I want to hear success stories from non-gym goers!



  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I lost 45lbs without going to a gym. I run outside. I also got some used dumbbells and I was given a copy of p90x from a relative who bought it and then never used it once. I started using JM dvds (very cheap--especially on amazon). I also picked up the Supreme 90 dvds on amazon (sort of a p90x knock-off) for $10 for the entire set.

    I'm trying to acquire a barbell and some heavier weights but I haven't found an affordable set yet.
  • Huasnagirl7
    Huasnagirl7 Posts: 4 Member
    I am doing my weight loss/get in shape without the Gym membership. I am walking, doing yoga and excersies in my home. I feel like the gym supressed me instead of helping me. Good luck!
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    No gym for me.

    Watching what I eat (and how much!) and walking is what I do.
  • schaskes
    schaskes Posts: 103 Member
    I lost 38 pounds with a treadmill in my garage (Craig's List is awesome for getting one cheap), Wii Just Dance, walking, biking, and of course, tracking my calories! I also learned to tone with hand weights from a few sessions with a personal trainer, but I'm sure that there are videos or friends who can help you do that for free. I am not comfortable in gyms.
  • angeliqueann
    angeliqueann Posts: 213 Member
    I've lost 54.1 lbs. since September 25th. I just ate better, and worked out at home. I did Jiliian Michaels videos, went for walks, did yoga, jogged (rarely lol. maybe twice) and dance. I just started zumba this week. $2.00 a class. =D
  • SwimSoccerTaxi
    SwimSoccerTaxi Posts: 98 Member
    Nope...no gym here. When I was in the BEST shape of my life I did karate and never lifted a weight. Jillian Micheal's DVD's are amazing BTW! Good luck...you can do it!
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    See the tracker? All lost without setting foot into the gym. I am a lazy couch potato (for better or for worse), so this has all been down to what and more importantly, how much I eat. I started in August last year and have been between 1200 and 1600 cals (I am sedentary, working from home). The only exercise I have added is my daily dog walks (about half an hour at lunch, longer at the weekends) and the odd bit of Zumba on the Wii (and I do mean odd bit, like every other week or so).

    Now that I am almost at goal weight I find myself considering exercise to tone up, and because I am lighter, my knees don't seem to object too much to the idea :-)

    Disclaimer: I am not saying this is the ideal way, but it is my way and it works for me.

    Your post = my post
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    See the tracker? All lost without setting foot into the gym. I am a lazy couch potato (for better or for worse), so this has all been down to what and more importantly, how much I eat. I started in August last year and have been between 1200 and 1600 cals (I am sedentary, working from home). The only exercise I have added is my daily dog walks (about half an hour at lunch, longer at the weekends) and the odd bit of Zumba on the Wii (and I do mean odd bit, like every other week or so).

    Now that I am almost at goal weight I find myself considering exercise to tone up, and because I am lighter, my knees don't seem to object too much to the idea :-)

    Disclaimer: I am not saying this is the ideal way, but it is my way and it works for me.

    I did exactly what you did. EXACTLY minus the dog walking and Zumba. I once heard a doctor say; regarding weight loss, "Don't exercise any more now that you intend to the rest of your life." So I didn't.

    If you need to firm up, try isometrics. You can do them anywhere; ANYWHERE. I have been at it a few times daily for about 1.5-2 months and my husband has noticed a firming, change of shape and reduction of my thighs. I have been doing my legs only. I started with upper body yesterday. Go on youtube and watch some videos. With my legs, I just tighten the crap out of them for about 10 seconds a few times a day.
  • toshi89
    toshi89 Posts: 101 Member
    Simply work out at home. Do body weight exercises if you don't own weights, go for walk/runs, do some kickboxing. Check youtube for free workout videos. Fitnessblender
  • jgood21
    jgood21 Posts: 109 Member
    100% of my 101 lbs weight loss has been done at home! Never stepped into a gym! Just workout DVD's, some running, and watching calories. It is doable!
  • nomoremasa23
    nomoremasa23 Posts: 18 Member
    I have lost 9 lbs in one month and havent been to the gym. I get creative! Example, if I need something from the store I will walk there and back. Its like 2 in one, saving gas and exercising and walk fast. I also do trails, walk in my neighborhood on streets with BIG hills and Zumba. Some helpful tips...I went to the library and rented some workout dvds (FREE) and also swapped dvds with friends or worked out with them at their house doing the dvds (support) One thing that has really worked for me is my cable carrier has on demand. I go on there and there are fitness workouts from 5-60 minutes doing everything! Cardio kickboxing, situps, pushups, belly dancing, walking, etc.

    Good luck to you and add me if you need any support! I workout at least 5-6 times a week!

    Or if anyone needs support, ADD ME! Friends are always welcome!
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    56 lbs down in 8 mos, no gym, just walking and watching what i eat.
  • capperboy
    capperboy Posts: 99 Member
    walk, bike, jog 60 lbs loss over two years
  • petejjcharlton
    petejjcharlton Posts: 20 Member
    No gym here also, started C25K training 3 months ago and now starting 10K training. I've got an old exercise bike for when it's raining, and also started the 100 push-up plan.
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    two words: jump rope
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    Full disclosure I am actually a gym goer most of the time, but I live in NYC and I walk miles a day just to get places. Jumping rope is a great fill in when I'm somewhere and cant get outside or to a gym. You can build a great HIIT routine around it. Also, here in the city I see zillions of people on bicycles, and pretty much all of 'em look pretty fit. Great way to get around, stay healthy and cut down pollution.
  • I don't go to the gym either, all my weight from my ticker, is what I have done through diet and exercise at home and outdoors.
  • froggy77064
    froggy77064 Posts: 49 Member
    my 1st time around i lost 54lbs by watching what i ate and doing c25k. all in about 7 months. it can be done without the gym.
  • I joined the gym around 2 years ago and lost no weight! I'm lucky I guess as I do have a cross trainer at home (so I swear by using that!) I invested in some dumbbells to do weights and used youtube to do work out videos. I've lost 58lbs so far without having to pay for a gym membership (but as I said i have a cross trainer so does that count?). I do go for runs though, so I dont think having a gym membership is needed
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    40lbs lost by eating well, walking, playing xbox kinect and willpower! :D
    I've never been in a gym in my life and don't think I ever will. :)
  • dan95130
    dan95130 Posts: 78 Member
    I work odd hours and can't get to a gym without totally disrupting family life. I exercise at home with severel DVD programs and got better results than when I was going to the gym. If money is tight, you can borrow exercise DVD from the library or watch a large selection on youtube.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I just cancelled my gym membership. Haven't gone for a few years. I've lost all my weight exercising in my house, using my stationary bike, riding my regular bike and walking.
  • I have always hated the gym, especially change rooms and so, I have found other ways to work out--I only just joined here but have released 80 pounds in the last two years by watching what I eat--I eat Canada's Food Guide. --and walking, and using the wii to workout at home doing a variety of different activities.
  • ChickPea89
    ChickPea89 Posts: 31 Member
    I use hasfit and fitness blender videos on YouTube, I find both equally awesome. I love that I can workout in my pjs :-). I've lost two stones so far.
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    Rowing machine - exercise bike - diet - worked for me.
  • Nikachelle
    Nikachelle Posts: 66 Member
    I haven't had a gym membership since I was 18. Over the past year or two I've lost 36 pounds from running outdoors combined with the 30 Day Shred at home. You definitely, DEFINITELY do not need a gym.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    Your body doesn't care if you are in the gym or working out at home. It just wants to move.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I walk!
    It is free and very easy to do!
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