What are you February Goals?

I lost 8lb throughout January and I'm hoping to lose another 7lb in February...

Hope everyone has a great month!! :-)


  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    I lost 11 in January...want to lose 15 in February but will settle on 10

    I really want to see the difference in inches as well
  • claire_donegal84
    claire_donegal84 Posts: 47 Member
    Well done on your loss so far!
    Great goals for February, good luck!! :-)
  • - Be more consistent in my eating/exercise
    - Include more fruit and veggies in my diet
    - Lose more than 10 lbs
  • irenematilda
    irenematilda Posts: 45 Member
    I lost 9lbs in January and am hoping to lose 7lbs in February. I've only been at this for a month, and although I've tried to build more movement into my day the majority of my efforts have been aimed at keeping my food intake in check. Now that I've got that under control, I'd like to 'up' the exercise factor in February.

    Wishing good luck to everybody with your goals, and a fantastic February for us all :)
  • ajadorsey
    ajadorsey Posts: 78 Member
    -Track every day
    - Stay within my calorie goals
    - Exercise at least 30 min./day 4 days/week
    - Buy a new pair of running shoes and have my knee examined so I can run again
  • RevNimue
    RevNimue Posts: 66 Member
    Lost 13 in Jan and February, I'm upping my exercise and see where I am in March. :-)
  • I would like to lose more than 7 pounds, and continue the exercise routine I created in the last two weeks throughout the whole month.
  • suewestcountry
    suewestcountry Posts: 35 Member
    I lost 15lbs in january but I expect to lose a bit less in feb as Im off on holiday and its my birthday. I would expect to still lose about 8lbs then in march I shall be back on track
  • PudgyPigeon
    PudgyPigeon Posts: 89 Member
    -Track every day
    - Stay within my calorie goals
    - Be more consistent in my eating/exercise
    - Include more fruit and veggies in my diet

    Among other things like just getting back into the swing of this.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    My goal is to go from 147.6 to 144. Not a big loss, but one I really hope to attain. Even though I was doing well with my losses before Christmas I have yet to reach my monthly goals yet. Am nicely back on track after Christmas (though our Christmas lasted from Dec 24-Jan 15th!), but I am trying a higher calories allowance so we will see.
  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    I want to lose 5 pounds
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    My plans have been to lose 5lbs a month. So for the month of Feb it is to lose my 5lbs, and step up the workouts. I have a shoulder injury and really need to get the arm tone and muscle back after 3 months of physical therapy. I am trying to give up soda also. It is my weakness.
  • I want to join a gym.
  • redragtop05
    redragtop05 Posts: 140 Member
    Had a great January and would like February to be the same.....a 10 lb loss would be nice :smile:
  • terilou87
    terilou87 Posts: 328 Member
    i am aiming for 10lb will be happy with 8, i lost 16 in january but it was my first month and the first two week i feel i lose weight quite fast and it slows after that. :)
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Back to consistent logging after 2 years and an insidious 10 lb weight gain. Trying to stay under 1200 net cals. In my mind, I thought my cals were reasonable, but now that I am logging again, I see that my perception was much different than reality.
  • jan1755
    jan1755 Posts: 37 Member
    I hope to lose a pound a week and track daily and stay within my calorie goal. I also would like to walk at least three days a week. I'm pretty sedentary.
  • magicherry
    magicherry Posts: 81 Member
    i'd be happy with a 4lbs loss and would be ecstatic with a 5lbs loss. Short month, so keep my expectations real.
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    Lost 7 in January, shooting for 8 in February. Cardio workout is going perfect, goal to add strength training for February.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    My goal is to not Shrute it up.
    And to accept the results I get from doing my best. Basically to not have unrealistic expectations and stick to my plan.