Gym newbies already gone at my gym ...



  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    Why would the gym do that? They just spent so much on New Years advertising, made a killing in new recruits and then get paid whether they show up or not. Why would you spend more money when you're making money without helping them?

    Maybe a gym would do that because it has the potential to be the better option. Maybe if they spent more on helping people make solid long term commitments instead of on recruiting boom and bust new year "revolutionists" then that would end up as a better business model in the long run. After all, it would make for a more consistent business. With a consistently growing business instead of the seasonal boom and bust, they could better plan how many trainers and machines etc they need (instead of hiring and firing for the seasonal boom and annoying long term members when the equipment is too full). With a consistent employee base, they'd be better at their jobs and people would notice and that would help the gym's business grow more. Maybe they just aren't innovative and caring enough to try a model that could ultimately be better.

    Just because a gym has made a profit the old way doesn't mean a new way with an emphasis on service wouldn't be better. New ways can be better.
  • wendyking1979
    wendyking1979 Posts: 71 Member
    I paid for my membership for almost 4 years before I started going regularly...


    Me too. :embarassed:
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    I love seeing new faces at the gym. New people. New goals. It's inspiring, really. I'll just complain for five seconds about the lack of parking or waiting to use the equipment and machines. Ho hum.
  • I joined my gym about 3 weeks ago. Next week will be my 4th week. I made a decision I was going to go, so I am. Plus, since I'm loosing weight and starting to feel better, that gives me more motivation to keep going back.
  • savagecorey2
    savagecorey2 Posts: 14 Member
    Not mine! You have to fight for machines unless you go after 8pm
  • AmesMc1972
    AmesMc1972 Posts: 194 Member
    I can't believe the attitude of some of the people here.

    Yes, let's mock those who tried and have failed. Those who are sitting at home, feeling horrible about themselves because they didn't make it as long as they wanted to. Those who when they did go, felt out of place but at least they were trying.

    And this is a site where people are supposed to encourage each other. "Don't worry about what other people think, they aren't judging you!"

    When this thread is really all about judging.

    Don't get me wrong, I love a quiet gym. I love when locker space is available and I don't have to use the machines I don't like. But I don't mind not having somewhere to hang up my clothes and I don't mind having to circle a few times for a parking spot if it means that there are people in the gym who are working on bettering themselves.

    I don't consider them "newbies" and I certainly don't celebrate when they stop showing up.

    Way to be a supportive community.

    Thank you!!!! I am incredibly self conscious. Painfully so. I can barley muster up enough courage to walk around my local track, let alone walk into a gym full of fit people. The OP only solidified my "belief" that people are, indeed, mocking me as I am attempting to walk on a treadmill.
  • Swibbels01
    Swibbels01 Posts: 47 Member
    I made it a point not to join a gym yet, but rather workout at home with various cardio dvds and strength training on equipment we already have. I am looking at a few places now that I am feeling a little stronger and feel like I can really give it 100%. Plus i know the first few weeks of the year are insane with people, and this fatty is still a little self conscious
  • I was the same way. This is the 2nd gym I've tried in my area. And I must say - I am very pleased so far. I go in, and the young lady knows my name and is very polite. There are plenty of things to do, and I never have to wait. When I leave, they always tell me "See ya tomorrow" or "Have a great day". Those little extra's go a long way. I'm not sure if there are Planet Fitness locations in your area, but I have recommended it to several people these last 3 weeks.
  • SStrauss79
    SStrauss79 Posts: 124 Member
    Here's the reality...people may need to be held accountable but first they need to make a decision and be accountable for themselves. I have a LONG way to go to reach my goals however I started this journedy because I wanted to. Because it was my time to do it for me. I have been 300+lbs for years. I have joined other gyms and did exactly what a lot of other people do after the first of the year. I'm down just 43 lbs but I'm doing it and not because of a resolution. It is not our job as members of a gym to lift up these people and encourage them to keep coming. They need to find that thing within them that makes them keep coming back and keep pushing on. They are hurting no one but themselves by letting go of one more goal. People will choose the lifestyle they do until THEY are ready to make a difference. The rest of us don't need to be on some crusade to save everyone else. And believe me I am all about support that is why I am here...but again it was ME taking the step to be here and reach out. I get so tired of society always wanting to point the finger at someone else when they just need to look at themself. Buck up, put on your big girl/boy panties and take the step to be the person you want to be.
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    If you open a gym I'm joining.
    :heart: Awesome!
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I can't believe the attitude of some of the people here.

    Yes, let's mock those who tried and have failed. Those who are sitting at home, feeling horrible about themselves because they didn't make it as long as they wanted to. Those who when they did go, felt out of place but at least they were trying.

    And this is a site where people are supposed to encourage each other. "Don't worry about what other people think, they aren't judging you!"

    When this thread is really all about judging.

    Don't get me wrong, I love a quiet gym. I love when locker space is available and I don't have to use the machines I don't like. But I don't mind not having somewhere to hang up my clothes and I don't mind having to circle a few times for a parking spot if it means that there are people in the gym who are working on bettering themselves.

    I don't consider them "newbies" and I certainly don't celebrate when they stop showing up.

    Way to be a supportive community.

    Thank you!!!! I am incredibly self conscious. Painfully so. I can barley muster up enough courage to walk around my local track, let alone walk into a gym full of fit people. The OP only solidified my "belief" that people are, indeed, mocking me as I am attempting to walk on a treadmill.

    Personally, I would love to help new people, but, as was said earlier, I would feel like a creeper going up to some new person and starting to talk to them.
    I also can't imagine being a new person on an elliptical or treadmill next to me and seeing my numbers flash by, I am fat, but fit and pretty fast for an old guy. I wouldn't want someone working out with me to think they aren't doing enough, just because I can do more, but my time is limited and I cant go at their pace either.

    Oh, and I probably shouldn't wear this shirt @ the gym and talk to new people . .hehe
  • Ledgehanger
    Ledgehanger Posts: 125 Member
    Taking glee in something like this is a major character flaw. Next year try encouraging the new members to reach thier goals instead of bragging about how they keep your gym membership low.
    Deciding somebody has a major character flaw based on an internet forum post is a major character flaw.

    (What can I say... I'm flawed...) :laugh:
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    As a consistent gym member and a person who works in a mall that has a gym, I welcome this time of year; when people forget about their new years resolutions.

    As a gym member, I like it when the gym isn't too crowded; I don't have to wait to use machines or weights, I can chit chat with my trainer without someone getting annoyed that we are taking "too long" at one station. It's win-win all around. They no longer get annoyed with me, I no longer get annoyed with them

    As a mall employee, I don't have to park in Timbuktu and risk getting frostbite walking to and from my car… by 9:30, it's COLD and the wind-chill doesn't help matters… BRRRRRR!

    February is a rough month, anything that can keep our spirits up (even if it's rejoicing in other people's failures… not that my point of view is that of people failing. It's more so, "how wonderful this is for me!") is welcome in my books :smile:

    That said, if you are a new gym member, and continue to go, I commend you! Making the commitment and sticking to it is worth a round of applause. Seriously.
  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    Why would the gym do that? They just spent so much on New Years advertising, made a killing in new recruits and then get paid whether they show up or not. Why would you spend more money when you're making money without helping them?

    Maybe a gym would do that because it has the potential to be the better option. Maybe if they spent more on helping people make solid long term commitments instead of on recruiting boom and bust new year "revolutionists" then that would end up as a better business model in the long run. After all, it would make for a more consistent business. With a consistently growing business instead of the seasonal boom and bust, they could better plan how many trainers and machines etc they need (instead of hiring and firing for the seasonal boom and annoying long term members when the equipment is too full). With a consistent employee base, they'd be better at their jobs and people would notice and that would help the gym's business grow more. Maybe they just aren't innovative and caring enough to try a model that could ultimately be better.

    Just because a gym has made a profit the old way doesn't mean a new way with an emphasis on service wouldn't be better. New ways can be better.

    Your right. A different business model might also be successful. But that's not the reality of most of the gyms in business today, the ones most of us go to. And that's the ones that people here are referring to. And under those circumstances, waiting to use equipment or not being able to find a parking spot is annoying, and makes for a less satisfying gym experience. That is what most people here are saying.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    I have been a member of the Y for about 3-4 years now. My participation there has waxed and waned over the years depending on my dedication level, and the activities of my family. But that is on me. not the other members and not the Y itself. I don't know why anyone would expect that the gym would be responsible for me showing up or not showing up. I have been very regular for the past year although the workouts I am doing have changed.

    as for being welcoming to new members...what is it that you are expecting? Honestly. I don't run around pushing people off of machines or growling at anyone I think is new. I am one of those who is slightly miffed at the craziness of the gym at this time of year because it can impede what I have been doing there for the past year or so. doesn't mean I am mean to people. or unwelcoming. Frankly I go to the gym to workout. I use the gym because they have equipment there that I do not have at home. I also find that I am much more motivated if I workout somewhere other than home. (I had an elliptical that worked well for hanging clothes on) I know that for me personally a gym is the way to go. I would frankly rather not have people trying to welcome me with hugs and knowledge of my personal life. I have plenty of friends outside of the gym. so like I said before, I go in and come out and take care of me. There are familiar faces there, as there will be after attending a gym for 3+ years I say hi and wave but that is about it.

    I really don't get all the anger and hostility when someone posts a thread about their frustration at all the new people in the gym. Last I checked no one posted that they were kicking people or yelling at them to leave or something...regular gym goers are just venting at what can be an inconvenience.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Why would the gym do that? They just spent so much on New Years advertising, made a killing in new recruits and then get paid whether they show up or not. Why would you spend more money when you're making money without helping them?

    Maybe a gym would do that because it has the potential to be the better option. Maybe if they spent more on helping people make solid long term commitments instead of on recruiting boom and bust new year "revolutionists" then that would end up as a better business model in the long run. After all, it would make for a more consistent business. With a consistently growing business instead of the seasonal boom and bust, they could better plan how many trainers and machines etc they need (instead of hiring and firing for the seasonal boom and annoying long term members when the equipment is too full). With a consistent employee base, they'd be better at their jobs and people would notice and that would help the gym's business grow more. Maybe they just aren't innovative and caring enough to try a model that could ultimately be better.

    Just because a gym has made a profit the old way doesn't mean a new way with an emphasis on service wouldn't be better. New ways can be better.

    You can continue to wish that the world will change to suit your needs, or you can be responsible for you, and change you. It's your choice and it's no one else's responsibility. Sure the regulars can be nice and plenty of us even walk up and say hi after a while, but we aren't going to change so that you, or anyone else, gets their butt out of bed in the morning. If you care so much, then invest your money and open up a gym that is what you imagine a gym should be.
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    Your right. A different business model might also be successful. But that's not the reality of most of the gyms in business today, the ones most of us go to. And that's the ones that people here are referring to. And under those circumstances, waiting to use equipment or not being able to find a parking spot is annoying, and makes for a less satisfying gym experience. That is what most people here are saying.

    Thanks. Yeah, I understand the reality, but I'm an idealist at heart. :ohwell:

    I felt I just had to point out that it stinks that on a forum like this, where we're supposed to be supportive "pals" in our fitness journeys, that experienced gym members would look down their noses at failing noobies and cheer that failing, when, ideally, they could be encouraging them, questioning their gym's failure to support the newbies, or at least discussing ways to solve the underlying problem--even if nothing comes of it. :grumble:

    Ah, well, a girl can dream, right? :flowerforyou:
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    Your right. A different business model might also be successful. But that's not the reality of most of the gyms in business today, the ones most of us go to. And that's the ones that people here are referring to. And under those circumstances, waiting to use equipment or not being able to find a parking spot is annoying, and makes for a less satisfying gym experience. That is what most people here are saying.

    Thanks. Yeah, I understand the reality, but I'm an idealist at heart. :ohwell:

    I felt I just had to point out that it stinks that on a forum like this, where we're supposed to be supportive "pals" in our fitness journeys, that experienced gym members would look down their noses at failing noobies and cheer that failing, when, ideally, they could be encouraging them, questioning their gym's failure to support the newbies, or at least discussing ways to solve the underlying problem--even if nothing comes of it. :grumble:

    Ah, well, a girl can dream, right? :flowerforyou:

    about 1/10 of my posts are actually helpful, useful posts with information that is genuine and to the best of my knowledge (which egotistically I must admit is more than most here). so that's at least 200 posts of helpful information in 4 months. This is not including the sincere information and suggestions I've given friends and posted in some of the other groups.
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    Why do people cheer about this? The way I see it, if your gym and it's members had been more supportive of the newbies at a time when you all knew they would be challenged, maybe you could have helped them stick with it and made a real difference in more of their lives. Clearly, your gym doesn't do well by the members who need it the most (the new ones).

    Because it says so much about how people think they can quick fix there long term abuse and sorry sob stories of unluckiness

    75% have given up by 21st Jan apparently - no level of support from a gym will help that

    Citation for your study for the 75%? Seriously, I want someone to link me to an article about gym that actually does even one of the things I mentioned and for an employee of that gym to tell me that their efforts were a complete waste of time.

    If it were a different business, like a restaurant, and only 25% of the customers came back as regulars, how would that business get a good reputation and stay in business? Bad gyms are rigged to be all about the money instead of all about health.

    I'd pay more for a gym with good service that goes a little above and beyond to help me meet a goal and build a good habit rather than to just leave me to my own devices as a "noob".

    Heck, my dentist does a better job than the local gym did. Now, my dentist doesn't have a key fob, but they did take my picture when I first went there. Now when I show up for appointments, they don't ask me my name because they spot me from my photo on the list for the day. They even compliment me when they think I look skinnier (6 months between visits, so it's more likely noticeable). They take notes when I chit chat with them too, so when my hubby comes in or when I come back they can pick up where we left off, "Oh so how was the wedding?! How do you like the new house? etc" I know they're "cheating" because they have my photo and file open as they see me come in, but it really makes for a great service experiences and I recommend them to anyone who asks. Gyms could do something similar if they cared.

    It might be a little harder if you have 1000 clients that could come in at any time of the day instead of scheduled appointments. I used to work at a gym and we got to know the regulars. The thing to keep in mind is that some people don't want to be talked to. They want to come in, get to work and get out.
  • laural007
    laural007 Posts: 251 Member
    Do you expect someone to constantly hold your hand thru-out life? It is not our responsibility nor the staffs responsibility to make sure you feel comfortable every time you step foot in that gym. I am there to workout not to chitchat with other gym members, you should be doing the same.