Staying under 1600 - feedback?

Hey there,

I'm newish to MFP and have been doing a fairly good job of tracking everything I'm taking in. I'm following the road map post and so am trying to stay between 1600 and 1800 calories. I'm 5'2", around 119 lbs right now and am interested in decreasing my BFP to around 20% at minimum (I think that would be ideal, not sure - right now I'm closer to 25%). FYI, I'm quite aware that it seems like I'm eating a LOT of healthy fats - maybe too much, so I'm slowing trying to decrease those to a more reasonable level. I'd be curious if any of you don't think it's too much.

I just finished day 5 of 30DS today. Do you all think that 30DS should account for wanting/needing to eat past 1600? I want to allow enough of a calorie deficit to see results, AND I know that the amount of calories each person can take in and still lose weight seems pretty variable sometimes, from what I've read here and elsewhere.

Just trying to find my way, welcoming loving and constructive feedback. Thanks!


  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    At 25% body fat, I calculate your TDEE (at very active assuming you are doing 30DS daily or almost daily) at 2150 which with a 20% cut (high as close as you are to your goal) is 1720. So you should eat more than 1600 in my opinion.

    And if you are trying to reduce body fat by that much with that little to lose, you need to make sure you are eating lots of protein. Don't worry so much about the fats if they are healthy. You will likely have to choose either to lose less or bulk and cut once you get to your goal weight, tho, to get to your goal body fat. I calculate your LBM at around 89 lbs. if your body fat is 25% now, and in order to have 20% at 110, you need to have a LBM of 88 lbs., so you will essentially have to hold onto all the muscle you have and just lose fat. It's tough to do.

    It can be done, tho, but slowly and with a lot of patience. I lost 23 lbs. last year and only 3 lbs. of muscle, but I eat very high protein and ate around 1850 for the last 10 lbs. while working out 6 days a week. I'm 5'3" and 110, but I'm a lot older than you, so it might not take you quite as long.
  • Thank you! Really helpful response... gives me some things to think about/play with. I feel a little encouraged that the days that I'm "going over", I may not actually be going over. Also, I originally set my goal to get down to 110, and now I'm considering that with increasing muscle mass, 110 may indeed be unrealistic. I guess I'll have to figure it out!

    By the way, what is LBM?