Strong urge to use the bathroom during a run:



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't run until after I've pooped. Luckily, I'm regular as clockwork.
  • EstiloPanama
    I found this on this site:

    Following are a few sure-fire ways to minimize the risk of crapping one’s pants while running and racing:

    The single most helpful thing for me has been to eliminate or drastically reduce fiber, dairy and fatty foods up to 36 hours before a long run or race. Typically, my diet is pretty rich in roughage, whole grains, beans, etc. But, I really do change things up the days before a race. I take in lots of water and reduce my intake of fruits, vegetables, yogurt, cheese and any higher fat foods. I’ve had great success with this plan.
    Overly exerting myself makes things worse. On long runs, I stick to long-run pace (60 to 90 seconds slower than my ideal marathon pace), and this helps significantly. In races I am usually exerting a great deal, so this plan doesn’t work well under those circumstances.
    Don’t laugh, but I try to get on a strict poop schedule. I train my body by eating and sleeping with a routine in mind (as much as possible). A cup of coffee in the morning usually gets stuff going. Nine times out of ten if I can get something out before a long run or race I’m good to go. Occasionally there will be a lingering nugget in there that causes problems, but not usually.
    It helps to not eat the two hours before a long run or race. Give your body time to digest your pancakes. Once, in all of my naiveté, I ate a huge bowl of beef stroganoff right before a run. This was a like a huge practical joke I played on myself.
    Pre-race nerves are definitely an issue and can get stuff moving when you wish it would stay put. That’s why I’ve been known to take multiple dumps on an airplane. I hate to fly and I’m nervous. Do everything in your power to minimize any extra anxiety on race day. Give yourself enough time, breathe deeply, think about the nap you will take later. Distraction is a great tool because the mind can only think about one thing at a time. Don’t let it take you hostage.
    I never mix gels/chews with sport’s drink. I choose one or the other. I find that mixing various sugar types and chemicals doesn’t bode well for me and my colon. Ever hear the saying, “Sport’s drinks and gel, your stomach will give you hell?”
    I hate to stop and do business during a race. But, it does help to have a back up plan in your mind. Know your potty options. Plan long runs around your favorite bushes or gas station bathrooms. Study your race map or drive the course so you know your potty-ops. Taking charge and knowing what to expect may reduce some poop anxiety.
    I know some people take Imodium to calm things down. I have not tried this mostly because that stuff constipates me. Yes, that is the point, but I find it rally messes with my system and I have a hard time getting back to normal even days later.

    Here’s to crap-less runs!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    *Walks in, sees "beefy" next to the word "stool" and leaves.*

  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    just harvest that s**t and you'll never pay full price at the butcher's counter again!

    This is probably my favorite line of this.
    Ikeda's team then combined them with a reaction enhancer and put them in an exploder. What eventually came out was no filet mignon
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    Two words: Compression shorts
    If a seam busts, you're gonna have this happen:


    Best to vacate before running than try to block the exit.

    does it come with the kid laughing too???

    It definitely will if it happens in front of a school. :blushing:
  • slrea2012
    slrea2012 Posts: 31 Member
    Hate Runner's Trots... Caused by certain muscles starting to relax due to blood flow to your legs. I've battled with this from time to time. I'm not sure what time you run, but this is an issue for me in the Summer time because I like run early before the heat. I make sure I watch the time and what I eat the night before. Lay off late night heavy meals if you can.

    If I know I'll have an issue, I run trails with lots of bushes and carry TP in my shorts pocket.

    I don't have this issue so much in the evening. Good Luck
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    Two words: Compression shorts
    If a seam busts, you're gonna have this happen:


    Best to vacate before running than try to block the exit.
    does it come with the kid laughing too???
    It definitely will if it happens in front of a school. :blushing:
    Yep. Kids love that... ****. rimshot.gif
  • alaliberte
    Wow, I have to admit this post is a hoot...but I know it's a serious topic so let me get on with it.

    I usually drink coffee in the am. and run either at noon or in the afternoon after work. By this time I'm cleaned out. I agree with some of the posts here that running is a laxative. That is a good thing. You have to train your body somehow to not have the desire to go while you are running. Maybe try an alternative schedule and run in the evening?

    Good luck!
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    It can also be because it is stimulating/or even disrupting your pubococcygeus and/or iliococcygeus muscles, which aren't just responsible for urinary continence, but also fecal continence.

    So, it may not be a bad idea to work on strengthening this area. Kegels are typically considered the be all and end all of this. But here are some posts from a different perspective:

    Mostly a part of it is squats are really helpful for this, and that makes sense. The other thing is treadmills are a problem causer for this issue because it is somewhat unnatural how you move on one. There isn't that same pushing off feeling. I had more of a problem with feeling like I had to urinate when walking/running on a treadmill. And that was resolved by getting off of it and onto real ground. So, I guess in short, on that, try running on real ground and seeing if the sensation changes.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    By the way, if anyone comes in here and suggests you start taking immodium before running because going to the bathroom is inconvenient, I'mma gonna rage. One of these threads came up about a month ago, lots of people gave good suggestions, one idiot suggested immodium, and the OP's takeaway was that purposely constipating yourself (she didn't have diarrhea, just stopping the treadmill was inconvenient with her schedule and she didn't like sweating on the toilet) seemed like the best solution. Intentional constipation on a regular basis. Seems legit.
  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    Every now and then i get this feeling as well. I have actually clenched and run for miles. I made it home to! Now i am a super early morning runner and don't eat before a run, so i run on a fasted state which works wonders for me.
  • PottsvilleCurse1925
    PottsvilleCurse1925 Posts: 354 Member
    I heard it's common for distance runners.


    Based on info from Mayo Clinic:

    "Runner's diarrhea is characterized by frequent, loose bowel movements during or immediately after a run. Runner's diarrhea is most common in long-distance runners.

    The cause of runner's diarrhea isn't clear. Contributing factors likely include the physical jostling of the organs, decreased blood flow to the intestines, changes in intestinal hormone secretion and pre-race anxiety and stress. What is clear is that food moves more quickly through the bowels of athletes in training. "
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    But wait, you guys, I don't actually ever pass waste when I stop and use the facilities. If it were a matter of just needing to poop, I'd start figuring out ways to get that poop done before the workout. It's just really strange to me that it FEELS like I need to poop, but then I don't/can't.

    I think I will work on strengthening the muscles in that area anyway, as someone suggested the kegels, just in case the muscles are relaxing and giving me the feeling even though there's nothing in there.

    Again, thanks everyone for the suggestions! Normally I'm the one all up in these threads rippin' jokes, but I actually needed info this time!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I just love the tmi threads! :love:

    Are you regular? If not, try making refrigerator oatmeal for breakfast. I use 1/3 cup oats, 1 1/2 tsp chia seeds, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 1/2 cup non fat, no sugar greek yogurt, 1/4 cup skim milk. Mix it up the night before and breakfast is ready when you get up.

    Wake up, drink 2 cups of coffee, eat your daily oatmeal and you'll poop. If that doesnt work, drink a tall glass of water. (1-2 hrs before running)

    Well, that works for me anyway I rarely poop any other time than that and I run daily.

    Hopefully that helps. Good luck!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I am regular, quite consistent as well. I normally get up in the morning, have some coffee and relieve myself. Occasionally I will have another small movement in the mid-morning, after breakfast. My workouts usually happen around lunch time, and I do them before I eat lunch.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Same happens to me, but I run on a treadmill so I am not too far from the facilities.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    But wait, you guys, I don't actually ever pass waste when I stop and use the facilities. If it were a matter of just needing to poop, I'd start figuring out ways to get that poop done before the workout. It's just really strange to me that it FEELS like I need to poop, but then I don't/can't.

    I think I will work on strengthening the muscles in that area anyway, as someone suggested the kegels, just in case the muscles are relaxing and giving me the feeling even though there's nothing in there.

    Again, thanks everyone for the suggestions! Normally I'm the one all up in these threads rippin' jokes, but I actually needed info this time!

    Yep, just the feeling not the result is why I think it is the muscles. Like I said, besides kegels try squats and getting off the treadmill :)
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Her body shutdown, she lost all control & she lost the race within the last few feet. A real heart breaker.

    Julie Moss competing in the 1982 Hawaii Ironman Triathlon
  • tiffd1000
    Running makes me have to poop sometimes LOL I don't get it either..
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member

    Apparently, poop talk is "vulgar" and can earn you a warning from the site moderators. :grumble: