Cheat Day?



  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    As you can see everyone is different. I personally don't think a "cheat" day makes any sense. I have changed my eating lifestyle. I'm not on a "diet" I don't restrict myself or have foods that are banned from my life. If I want chocolate, cheese bread, or some other type of indulgence I eat it because A) I will have a weekly surplus of calories to allow for it or B) I will make other adjustments so I'm not too way out of line with the added calories.
  • am06or
    am06or Posts: 30 Member
    I eat healthy and plan and prepare as many meals a week as I can (lunches, snacks & dinners). I have no restricted foods at all and I eat what I want (in moderation). I don't plan a "cheat day" but if someone invites me for lunch or dinner or a drink I don't turn it down because I need to eat healthy food and stay in a certain calorie goal. I still need to live my life. I make sure 98% of the time that it doesn't bring me over my allowed calories that day (make smart choices) and if I know in advance I try to make sure to save some overall "room" in my calories for the week. I can still have Doritos, Skittles, a burger, pizza or Wine whenever I want to and I track everything. This is a lifestyle and it is about will power and moderation, this is how I do it. If YOU can live YOUR life eating like this then do it. If YOU need to eat clean 100% of the time or YOU think you have failed then that is what YOU need to do. If YOU need a whole day where you don't have to track it for YOUR sanity then do it.

    It's all about personal choices.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Why do you have to cheat? If you think that you need to cheat to enjoy a meal or a day then you aren't thinking of what you are doing as permanent. If I want something...I eat it! I do what I need to in order to make it fit into my calories and macros for the day, but nothing is off limits to me. It is the one of the two keys to my success this time around.

    The other key is patience.
  • joycelreed
    joycelreed Posts: 17 Member
    problem is if you cheat on purpose and your weight goes up when it could have gone down...who have you cheated?
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I can't turn my sense of what I should be doing on and off that way. I let myself eat more sweets temporarily when I have a one day stress sort of thing, specifically something like a big test, but I know it's only one day, and in reality I don't eat more than usual, just more chocolate than usual. It's as much because I don't take time to cook when I'm stressed as it is because I want the sugar.

    My diet wouldn't be appetizing to everyone, but I enjoy the food that I eat. I never force myself to eat anything that I don't like. So I don't need to "cheat."
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I don't take cheat days, if I have a day I want to overindulge I make up for it with exercise. That way I can have something others would consider sinful but I am still moving toward my goals.