on doctor bills. LOL
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    For me, my husband and our 4 year old. (and dog...) We spend around 170 a week on food and other stuff/dog food.
    Might seem like alot...but my husband is an active duty Marine and sometimes works out 2-3 times a day. So he's a growing boy! lol
  • daniellevidal22
    daniellevidal22 Posts: 2 Member
    I live with my boyfriend and we are fairly healthy people. As Far as our monthly budget for food goes we stick to the $100 per person per month rule. That sets us at $200 per month, and we split it evenly at $50 per week. So if we had a child then our budget would be upped to $300 per month etc. We never go over, and often save money. Then all the extra money gets put into our slush fund for a something we can indulge in down the line, like a trip or something for the house.
    We shop at either Trader Joe's which has great value for the meats we buy, which is rarely anything but chicken and usually have decent veggies. We also go to the local Global Foods market that has excellent deals on vegetables and stuff you can't find anywhere else. For larger frozen needs, we will hit the Sam's club for a big bag of chicken or frozen fish filets.
    its worked out great for us and we are also saving money at the same time!
  • I feel like I spend way more than the average! Can I get some example shopping list? It's my husband, myself, 2 boys 5 and 8. I feel like I spend double you guys and we still eat out a lot.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    For 2 adults and 1 child, we rack up about £450, that's $719 for the month. That's $165 a week. I don't include alcohol in that number.
  • MorissaW
    MorissaW Posts: 95 Member
    We spend around $150 a week. Sometimes it is a little more and sometimes a little less.
    We shop Aldi's for most of our packages goods (yogurt, milk, cheese, noodles, etc). We go to the farmers market for all of our fruits, veggies, meat, eggs and butter.
    The $150 includes diapers for my 2 year old and any toiletries.
    We have a family of 6, 2 adults and 4 kids ages 9,5,5 & 2.
  • Me, hubby, and 3 boys, we spend about $250 a week.
  • lumstead0317
    lumstead0317 Posts: 85 Member
    family of 2 we spend around $300 a month and that includes to feed 3 cats and a dog and our cleaning supplies... we only go out to eat about once a month... And that's usually not included in that $300 budget since it's not really a necessity.
  • SheOwens
    SheOwens Posts: 9 Member
    Wow. I am also surprised at how little most of you spend. There is 3 of us in our family, but our daughter is 17 and rarely home. I spend at least $200 a week on groceries. Plus we eat out several times a week. But I guess that explains why we waste so much food each week too. Always throwing out rotten veggies and meat that we don't get to. (I hate freezing food).

    In Central New York/Finger Lakes area......
  • time4changexx
    time4changexx Posts: 103 Member
    $40/week for 2 adults & 1 toddler including the odds & ends TP, PT, etc. we make it work
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    It would be good to add the location as well. Cost of living varies greatly.

    We spend 600-800 for food and household/bathroom stuff/pet for a family of 3 in South California. This includes some organic foods (apples, potatoes, celery, eggs mostly), lots of fresh/frozen veggies and fruit, legumes, frozen chicken/turkey, greek yogurt, Ezekiel & gluten-free bread, canned tomatoes (I love canned tomatoes), rice brown/wild, stuff for sandwiches.

    We (before DD came along) spent around 200 Euros per month while living in Germany, around 400 on Hawaii (military stores), and between 400-600 in Colorado after DD was born (we cloth diapered mostly and she was breastfed).
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    For 2 adults, our weekly grocery haul in Charlotte is typically $60-$80, though sometimes will go over $100 when stocking up on certain bulk items.

    I get a lot at Trader Joe's but also pop in at Harris Teeter and Earth Fare regularly.
  • AmandaLY17
    AmandaLY17 Posts: 184 Member
    We have a budget of $1100/ mth for a family of 6. This includes everything I would buy at a grocery store (ie lightbulbs, garbage bags, cleaning supplies......) We spend close to $100/ wk on produce alone. We typically dont eat out as its around $80 an outting (though we'll occasionally order pizza or something, but even thats over $40!)

    ETA. live in the fraser valley of BC, Canada
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I haven't had to budget for a while so we have just been spendig on what we wanted when we wanted it, signing up for this cooking class or that CSA program, purchase a food groupon here and there, etc. Now that we are saving for a house, we set up a budget and started to monitor what we are spending and I was shocked to see that we spent about 2K this past month on food. (this includes eating out, Costco bills, local meat/veggie markets, our CSA, etc.) - I will say that our focus has shifted quite a bit to buying pastured eggs, fresh meat, locally grown veggies, etc.

    We are a family of 4 (or 5, if you count my college aged sister who we kind of support and buy food for etc.). I would love to chop this number by at least half...

    I live in NYC btw...
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    I go grocery shopping every payday, twice a month and buy all the necessities. I spend anywhere from $80-$120 twice a month. I also shop a week after I get paid for fresh fruit and veggies. I usually spend around $20-$40 then. So I'm looking at between $200-$320 every month. And it's just me. I have a roommate but I don't buy her food. ;)
  • We don't go over $60/per week for 2 adults and one baby. It's tight but we make it work. We buy plenty of fresh produce and lean meats. With limiting ourselves to $60 we are forced to pass on the "junk" because we simply won't have enough to buy that AND produce, milk, whole grains, and lean meats.

    We have separate amounts for toiletries, formula, and diapers, so the $60 is strictly food for ourselves (and our 2 cats).

    We budget for $125/month for eating out (4 times/month).

    Any extra from the groceries goes into a money jar. This can be used for certain occasions when $60 just wouldn't cut it for groceries (holidays, family visiting, ect...).

    Note: we live in a very cheap state :)
  • WendyFitMomCHANGED
    WendyFitMomCHANGED Posts: 311 Member
    I spend about $250 / week for a family of 5. Me, Husband and 3 boys ages 4 - 12. We do not eat out or eat fast foods. We also eat very clean so that's fresh produce, meats, dairy and whole grains. I eat about 7 - 9 cups of veggies a day, myself, so I'd say vegetables are most of my cost as they don't last long.

    In the summer, I plan on growing a lot of my own veggies so we can cut down on costs a bit. That might seem like a lot to some, but Boys eat A LOT! :)

    About the same here except we are family of 4. I'd say $250 ish a week as well. No eating out and very clean. I am picky about organic so I know that adds to the cost a little bit but we never get sick so I say we save on doctor bills. LOL

    Amen! I always say, spend a little more on food now and spend less on Healthcare later. :)
  • I'm working on figuring that out. I estimate about $100/week for my partner and I, but I might be low as I love grocery/food shopping and was going 2-3 times/week. I'm trying to get the budget under control. I'm actually treating it kind of like counting calories. I'm going to save receipts and track what I actually spend for a couple of months and then see where I'm at and where I can save a few $$$. I've also changed to only going grocery shopping once/week to make it easier to track. We don't eat out very often. Maybe 3-4 times a month which includes lunches and suppers.
  • My family (My parents, me, 3 dogs a cat 2 birds and my friend) spend quite a bit. Food is probably 500-600 a month. But my dad has a 12 pack a day faygo habit. Our animals cost probably 250 a month (dogs go through a big bag of food every 4-5 days)

    I'm about to be moving out with my boyfriend and after combing through several grocery stores for prices and figuring out what we enjoy eating. I'm hoping to keep our grocery bill at $60 per week or less.