30 Day Shred May 1st-31st Challenge- Wanna join?



  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I just joined myfitnesspal.com from Belgium. I have the Jillian Michaels dvd and I'll join in even if it's 5 days late. I bet Jillian will get us all in shape in no time!

    Good luck to everyone, it is very encouraging to see the weight tickers and the progress you all make. Very motivating :)


    Back when I was about 7-9 years old we had a foreign exchange student named Ellie (not sure of spelling now). She was from Belgium. It was through the TeenAid Program. She was probably in high school at the time. I wish I could somehow find her again. Seeing that you were from Belgium made me think of her.

    Good Luck in your weight loss!
  • sotonguetied
    mmmk just completed my L1 D2! i definitely noticed that i had an easier time today than i did on day 1, and switching up my weight amounts, alternating between 3 & 5 pounders worked a lot better for me. i'm feeling really good about this! =]
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    mmmk just completed my L1 D2! i definitely noticed that i had an easier time today than i did on day 1, and switching up my weight amounts, alternating between 3 & 5 pounders worked a lot better for me. i'm feeling really good about this! =]

    Congrats on the great workout! I am anxiously waiting to go home to get my workout started. I know I felt really good after my last workout so I can't wait to see how I feel after the 3rd! :happy:
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Hi ladies, looks like everyone is doing a great job so far! I got a late start as this week is the first week back to a 'normal' schedule for me. I just finished L1D1...after working a 15hour day! :blushing: I am very proud of myself for finding that extra energy and for keeping on track with everything today!

    Was anyone else EXTREMELY sore after the first session? I've NEVER made it to D2 b/c I've been too sore to walk, BUT, i'm determined to do so tomorrow, even if it's at about 11pm again. My A/C is out and I live in Florida...it's hella warm in this joint, but I'll consider it to be a nice warm place for my muscles to keep warm. Right? :wink: Something like that.

    Anyway, I wish you all the best of luck! :flowerforyou: Keep checking in over the weekends! It's always my downfall and I'm really gonna try to stick to it. I can taste the 220s!! It's been SOOOO long since I've seen them!

  • Lshizz
    Lshizz Posts: 44 Member
    Good job everyone! Looks like we're all staying on track!

    I just finished D4L1 and while it does get easier every time, I am sooooo sore. My legs can hang but my arms, and mostly my left arm b/c I'm right handed, are torn up! I know it will get better but right now I feel like it needs a sling or something haha.

    Proud of everyone though, keep pushing through!
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    I am in too but late joining. Want to loose 30 lbs. the workout is not bad but following the food part can be tricky at night I will keep weighing in...Starting weight 163
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Hi ladies, looks like everyone is doing a great job so far! I got a late start as this week is the first week back to a 'normal' schedule for me. I just finished L1D1...after working a 15hour day! :blushing: I am very proud of myself for finding that extra energy and for keeping on track with everything today!

    Was anyone else EXTREMELY sore after the first session? I've NEVER made it to D2 b/c I've been too sore to walk, BUT, i'm determined to do so tomorrow, even if it's at about 11pm again. My A/C is out and I live in Florida...it's hella warm in this joint, but I'll consider it to be a nice warm place for my muscles to keep warm. Right? :wink: Something like that.

    Anyway, I wish you all the best of luck! :flowerforyou: Keep checking in over the weekends! It's always my downfall and I'm really gonna try to stick to it. I can taste the 220s!! It's been SOOOO long since I've seen them!


    Hi Opera_Bound! Yes I was so sore and I didn't workout the second day but I regretted it the next day so I am going to do the workout every day from on. Suprisingly, I felt much better after my second workout. Each one seems to get a little easier and I am less sore as I complete each workout. So keep at it and it will get better! :wink:

    I will check in over the weekend so hopefully we can keep each other motivated. The weekend are always tough for me too, especially when I have a cookout to go to tomorrow. :frown:
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    BGent: Thanks for the reply. I was beginning to think I was doing something wrong! :noway: LOL But - *SURPRISINGLY*, I feel great today. No fatigue and utter soreness like before. Don't know if I did something different or if my body understood better what to do this time around, but I'm greatful for feeling sore in a good way and looking forward to another 30day Shred workout tonight. I'm also hitting the pool this afternoon with some friends, so I'm hoping to get in some laps!! :drinker:

    Happy Friday and keep with it everyone! A little boast for myself here - I resisted eating a friend's leftover fries from McDonalds this afternoon, even thought they smelt SOO yummy! :bigsmile: I think it's the little things like that, that keep me motivated. One small step and meal/snack at a time! Now....to make good decisions for the Mexican food outing tonight ---- :ohwell: Keep me in your prayers that I'll make a good choice! And any suggestions are welcome! :wink:

    Ciao ladies!
  • Destined
    Destined Posts: 116
    Today it is L1D7..Woo Hoo.. Let me get to it...So discouraged this morning when I weighed in.... No .change.. I will continue getting shredded....Woo Hooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Let me get off the computer and get to work!
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    BGent: Thanks for the reply. I was beginning to think I was doing something wrong! :noway: LOL But - *SURPRISINGLY*, I feel great today. No fatigue and utter soreness like before. Don't know if I did something different or if my body understood better what to do this time around, but I'm greatful for feeling sore in a good way and looking forward to another 30day Shred workout tonight. I'm also hitting the pool this afternoon with some friends, so I'm hoping to get in some laps!! :drinker:

    Happy Friday and keep with it everyone! A little boast for myself here - I resisted eating a friend's leftover fries from McDonalds this afternoon, even thought they smelt SOO yummy! :bigsmile: I think it's the little things like that, that keep me motivated. One small step and meal/snack at a time! Now....to make good decisions for the Mexican food outing tonight ---- :ohwell: Keep me in your prayers that I'll make a good choice! And any suggestions are welcome! :wink:

    Ciao ladies!

    Good job on resisting the urge to snack on the fries! I know how addictive they can be, fries are my favorite food. I know this probably isn't the best thing to do at a Mexican restaurant but I love eating fresh salsa so sometimes I will just get an ice tea, a margarita on the rocks with no salt and eat the salsa and chips to my hearts content. lol

    I may not have to worry about my trip to the cookout tonight, woke up with a bad headache. :cry: Took Sudafed but didn't help so now I have tension headache meds so I will see what happens. I still have to make it through a workday so it is not looking good for me but I may be better off just going home and working out. :ohwell:

    Hope everyone enjoys their Saturday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sotonguetied
    soo excited for today! finished up my L1 D3 and actually made it through the entire section of squats with shoulder presses! my shoulders are definitely one of my weakest muscle groups, considering with as little weight as 3 pounds after only a couple reps of any shoulder exercise i always need to stop and rest. not today though! this is very encouraging to me, especially since i'm only doing the workout every other day, so i like knowing that i'm still getting great benefits from this workout even after only a few days. cannot wait to see what kind of strength and endurance i gain by the end of the month! hope everyone else is doing well too =]
  • ftondee
    ftondee Posts: 8 Member
    This is day 4 for me. I did level 2 and then did level 1 today. We had two party's to go to. I can't believe how well I did food wise at the party. I did not eat cake at either party!!! I did have a 100 calorie ice cream at the first one though.

    You guys should see my 5 year old and 2 year old working out with me. I give them green been cans for their weights. They get a real kick out of the jumping jacks. My oldest is real good to tell me when I am not doing exactly as Jillian says. :)
  • Lshizz
    Lshizz Posts: 44 Member
    Last night I finished L1D6....I am getting used to the exercises now and am not sore anymore at all....I love it! Although I'm sure level 2 will kick my butt again!
  • Destined
    Destined Posts: 116
    Skipping my D11L2. Guys I am tired I was doing laundry all day!! Maybe double up tomorrow or just finish on the 1st of June instead of the may 31st..I am so exhausted!! But will stay up to watch the BL tonight
  • sotonguetied
    ohhh my! i did level 2 for the first time today, and WOW, super challenging. so many planks! i had to stop so many times to rest it was ridiculous. but, i do feel like the first time is always the hardest and i can only get stronger from here on out, making my future shreds easier, right? sounds good to me lol =]
  • h_eloise86
    h_eloise86 Posts: 124
    D9L1 today.
    I've had to rest on some days due to sore sore sore muscles so other days I have doubled up my dose.
    I am nervous as L2 approaches. I can do jumping jacks without resting now. I love the punches part of cardio.
    Those shoulder squat presses still kill me as do the ... what is it called? The last stretch in the last strength. The leg/arm one you do with chest flies... Well whatever that is called I very much suck at those still. But it's a work in progress and I love this program. Good luck to all y'all out there :)
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi all,
    I know I'm a little behind, but I wanted to join anyways! I just started the challenge today! I started with Level 2 as I have been doing the P90X workout and almost finished with that one so I thought I could handle L2. Well, it was still tough! Wow! What a workout!
    Hopefully the middle will tighten up with this workout!
  • cbullock115
    cbullock115 Posts: 110
    So, I haven't been posting as I should :blushing: I have just been busy and doing good to get my exercise and foods logged in. Anyway, I am starting D1L2 today s PRAY for me!!! LOL!!!:laugh:
  • Destined
    Destined Posts: 116
    Today is L1D4. I have been having a great ride. But that Jillian I tell you she is killing me. I never broke a sweat working out. But Now I am all drenched by the time I finish. I am loving it. I am doing daily walks too on top of that.. Yesterday was 6 miles power walk.. Yayyy meee. I am planning to finish the 30 day shred in it's entirety. I am hoping to see the scale move in my direction.

    My S.W is 200lbs.. We will see what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So I have gained 2 pounds in the first 7 days of the shred and I just today lost them on day 15 of L2..what is going on here.. I am back at 200lbs.. I am loving it though.. I am having fun.. I am looking forward to complete the challenge at least..Pounds off would be great too...
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    I've just started Level 2; thought I was physically fit enough to sail through L1 but - wow - Jillian is a hard taskmaster!!

    I found L1 quite tough on my knees; thankfully L2 is not quite as hard on the joints, but it's challenging nonetheless.

    Still, can't complain - I've dropped at least 2 dress sizes since I started on MFP, which does wonders for my self esteem.