need help with water!!

Hi MFP!!

I have trouble drinking water. Can anyone suggest ways I can drink my 8 glasses a day. I use to drink a lot if coke, but not had any for 4 days. Taking it day by day with that, as it was a daily habit. Tried to drink water with cordial, but can only manage a glass a day. I don't know whether that counts as part of my 8 glasses a day!! Please help as trying my best to be healthy. Thank you. :)


  • trac30
    trac30 Posts: 52 Member
    Try MIO! Its a water enhancer and they make tons of flavors
  • amcoltlghgirl
    Hi MFP!!

    I have trouble drinking water. Can anyone suggest ways I can drink my 8 glasses a day. I use to drink a lot if coke, but not had any for 4 days. Taking it day by day with that, as it was a daily habit. Tried to drink water with cordial, but can only manage a glass a day. I don't know whether that counts as part of my 8 glasses a day!! Please help as trying my best to be healthy. Thank you. :)

    Hi, Studies show that you actually don't have to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Just make sure you stay hydrated. As for the soda, I haven't had one in over a year. How I did that was by getting the sparkling flavored water from walmart, the carbonation really helped to keep from drinking soda again. I hope this helps.
  • pinky_pinkster
    pinky_pinkster Posts: 56 Member
    My Fav water ideas:
    - water with cucumber and ice
    - sparkling water with a tiny drop of apple juice, slice of lime and ice (fresh mint tastes amazing with it if you have any)
    - water with ice and chopped up strawberries
    - bobble water bottle makes water taste amazing (google it)

    Good luck! :smile:
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    how about sparkling water with cordial? Or just sparkling water?
    Green tea?
    I love vimto sugar free and barley, plain sparkling water and I drink LOADS of green tea!!!
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    I drink 2 cups before every meal...that takes care of at least 6. i also carry a bottle with me everywhere and force myself to sip on it during the day.
  • allknowingtomato
    allknowingtomato Posts: 42 Member
    Can you just take a mouthful of water and swallow it? i know it might not be delicious, but it's water, so it shouldn't be leaving a bad taste in your mouth or anything.

    Flavored things help (crystal light, Mio, etc.) but it's best to get used to a little plain water. that way the other things are like treats instead of crutches.

    I recently started taking my water intake seriously. It is definitely a habit that takes work to build, if you are not used to it. Stick with it! And if you cut out stuff like coke but don't replace it with water, you're going to have a bad time (dehydration).

    I find that it helps if i start with a bottle of water i get at the store, just to transition. i fill it up over and over again over the course of the day. mine holds 33 oz, so after two fill-ups i'm "set" and anything above that is gravy.

    It also helps to have several times when you just chug a glass of water. I try to chug one first thing and last thing in my day. it's easy enough to just DO then (rather than remember to sip throughout the day) and i know that i don't take in any water overnight, so i figure i need it. I aspire to "chug" another glass 1/2 hour before each meal.

    I let myself count decaf teas as water, too. so i have 2-3 of those a day, which helps. I don't count my coffee, but i'm sure that is at least somewhat hydrating (despite the caffeine).

    keep it with you, just take sips. you get used to the (lack of) taste and then it is refreshing.
  • nora711
    nora711 Posts: 52 Member
    I love pepsi max. So I made myself a deal:
    I am not allowed any other type of beverage (except my smoothie) until I have finished my water for the day.
    I have a 0.7 liter water bottle that I fill up and drain 3 times a day. :)
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Taper it. That's what I did, and I'm still working on that.

    Meaning start with 1 cup a day, maybe 2 ... and go up gradually.

    Maybe put a bottle of water on your nightstand and drink it first thing when you wake up. Or part of it, and then set a goal to finish it sometime during the day.

    Just make sure you stay hydrated. Water is best of course, but it takes getting used to. Maybe flavor it up with some lemon or MIO or whatever until you get the hang of it. It's far better than soda, regardless.

    Basically, do with adding water what you're doing with cutting out soda: Take it day by day, and go gradually if need be.

    I've never used cordial, but I don't think it counts. Just the water itself, not what you add to it.

    I love green tea so I brew myself up a big pot of it, put it in a pitcher and drink it iced.

    Plain water is always best, but there ARE other ways to stay hydrated while increasing your water intake.

    However I WILL tell you that once you get used to drinking water, nothing else is going to satisfy you as far as hydration goes. It just won't. There's nothing better, period.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Try different ways to drink it... in a cup, in a bottle, with a straw, with ice, with cut up fruit (lemons, limes, oranges, strawberries, raspberries, etc), cut up cucumber, herbs, etc.

    A lot of people can drink more if they drink it with a straw... carry a bottle with you and sip throughout the day. Make yourself have a glass before each meal, when you get up, etc.

    I used to never drink water... now, the more I drink the more I want.
  • MicroHez
    MicroHez Posts: 125 Member
    I love sparkling seltzer water; all the fizz of pop, none of the empty calories. And before you say "Eww, seltzer water!!!" IT'S JUST FIZZY WATER! Not to be confused with tonic water, which IS eww!

    Coffee and tea can also count towards your water, just keep the caffiene to a minimum. There are also the individual drink additives (like Crystal Light, Powerade, etc), but I am not sure of the carbs/sugars from them.

    You can also add squeezes of citrus to your water to make it a little more palatable.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    i make homemade sun tea, with fresh lemon slices, a little Stevia...have a cute plastic tumbler to pu it in..
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    I have always been a big fan of water; I have water next to me all day and I drink loads of it.

    A few years back, I was dating someone who drank a ton of diet soda, so I started having it in my fridge so he could have some when he came over... and of course, I started drinking it too, until.....

    ...... one day I took a nice, big swig of water and it tasted gross to me.

    I really think that soda spoiled the taste of water for me, and I quit soda that very day.

    Hopefully, once you've had more days of not drinking soda, and get more used to the taste of water, it won't be quite so icky to you! As long as the water you're drinking isn't heavily chlorinated (I found that to be true when visiting a relative a few years ago), it should taste fairly flavorless and be nice and refreshing.
  • ylor89
    ylor89 Posts: 105 Member
    You can add all sorts of things to your water to help...I love tea so I drink two cups of tea in the morning and before bed. That leaves me with four cups for in between. Sometimes lemon helps me. I've heard of people putting various fruits and veggies in their water and letting it soak overnight with some ice.
  • MoizD68
    I find it easier to drink water if it is room temperature, and drink a glass at a time straight away,( in about 5 seconds) lol, gets it over with. Much easier when it isn't freezing cold from the fridge. Black tea (no milk) & green tea count as water intake too.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I hate water, too, especially tap water. BLECH!

    First, I got a PUR water pitcher that I can keep in my fridge. If it is clean and ice cold, it is so much easier to drink.

    I also add Walmart's Great Value pink lemonade mix (like Crystal Light). I can guzzle that without a problem, even after it has sat overnight on my nightstand. Yeah, it uses artificial sweeteners and probably artificial colors and flavors (I didn't bother reading the label) but it greatly helps me to get in my 8 cups of liquid a day.
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    I drink a bottle on the way to work and one on the way home (4 glasses). I also have a large decaf hot tea (2 glasses) and usually a large ice tea or bottle of water with crystal light on the go ( 2 glasses). This is a daily routine that seems to work for me. I try not to use any sweeteners except for what is in crystal light.
  • deidra13
    deidra13 Posts: 7 Member
    Lipton Green Tea Superfruit, there are lots of choices and they are sweet on their own, no calories and all the flavors are good
    Just drink it lol it doesn't take long. You don't have to sip on it
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Don't worry about drinking 8 glasses of water a day. It's a myth. Just drink whatever you like. As long as your urine is pale yellow and not dark orange, you're ok.

    I drink a pot of coffee a day almost every day...have for over 40 years. Haven't EVER been dehydrated. It's just water with coffee in it. The diuretic affects are miniscule too.

    Good luck.:smile:
  • moonsforeyes
    I just drink and sip it during my meals. I'm weird though and love drinking water with sweet things. (fruit, chocolate flavored things like my clif bars!) I just only and always drink water.