Can i eat anything as long as I stay under calorie goal?!?!



  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    For the love of god please stop talking about McD's, the thought of it makes me feel like I'm going to throw up. >.<:sick:

    It's good to look at the QUALITY of calories than the QUANTITY - what's a few pounds off the scale if I still look & feel like crap? I want to be healthy & feel amazing! Wouldn't you?

    I eat pretty darn well, & the only thing I have regularly in my diet that isn't totally healthy is cheese - I love cheese & don't ever want to give it up, but I do have it more in moderation now, & usually choose mozzarella which is lower in fat & cals in comparison to most other cheese.
    This isn't to say I don't have pizza every once in awhile - I am human.

    I'd much rather eat 2,000 calories of good food than 1,000 calories of fat & sugar.
    Clean eating DOESN'T ensure health. If we're doing direct comparisons of bodies, then my profile should look like **** if quality of food is all that counted when it comes to health. I should have high cholesterol, clogged arteries, massive liver damage and more since I've been eating McD's since 3rd grade. No dice. I'm healthier than many 25 year old males. Goes to show that nutrition is only part of the circle. It's important no doubt, but one doesn't have to eat like a caveman to be healthy.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    Umm, where did I say clean eating ensures health? Oh wait, I didn't.

    I said it's good to look at the quality of calories you're consuming as opposed to flat out quantity. Ideally, a person would want to eat healthy to feel healthy too. It's not black & white, but I'd bet $100 on black that I'd feel like crap if I ate for 3 days at McD's. Hell I'd feel like crap after eating 1 day.
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    My personal experience - not what the bloke nex door says blah blah blah - is yes you can for poundage loss on the scales

    However, if at the end of the journey you want to look visually decent what you eat and the macros is key - probably more important than calories
  • monkinsane
    I wouldn't. You'll find it hold very little nutritional value. About 3 years ago I was gymming and living off take-aways / take-out. I saw zero results from the gymming and I was always hungry, as junkfood has almost no nutritional value.

    I now eat right and gym and have seen amazing results the last 3 months. (I started gymming again 3 months ago).

    Generally it is ok to have one Cheat meal a week - a reward to sticking to a healthy diet. The rest of the week I eat Steamed veggies with Rice and either a piece of steak, chicken or fish.

    I strongly reccomend sticking to a healthy diet, you'll feel better.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
  • monkinsane
    Technically yes, you can, but you're not going to be very healthy doing so.
    Not true. I eat McDonald's at least once a week and KNOW I'm healthier than a lot of vegans, paleo, clean eaters etc. who are overweight.
    Health isn't just about food. Health is encompassed by weight, essential nutrition, exercise, rest, genetics, environment, disease resistance and happiness. Delete any one of those and you can compromise your health.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    While I agree with your comment. I believe she is talking about you micro nutrient intake from those types of foods.
    Maybe. But most people on here believe that eating any fast food is nothing but a detriment to weight loss.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    And you can get as technical as you want. His question was can he eat anything he wants as long as its under his calorie goal...And then proceeded to list mcdonalds and cookies. If all he eats his *kitten*, his insides are going to go *kitten* as well, and he won't be very healthy.

    Obviously adding those things in every once and a while, or even once a week, are not going to be detrimental to his health. But what if his "anything" means big macs and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies all day every day? You're telling me he will still be healthy as long as he's under his calorie goal? Bullsh*t :smile:

  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    Also I think being able to eat fast food is a measure of how healthy the rest of your diet is - if you eat well a fast food burger will taste like the sugary disgustingness it is
  • Gemz321
    Yes you can, although you might feel more full eating something else. I have found if I really crave something, I should just have some of it, otherwise depriving yourself can lead to indulging at a later stage. So if its within my calories I can have it, or exercise more to make up for it, then yes I do have some treats.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    McDonalds goes straight to my boobs. And I don't need anymore of those! :drinker:

    I'd gladly trade.

    Me too lol
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Basically - for weight loss yes but it won't all come from fat and you'll likely feel like crap

    For fat loss and looking good - IIFYM - so you couldn't just eat crap the whole time.

    To get the most out of exercise then even IIFYM isn't ideal. You need to eat the right things and at the right time

    e.g. sugary foods spike your insulin levels so your muscle cells take up the sugar and store it as glycogen. The problem is insulin also makes sugar be taken into fat cells and converted into fat which stints fat burning. One time when sugar works though, is straight after a workout. Those sugary foods get into your blood stream fast so your muscles can refuel.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Let me clarify something. I am studying to become a Registered Dietician now, so I am not giving advice with no background, just to make sure I don't seem naggy. Yes, it is okay to eat what you love. I enjoy food and have a lot of trouble controlling my diet, so I understand what it is like to crave certain types of food. Yes, you can eat McDonalds or even live on McDonalds and still lose weight. However, I have to disagree with the previous poster in a way. You will NOT be as healthy as if you ate fresh foods and kept all other parts of your lifestyle the same. Meaning, if you work out 1 hr a day, keep your health the same (drink/don't drink, etc) and were to decide between McDonalds & cookies everyday OR fresh fruits, vegetables & pasta, you would find a difference on your overall health and possibly, not surely, but possibly your life span. Many chain/fast food restaurants contain GMO's and unhealthy additives. Small choices in your diet can affect it more than you know. For example, eating margarine everyday will have different impacts than eating butter everyday. Some argue that this depends most on the trans fats (whichever has less is better) because some fats are worse than others. Some other people will argue that even if butter has more trans fat, it is better because it doesn't contain the unnatural ingredients found in a lot of margarine, which can be hard on the digestive track since they are not as natural. While McDonalds won't likely cause you to stay overweight if you eat your calories, it may have other negative effects on the body, even if you exercise routinely, because the additives and processing it goes through at not healthy either. I would say eat it, but don't eat it all the time and make sure to keep some fresh foods, like fruit & vegetables, in your diet. If you cut your favorite foods out completely, all at once, it may be difficult to stick to your new diet/lifestyle. If you ever decide to drop the less healthy foods, try to do so a little at a time.

    Yes, but it doesn't have to be all or nothing does it.

    People are arguing against eatinmg 100% junk food or 100% clean food. when most people are going to be somewher in the mioddle.

    in reality , as long as the majority of your calories are nutritionally sound, and you can still fit it into your macros and calories, then eating the odd McDonalds isn't going to harm you.

    80/20 is a great way to do it, as knowing you can still have the 20% in "junk" is what keeps many people on the straight and narrow.
  • goodnamegone
    And to those that say a Big Mac has no nutritional value......wrong. It's not the best nutritional value, but it still has value.

    Carbs 46
    Fiber 3
    Protein 25
    Fat 29

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Macdonalds food is not healthy, it's not nutritional it's junk food. It's also addictive. It's better to make your own hamburger at home. Eat what you want of course, even a cardboard box would have "some" nutritional value too....
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    And to those that say a Big Mac has no nutritional value......wrong. It's not the best nutritional value, but it still has value.

    Carbs 46
    Fiber 3
    Protein 25
    Fat 29

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Macdonalds food is not healthy, it's not nutritional it's junk food. It's also addictive. It's better to make your own hamburger at home. Eat what you want of course, even a cardboard box would have "some" nutritional value too....


    How much protein, carbs and fat are in a cardboard box.

    I suppose eating the box is one way to get extra fibre.
  • monkinsane
    Ever since my college bio teacher told me margarine is one molecule away from being plastic, I haven't eaten it again lol

    Take organic chemistry - it will make you ok with the whole "one molecule" thing again.

    Pretty much. LoL. Hell, since salt is one molecule away from being a toxic element, it should be avoided at all costs, eh?

    Yeah, and water is 1 atom different than rocket fuel (h2o2) :)

    Troll Alert
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    And you can get as technical as you want. His question was can he eat anything he wants as long as its under his calorie goal...And then proceeded to list mcdonalds and cookies. If all he eats his *kitten*, his insides are going to go *kitten* as well, and he won't be very healthy.

    Obviously adding those things in every once and a while, or even once a week, are not going to be detrimental to his health. But what if his "anything" means big macs and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies all day every day? You're telling me he will still be healthy as long as he's under his calorie goal? Bullsh*t :smile:

    I'm afraid that this just isn't factually correct. I know it seems so on it's face, but there is no science to back it up. Just the opposite, really. All the data points to that if he loses weight, all of his insides will turn to gold, meaning all of his labs and vitals will improve significantly.

    plus i don't think he's going to eat nothing but mcdonalds every day. i mean, there's got to be a taco bell around his house to mix that *kitten* up sometimes.

    Hahahaha Taco Bell will *kitten* him up foreal! :tongue:

    And if it were true that him simply losing weight equals him being healthy then there would be no unhealthy thin people, and we all know that thats not the case.

    The obvious counter to this is that if simply eating clean equaled being healthy then there would be no sick clean eaters. But they get sick and die at rates very similar to the rest of us
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You will be skinny fat

    Do I appear skinny fat to you? I eat 20/80. At best
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Yes you can as I have done just that and I am now at my goal weight :}, but one thing I would suggest is watch the sodium in things as when you eat too much sodium you can retain water weight
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Ever since my college bio teacher told me margarine is one molecule away from being plastic, I haven't eaten it again lol

    Take organic chemistry - it will make you ok with the whole "one molecule" thing again.

    Pretty much. LoL. Hell, since salt is one molecule away from being a toxic element, it should be avoided at all costs, eh?

    Yeah, and water is 1 atom different than rocket fuel (h2o2) :)

    Troll Alert

    Who, you?
  • TxHamJello
    Dang . . . no delete!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I say yes, because I pretty much do/did.

    I'm on maintenance phase now, but I eat what I crave and only eat a serving size of said item.. no more.
  • radioactivesqrl
    Yes you can eat whatever you want. I try to keep my diet at least somewhat balanced between carbs, fat, and protien. Eating 2 Big Macs a day will definitely overload on the fat portion of the diet.

    Another problem that people typically have is they will eat a piece of cake (or something) that has 1200 calories then they will be hungry 20 minutes later. Best way to stay full longer is to eat more fiber like fruits and vegetables. You can eat quite a lot of them and still have a very low calorie count.

    I would also recommend eating small meals more often. It takes awhile for the brain to recognize that you are full, so eating many small meals will help you eat less because you just won't feel hungry.