Hey guys,

I'm after some suggestions. I try to incorporate something sweet and chocolatey into my diet everyday. The reason that I do this is because I am a chocolate fiend! If I start to crave chocolate and I don't have it then I'm likely to give in and go on a chocolate bender and eat three times my body weight! Haha If I have that little something everyday then by my logic, I'm much less likely to crave and if I do then I can usually satisfy it with whatever sweet thing I've chosen for that day.

I'm well aware that ideally I should eat no chocolate whatsoever and I'm sure the day will come when I don't crave something sweet after my dinner but for now this is what is working for me.

I'm trying to make a point of the daily sweet thing I eat being a low calorie version of something i.e a Weight Watchers dessert or a mini version of a chocolate bar. I've decided that once a week I will budget (calorie-wise) for a normal sized chocolate bar of my choice.

The question is: Which chocolate bar would last me the longest?

I'm the kind of person who, when dieting, likes to savour every mouthful of the naughty foods. To date, I've found that the best so far is a Cadbury's Boost. I can make a Boost last for hours! Haha Unfortunately they have mega calories and sat fats! The worst so far is a tube of Nestle Rolos. I find I start off letting them melt in my mouth and then I end up chewing them and before I know it they're gone!!

So I'm after your opinions on what the best chocolate bar is to eat if you want that chocolatey heaven to last a while. Any suggestions as to low calorie and satisfying other sweet things that I can incorporate would be greatly appreciated too! :)



  • GeekTink
    GeekTink Posts: 98 Member
    Hmm, tough question! I have heard that dark chocolate, over 70% cacao, is very healthy for you. Not a lot of calories and such. Not sure if you are a fan of it, but it seems to last me a good while if I put down the bar in between bites. Also, Healthy Choice has some greek style frozen yogurt, chocolate fudge swirl flavor. The sell them in three packs at 100 cals a piece! Slow churned ice cream is supposed to be low in calories and fat as well, without sacrificing the taste. Not sure if I helped or not, sorry!

    ~From :Another Chocoholic
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    Definitely helped! Dark chocolate is a good shout actually as I find it very rich so don't eat as much as I would of milk chocolate! Thank you :) x
  • addmorecloud
    addmorecloud Posts: 78 Member
    Check out this website
    She's quite a fan of powdered stevia, which I don't use, so I've only tried a couple of things, but intend to try more soon!
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    I have 1 or 2 chocolate bourbons everyday with a cup of tea :) nomnomnom!!!
  • ljmiller11
    ljmiller11 Posts: 67 Member
    I agree with your logic and do the same thing. You can't deny yourself forever right!

    I find fruit like strawberries and grapes give me that sweet hit which works but if it must be chocolate I have a low calorie hot chocolate drink made with water. Options do one which has just 39 cals per mug. It tastes yummy and lastes longer than one little piece of chocolate.

    Good luck!
  • ljsmithone
    ljsmithone Posts: 2 Member
    Not sure if you have seen them but I have recently discovered chocolate chip snack-a-jacks (the large ones). They are really nice and satisfy my chocolate craving with only 60 calories per rice cake - I think they also do them in the mini bags too. :)
  • millipedey
    I like to get some dark chocolate and then melt it in porridge or rice pudding... it flavours the whole bowl of it so you feel like you're eating loads but really it's only a little square :)
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    I eat no sugar added ice cream in the fudge tracks flavor (120 cal per serving, only like 3g sugar), usually with sugar free choc. syrup (15 cals per serving) on top. I don't know, it doesn't even taste "diet-y" to me. Or if I'm craving chocolate I just make chocolate milk with skim milk and the SF chocolate syrup.

    I've been trying to watch my sugar since I was the person who could eat a whole box of cordial cherries in one sitting (about 1500 calories and 250g of sugar. Yikes.)
  • JenJen0932
    JenJen0932 Posts: 34 Member
    Fellow chocoholic here! I have found something that is helping me get through the need (yes, need) for chocolate and still keep within the parameters I have set for myself. Sugar is certainly my issue.

    Try plain Greek yogurt with unsweetened cocoa powder and stevia. Mix it up and YUM! It is not exactly like pudding, but as I am trying to train my tastebuds and brain away from the sugary tastes it is doing the trick. I have seen a big difference just in the week or so I have been eating it.

    My method: 6 tablespoons plain 0% fat Greek yogurt
    1 tablespoon Fry's Cocoa
    2-3 packets powdered stevia

    Eat cold - delicious!

    Good luck, I hope to get some new ideas from this post.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I try to avoid chocolate totally, because i'm fine when I don't have it, but when I do I want more! I am doing a 'cheat meal' thing at the moment where I can have a more naughty meal with a dessert once a week, if I'm an angel the rest of the time!

    As for choc that lasts longer....what about a Cadburys Curly Wurly. It has something like 115 calories and it really chewy.

    Or Ben and Jerry's do a frozen yoghurt version of one of their choc ice-creams.
  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    I swear by Cadbury's brunch bars. They've got the fillingness of the cereal but taste like I'm eating a proper chocolate bar because of the layer of dairy milk on the bottom. They're 150 calories each so I'm able to fit in one every day and that stops me craving more chocolate. Alternatively M&S have a great range called guilt free snacking, with all sorts of chocolatey things in 100-140 calorie portions.
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    Here are some of my favorite things for chocolate cravings:

    1) Diet hot chocolate
    2) Dark chocolate hershey kisses (if you can keep from eating a bunch all at once! I have trouble with that sometimes...)
    3) Sugar free fat free pudding
    4) Chobani vanilla chocolate chunk yogurt
    5) Dymatize chocolate fudge protein powder (SOOO GOOD - if you make a shake with some cottage cheese, soy milk, and cocoa powder and ice it tastes just like a frosty!)
  • greenmtns
    I rely on good old Hershey's kisses. If I allow myself three a day--one with morning tea, one with afternoon tea and one after dinner--it takes care of my chocolate craving without the temptation of a whole bar. Good luck!
  • Sindaelys
    Sindaelys Posts: 37 Member
    In my baking adventures this past holiday season I discovered Ghirardelli 60% Cacao bittersweet chocolate chips. Man, those things are good. There's about 16 chips in a serving, eat 'em one or two at a time and let them melt in your mouth... I think I know what I'm having for breakfast...:tongue:
  • 3319jane
    3319jane Posts: 38 Member
    I have chocolate every day too - my favourite is a dark choc two finger Kit Kat at 107 cals - I nibble the chocolate off and it takes ages to eat :smile:

    I find Maltesers are also good to eat slowly but try and only buy the smaller packs, as they are very moreish :happy:

  • Crosbinium
    Crosbinium Posts: 415 Member
    I eat a Scharffen berger Bittersweet Chocolate tasting square several times a week. I love my sweets an treat myself daily with something in my limits. It's a way to make this a sustainable change.
  • cleanandlean2012
    cleanandlean2012 Posts: 71 Member
    I am a complete chocoholic. I have worked the following into my plan:

    1. Most recently I have found a lovely dark chocolate that comes in mini bars - sometimes I have half a bar, around 70 calories, or a whole one if I have enough cals left.
    2. Bornville Cocoa Powder has no sugar in it, 100% pure cocoa. I use 8gm, which is 28 cals, with water and milk (as you would make a coffee)
    3. I have a treat meal, which include 8 truffles on a saturday night.
  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    Fellow chocoholic here! I have found something that is helping me get through the need (yes, need) for chocolate and still keep within the parameters I have set for myself. Sugar is certainly my issue.

    Try plain Greek yogurt with unsweetened cocoa powder and stevia. Mix it up and YUM! It is not exactly like pudding, but as I am trying to train my tastebuds and brain away from the sugary tastes it is doing the trick. I have seen a big difference just in the week or so I have been eating it.

    My method: 6 tablespoons plain 0% fat Greek yogurt
    1 tablespoon Fry's Cocoa
    2-3 packets powdered stevia

    Eat cold - delicious!

    Good luck, I hope to get some new ideas from this post.

    You can also use sugar free pudding mix. I get the plain Oikos greek yogurt (only 80 calories) and about 1 to 2 teaspoons of the pudding mix and a pack of Stevia\Splenda. It's so good!
  • Tebbspcad
    Options Belgium Chcolate drink, it's what I reach for every time as it's satisfies even my cholcoate cravings.

    One serving contains the following of your guideline daily amount:

    Calories 40, 2% of your GDA
    Sugar 5g, 5% of your GDA
    Fat 1g, 1% of your GDA
    Saturates 1g, 3% of your GDA
    Salt 0.3g, 5% of your GDA

  • GypsySoul_74
    GypsySoul_74 Posts: 152 Member
    ideally you would NOT ever quit chocolate forever!! that's just silly!! the way you're trying to do it is absolutely perfect--to have just a small amount every day. that's the way to make a lifestyle change that will satisfy your needs and desires but still allow you to see and maintain long term changes in your body. you have a great attitude and you're absolutely on the right track.

    i eat chocolate pretty much every day. a lot of days it's in ice cream. i figure if the whole rest of my day is fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and lowfat dairy, i can probably swing 65g (roughly a half-cup) of ice cream. other than chocolate candy, chocolate bars, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake, boston cream pie and chocolate ice cream, some chocolate things i love include:

    - protein shakes (i add an extra half- or full tablespoon of cocoa to make it super-chocolatey)
    - diet hot cocoa (swiss miss is only 25 calories per pack!)
    - special k pastry crisps in chocolatey delight
    - special k dark chocolate granola bars
    - chocolate frosted flakes/chocolate cheerios/cocoa puffs/chocolate rice krispies/pretty much any other chocolate cereal i can get my paws on
    - sugar free hershey's syrup
    - nutella
    - chocolate oatmeal (throw a tablespoon of cocoa and a packet or two of your favorite sweetener OR half a scoop of chocolate protein powder OR a pack of diet hot cocoa mix into your prepared oats)
    - chocolate protein pancakes (1/3 cup cottage cheese, 1/3 cup quick oats, 3 egg whites, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1 packet sweetener, 1 TBSP cocoa. throw it all in my bullet blender and pour the mix straight from there onto the hot skillet [mist it with canola oil first or they'll stick!])
    - oatmeal chocolate chip cookies made with applesauce or pumpkin (you can't even taste it, i swear!) instead of oil and either stevia or splenda baking blend instead of sugar