30 Day Shred.. Starting 1/28/13



  • 2in3day
    2in3day Posts: 3 Member
    L1D3 done straight after the first podcast of the NHS C25k programme last night. I expected to be suffering today but I think the workouts have complemented each other quite well... I actually feel great and not at all sore.

    The shred in such a short time has improved my upper body and core so I can run better, and I was nice and warm after my run so I could stretch further in the shred.
  • I'm on Day 7 of Level 1. The last couple of days have been so much easier than last week. So don't worry guys, it does get better and hurt less as you go on. Good luck!
  • cookiemahnster
    cookiemahnster Posts: 60 Member
    Day 4 done! Still have some soreness in my calves so I added on some calf stretches at the end of today. Felt good today. Got ice hockey games the next three days so it will be a nice combo of 30DS in the morning and hockey at night.

    The only part I hate is during the lunges/curls where Jillian says "a couple more" and then after about 4 more says "2 more". A couple means two!! I always stop after the first two and then remember she didn't actually mean 2. Whoops ;)
  • L1 Day 3 down! Did a cardio dvd yesterday to alternate and now back to 30 Days of H*ll :)
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    Do any one you do it more than once?
    ETA: more than once a day!
  • mynewbug
    mynewbug Posts: 52 Member
    I completed L1D4 today. It is grueling, but I am going to stick with it. I have started this DVD many, many times, but I have yet to complete the whole thing! I can't reiterate how happy I am to find other people who are also doing this at the same time!! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • ShellB8585
    ShellB8585 Posts: 42 Member
    So weigh day today and I have stayed the same this week. I'm not disheartened though as my clothes fit better and I feel healthier. I will be taking inch measurements every 2 weeks.
    I am having rest days today and tomorrow as I'm away so back on it on Sunday before a little superbowl indulgence :s

    Have a great weekend folks!
  • Rianne90
    Rianne90 Posts: 229 Member
    L1D4 done :) I was expecting to hurt today (after I did day 3 yesterday), but I don't feel sore anymore! :D The rest day between day 2-3 really helped though. The lunges and push ups also went a little better today I think, but there's still a lot of room for improvement :). Tomorrow I'll be doing day 5 and sunday will be another rest day.
    Good job everyone, I know you can do it! :)
  • Hey!!! Read the post late, but I'm in B-)
  • DanetteNel
    DanetteNel Posts: 68 Member
    Skipped Level 1 Day 6 today :sad:

    But rode stationary bike instead :tongue:

    So, tomorrow and Sunday - Day 6 and 7 - WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!
  • Bexiblueberry
    Bexiblueberry Posts: 48 Member
    Level 1 Day 5! I don't ache much at all this morning, I feel I need to up my weights for some of the exercises, but others I find very hard so will be sticking with my 1kgs for those! squat shoulder presses & lunge shoulder lifts in particular! Keeping an eye out for a bargain on some 2/3kgs!

    Looking forward to today's workout, and also going swimming today too!
  • HappyHamster123
    HappyHamster123 Posts: 9 Member
    Day 4 done! Still have some soreness in my calves so I added on some calf stretches at the end of today. Felt good today. Got ice hockey games the next three days so it will be a nice combo of 30DS in the morning and hockey at night.

    The only part I hate is during the lunges/curls where Jillian says "a couple more" and then after about 4 more says "2 more". A couple means two!! I always stop after the first two and then remember she didn't actually mean 2. Whoops ;)
  • mindovercakes
    mindovercakes Posts: 102 Member
    L1 D2 done today. After a 5K run. And on my period :noway:

    Elated I did it, even though I cannot move now! ;) Stretched loads afterwards, that's bound to help, even if I can't feel it yet. Cannot feel anything at the moment, actually! Will take the rest of day veeeeery easy.

    It'll get better, it'll get better, it'll get better, it'll get better :)
  • bethgrayster
    bethgrayster Posts: 56 Member
    I just saw this post! Today was L1 D3 for me! I need help sticking to things so I hope posting this helps. :happy:
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    L1D4 ... done! I may have time to work out before I go away tomorrow but if not, I will be back after the weekend.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    L1D1 for me. I did it before, about two years ago, but I wasn't serious enough about getting in better shape then to follow through. I'm hoping to stick to it this time, and in general just doing better, and the idea of other women out there pushing through as well really makes me feel good about it.

    And, on that note, I need to go soak in a hot tub. The first day is always the worst, I suppose, :)
  • Bexiblueberry
    Bexiblueberry Posts: 48 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 today. was very tempted to give up on it, but powered through. feel like i need heavier weights for some exercises, but others are still hard, perhaps having 2 sets of dumbbells is a good idea!
  • Rianne90
    Rianne90 Posts: 229 Member
    I didn't do 30 day shred today, but I did her no more trouble zones workout. It was much harder than i expected so I expect to be again tomorrow :(.
    Also, I got new weights to use instead of my filled water bottles (little over 1 lbs each), the new weights are 1 kg (2.2 lbs).
  • RevCO30
    RevCO30 Posts: 176 Member
    30 DS L1, D4 today when I get home from work :). I am hoping that after today my legs are not going to hurt as much. Had to really push myself through the workout yesterday. My arms and abs don't hurt nearly as much as my legs do, anyone else have this problem? But the pain means they are getting stronger, right? I do like the workout, except for the jumping jacks, LOL. Excited to get through the whole 30 days and see where I am at. I am hoping for some good results!
  • shae47
    shae47 Posts: 7 Member
    I hate the arm exercises cuz Im so week but I love the jumping jacks lol!