to avoid eating over my calorie amount



  • I am trying to stick under my calorie count for the day, including the exercise calories, but find myself failing daily because I am starving by the evening. This leads to me pigging out right before I go to bed. I do great all day long, but then by dinner I am so hungry my mind wont stop, even when my body is fed. Any suggestions on how to avoid the aching, burning, hungry, starving sensations and blow my calories to binging?

    Oh gosh, I feel the same way you do. It seems like I always get hungry at night time. Some person suggested cucumbers sprinkled with powdery ranch mix. I am sooo gonna try it, and you should too.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I plan my day so I'm nearly eating constantly and I go for high volume in the evening when I'm most hungry. For instance yesterday: overnight peanut butter bannans oats, large Greek omelette, Greek yogurt with blueberries, chicken walnut grape salad sandwhich, M&M's (20) and 2 huge Santa fe style fajitas all for about 1400 cals. Also, lots of water. If I'm starved in between I have a dill pickle or a few frozen grapes for almost no cals and both kill cravings.
  • I totally know the feeling! I find you have to look at what you're eating during the day, not just how many calories. Avoid foods that cause a spike in blood sugar, and make sure you have lean protein with every meal. Eat a lot of low calorie foods, like green vegetables. They fill you up without adding many calories.

    The other thing is to accept that there will be a bit of hunger at the beginning when you are reducing your calorie intake. It's your body trying to avoid having to use up its stored energy supply. A little bit of hunger is ok - it tends to pass pretty quickly as you get used to eating less.
  • When I'm hungry at night - and I'm usually hungry at night, even when I've eaten good foods throughout the day. So what I do now is I save my gummy vitamin for last (I tend to want something sweet) , veggies or I have a handful of peanuts with a few chocolate chips and a full 8oz glass of water. No matter what I have i keep it small and accompany it with a glass of water! Then brush my teeth and go to bed. Once my teeth are brushed, I don't generally want to eat anything else. And I go with a general rule of if I'm not willing to eat fruit of veggies I'm not really hungry. If its a matter of my sweet tooth getting the best of me then a few chocolate chips and peanuts won't hurt my week so long as I don't go crazy.

    Great ideas....I am going to try some of these...thanks for sharing them. Celia
  • joneslnb
    joneslnb Posts: 14 Member
    Make sure you have a protein with your carb. Add a protein to your apple snack. I like plain Greek yogurt with a touch of crystal light in it for flavor and some blueberries. You seem to eat a good amount of vegetables. Don't see many complex starchy carbs though. If you add oatmeal to your breakfast that will help keep you full. Add brown rice to your lunch. Eat a huge handful of celery and a big glass of water 30 minutes before your usual craving time.

    Drink lots and lots of water! Eat lots and lots of veggies particularly broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, green beans, and celery.

    I don't think any adult should really eat as few as 1,200 calories. Eat "clean" food and it will be a lot of food.
  • charliesgold
    charliesgold Posts: 235 Member
    You are eating tons of veggies and fruit and that's great but make sure that you are getting proteins, whole grains and fats too from plenty of nuts/seeds and whole grains (I think you're vegetarian/vegan?) Proteins, whole grains and fats are equally important to your body even when you are dieting :)