Skinny Saturday Challenge



  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    OK Skinny Saturday....bring it! We are ready for you!!!!:bigsmile:

    So excited to have all of you join the SSC! It is just what we need to get through the weekend strong! Yes, it's Mothers Day Weekend....and yes, it is always going to be something!!! So let's plan for it and burn some extra cals and be conscious of what we are putting in our mouths. I love the accountability of these challenges. Saturday used to be a real challenge to get through. I would end up blowing it and throw in the towel for the weekend! :grumble: No more of that! Thanks to the support of the SSC I am strong on Saturday and confident I will get through the weekend without undoing everything I worked so hard for during the week! Why, thank you for your suport! :smooched:

    I have started the weekend off with a bang...rolled oats and sugar free syrup. I am pumped to do my first workout before heading to a Mothers Day luncheon (where I have planned to order a healthy grilled chicken salad). I will drink an ocean of water and check back in later. This evening I will work another workout in the schedule. I am impressed with the athletes that have joined us this weekend....triathalons, 5Ks...oh my! I predict some major calories burned this weekend. You guys rock! Good luck and know you are winners in my book everyday...especially Skinny Saturday! :blushing: :heart:

    Have a great day and check in and out to report and encourage someone! Share the thread with a friend! There is power in numbers. Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Team! :wink:
  • jaki521
    jaki521 Posts: 8 Member
    Skinny Saturday - great idea! I'm going to need lots of team spirit to help me get through a rainy day & holiday too! Journaling my exercise & food has been very helpful. I'll be checking back later today. Good luck everyone!
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Hi all well today I have yoga and shoping ( for fun stuff and food) starting the day off right whit a B.F. and a quick pumping I will try really hard to get a 2nd workout in. Also I need to fouce on my water intake still wish it tasted more like A&W oh well. good luck to every one eals.
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hi all :smile:

    I'm ready!
  • farmangel
    farmangel Posts: 5
    know one thing...I am in! Bring it on. I just joined the website today and am seeing great people on here. so, count me in and lets have a great Saturday!!! Do you feel the love here! :love:
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Im in - I so need this - we are going fishing and that usually means we take lots of unheathly snacks and I pig out the entire time. So count me in!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    After my failure on last Wednesday's challenge, I need this one... I'm in!
  • RobertaG
    RobertaG Posts: 205 Member
    Perfect Motivation , Weekends Always Mess Me Up & I Get Lazy ! But Not Anymore ! Good Look Everyone !
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Well, so far, so good. Did an extra workout this morning them went to work--which is a workout in itself! (We are supposed to rotate the Sat. shift but no one else was available so I worked it. Of course that means I get the next time I'm supposed to work it off!)
    Lost track of how much water I've had--I know I've refilled my bottle twice and it is empty again so it is at least 72 oz. I also had a lot every time I went by the water cooler!
    Food has been good so far--leftovers from the week.
    Going to go grocery shopping soon. I think we'll grill tomorrow. I don't really want to go out to eat because we have my daughter's baby shower to go to.
    Will try to check in again later!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Way to go Kathy!

    So far so good for me too - I went to the gym and ran 3.76 miles and ususally I never make it to the gym on the that's a plus - and Im drinking my water!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Got up sore from arthritis today, but have managed to get in grocery shopping, and several hours of working out getting the house ready for a dinner party. I'm at 40 oz. of water - better go drink some more!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Good job Kathy, Jessica and Mary! Hooooo hooooooooooo! :bigsmile: I did SI6/RIU this morning and Shred II this afternoon. I have really tried to hit the water hard and limit my salty items. Order a grilled chicken salad at lunch...hold the croutons! Asked for fat free dressing. Having a light supper of fish, broccoli and 1/2 baked potato. Have plenty of left over cals so I may have a glass of wine later. :drinker:

    All in all, I can call it a Skinny Saturday! I am so pleased that my workouts are getting easier. Hey, does that mean I am getting in shape? Cooooooooooooool! :wink:

    How did they day go for the rest of you? :flowerforyou:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    AWESOME job Fab! I think you are!!! You gotta.... be doing a RIU & Shred!:wink:

    Girls..... Well my stats so far are not so glamourous! 91.9 oz & 6 hrs in the yard.. and pulled out the old pedometer, forgot how much fun it is, but I have 14909 steps so far. My goal was 15 K :smile: Gonna throw in a stationary bike ride after dinner!

    Hope everyone has had a SUPER Skinny Sat! :flowerforyou:
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    So far, so good! Added a bit of running and weights to my routine today and doubled my water intake... just finished supper, so now it's down to resisting the temptation to eat... :)
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 697 Member
    Skinny Saturday was once again successful for me too! I did two workouts and kept my calories under my limit, and drank extra water. I feel great! Great way to start the weekend!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    It's been stressful since I last posted--lots of drama with both my daughters. I don't know--they have never gotten along but it was pretty bad today. It all seems to have blown over and it is more peaceful now. Sure hope it lasts!

    I did get a lot more water in but I haven't eaten yet. It's starting to get late but supper isn't finished yet (got a late start on it). I do have it logged--don't even know, though, if I feel much like eating!
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Did good today on calories my hubby brought me out to dinner Red Lospter. And before I order anything I looked up the calorie so I am still under my calories. Didn't do good on my water and only got one workout in but went shoping at the mall so is that a workout? lol
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Did good today on calories my hubby brought me out to dinner Red Lospter. And before I order anything I looked up the calorie so I am still under my calories. Didn't do good on my water and only got one workout in but went shoping at the mall so is that a workout? lol
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I consider today a success, because I cooked a big dinner for company, and still stayed under my calories! Woo hoo!

    Happy Mother's Day to all!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    It's been stressful since I last posted--lots of drama with both my daughters. I don't know--they have never gotten along but it was pretty bad today. It all seems to have blown over and it is more peaceful now. Sure hope it lasts!

    I did get a lot more water in but I haven't eaten yet. It's starting to get late but supper isn't finished yet (got a late start on it). I do have it logged--don't even know, though, if I feel much like eating!

    Hang in there Kathy...this too shall pass. I grew up with sisters and there was always alot of drama. We are now best friends! Happy Mothers Day. You are a devoted mom and just think...what would those two drama queens be without you! Take care of yourself so you can take care of others! :drinker: