Exercising WITH a spouse?



  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    I know how you feel. Well, my variety of it I guess. I'm overweight and my man is not. He wants me to run with him, and um, I don't really run so much as jog/walk c25k style. Its embarrasing for me because he can run for miles and I start getting out of breath pretty quickly. I told myself that he would be annoyed by my lack of endurance for a long time.

    Once I tried it, it really wasn't so bad. He is very encouraging and motivating. Really he just wants to be with me and help me however he can. What a sweetie. I'm sure you want similar things for your partner.

    Good luck!
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    My boyfriend sits on the couch on his laptop, while I do 30DS. At first I didn't want to work out in front of him...then I realized it was silly. I work(ed) out in front of strangers at the gym.

    It's actually really helpful to have him in the room. He helps me maintain proper form, and will adjust me if I am wrong (I have a really bad back and often place my back wrong), He also helps me... and counts 5 beats for me when I pause, then tells me to keep going.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    We are old people, but my husband and I work out together-sort of. I was very self-conscious when I first started doing a workout video. Not so much when we were walking. Now, he is getting ready for a 100 mile bicycle ride in Sept. so he rides on his bicycle trainer while I do the video. I like that we can do different htings, each for what we need, but at the same time, so the workouts get done for both of us. If you give it a try for a few times, see if it gets better-maybe it's just a matter of getting used to it?
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    I was EXACTLY like that. I would never let my hubby see me do a video even though we lift weights together. One day he watch on of my videos and wanted to do it with me. It sucked at first but I got over it. Especially since I was better at it then him. lol!!!!
  • shawnteahsing
    shawnteahsing Posts: 53 Member
    If I work out at home my husband will sit there and watch me. Kinda makes me a little embaressed. But oh well! He will go for walks/runs with me, at my pace (way slower then his). He says he like watching me.
  • Treewud
    I used to be the same way when i did yoga... id do it in a seperate room and when my wife walked in i would stop(theres not much out there that looks more ridiculous than a 300 pound man drinched in sweet doing yoga). after she walked in on me a few times i just stopped caring about hiding it. Actually the more i got used to her watching me the more confidence i gained and the more i enjoyed doing it. As an added benefit she got interest in doing yoga as well, However she said she doesnt want to do it with me because ive gotten so good at it and she would look ridiculous. Lol
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    LOL thanks for all the replies! I told him to do it on his own for a few days and if it's something he wants to continue maybe we can try a session or two of it together. I don't know why I am like that with workout videos at home, because the gym never bothered me having strangers see me on the machines.

    We can't join a gym right now because we live in a small town with only a teeny tiny gym and live 30 minutes from a decent one. We are going to move to a bigger town next month and at that point we will join a 24 hour gym, instead of this small one that is closed overnight and on Sundays. Money is tight, we can't afford to drive 30 miles to a gym every day, esp considering we'd have to go at seperate times because of our 11 month old :)

    And yea, I am a little worried that he may become a Nazi with me and tell me I'm doing it wrong or to push harder, etc. I've been doing Shred for 3 days now and my quads are sore and he's all "OMG you over exerted yourself you need to take a break" I'm like "NO these muscles are just not use to being used THAT'S why they are sore"
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    If he is watching you at all, it will be to try to figure out what is going on!

    Let me guess, you turn the bedroom lights off?
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    We work out every night at the gym together. That's time together. We love it!!!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    My husband and I both run and he wanted to go for a run with me. I felt exactly the same you do - I'm self conscious and I so did not want him there, but it actually turned out to be a lot of fun :)
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    At least he's willing to work out with you, My other half does not exercise. It's against her morals. LOL :laugh:
  • astylla
    astylla Posts: 118 Member
    My husband and I joined a gym last Sunday one that was right by both of our jobs ( we work about 10 mins from each other) so we have no excuses not to work out 5 days a week. I have battled my weight all my life and have always felt like going to a gym was not going to work for me..I was scared. I was worried what people would think about me or look at me. We found a local gym that has a family and friendly vibe and I can't wait to get off work to go.

    We push each other and support one another. Since Monday I have lost 7.2 lbs with proper eating and excercise and my husband has lost about the same. We don't even notice anyone else. We are there for us. Everyone is there for themselves..just remember this is your life and only you can make it happen. I hope this helps !
  • julieorme
    I work out with my husband, he's fitter than me so my competitive streak pushes me to work harder!

    it works really well, if i don't feel like training he'll encourage me to go and vice versa. i used to feel self concious but the first time you see him all sweaty and out of breath you realise theres no need to worry:)