30 Day Shred Beginning Feb 1st



  • I just started today (feb 1st 2013)!!! I need motivation. Does anyone know what to add it as under exercise?
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Mines in the post. So as long as it arrives back, im in. I know its called 30 day shred,however I work a second job 2 nights aweek, and therefore wouldn't be able to do it on those nights. do you think this would make a massive difference to the results?

    You know, I think ANY time you're doing any sort of exercise it's a major achievement. I'd focus on what you CAN do rather than anything else. Everyone's results will be different anyway, so take pride in your own. GO FOR IT!!!
  • Got sick last time I tried to do this, so hopefully I can avoid the flu and norovirus and stick with you all! :)
  • folieeadeuxx
    folieeadeuxx Posts: 83 Member
    Im in, :) I added you!!
  • rabps
    rabps Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in if it's not too late! Planning to start tonite!
  • fruitcake91
    fruitcake91 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in!! Started yesterday too. Feel free to add me :)
  • MandaPanda78
    MandaPanda78 Posts: 4 Member
    If it's not too late I would love to join too! I REALLY need to the motivation! :)
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    I started today Level 1 / Day 1

    I did the full program last year this time with great toning results, so hoping for the same again. I am also training for another half marathon....should be a interesting 30 days !
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    I just started today (feb 1st 2013)!!! I need motivation. Does anyone know what to add it as under exercise?

    I add it as cardio 20 min/150 calories
  • fruitcake91
    fruitcake91 Posts: 16 Member
    I just started today (feb 1st 2013)!!! I need motivation. Does anyone know what to add it as under exercise?

    I added it as circuit training, general. Alot of people seem to add it as that so I just done the same. Hope this helps:wink:
  • I am a few days behind but I am interested I just got back on here and my job is doing a biggest loser contest so I gotta get moving!:smile: