1000 cal & no weight lose



  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Wtf are "tummy scrunches". If you're doing "crunches" to lose belly fat your wasting your time.

    Bahahaha I wondered the same thing when I read that :noway:
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    what foods do I eat,, Cause everytime I eat my family has something so negative to say to me Like THATS NOT HELPING YOU or YOu need to get that Butt & Belly gone.

    Healthy stuff- protein, whole grains, fruits, vegetables… nothing is really off limits, you just have to work it into your calorie allottment.

    Breakfast could be a couple eggs (scrambled, hardboiled, omlette, etc…) with some fruit
    Lunch could be a tuna sandwich or some other meat on whole wheat bread, a wrap, or pita with lettuce, tomato, sprouts, onion, avacado, cheese- you name it.
    Dinner can be anything you want, really; chicken, fish, shellfish, pork, beef, with a starch and plenty of vegetable…
    Snacks can be anything from fruit, vegetables to yogurt, to granola, nuts….

    Bottom line is what everyone is already telling you- you need to eat. Your brain alone needs almost 500 calories a day to function properly- that's just your brain; there's also your other organs (not the least of which is your heart) as well as your systems. If you're working out and you're only taking in 1000 cals, you are starving yourself. Your body is holding on to whatever it can, hence no weight loss.

    do a search for recipes if you're having trouble for what to make at dinner, and, as far as your family goes, you can't let them dictate how you take care of yourself. Educate yourself, so you can educate them. If they refuse to listen, you'll just have to ignore them.
  • roxbox2013
    roxbox2013 Posts: 95 Member
    You can pretty much eat whatever you want. Yes, whatever you want. I had 2 servings of ice cream yesterday. Will I gain? No, because they fit into my calorie goal. Just stay in your calorie goal and you'll be fine.

    Obviously, you shouldn't eat 1200 calories of salted butter. But you get the point.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Eat More.


    Also, if you get this frustrated after 12 days, this is going to be really difficult for you. This isn't an exact science. It takes time.

    Exactly. Weight loss, like anything worth doing, takes time.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Thank that's what I was wanting to know,, I will try that today & give it 2 wks...

    Give the TDEE method longer than 2 weeks. You could also follow the MFP guidelines, which INCLUDES eating back your burned calories. You don't have a ton to lose, so setting it to 1 - 1.5 pound a week loss should be good & probably more sustainable in the long term that a more aggressive number.

    Mostly, be patient and get your priorities in order. Oh, and tell your family to stuff it.
  • WiseBey
    WiseBey Posts: 4 Member
    Hi it depends which "diet" are you following? For example if you are following a protocol such as I am I have been losing about 1.5 -2lbs per day and I consume <1000 calories which sounds crazy but following the protocol its easy to follow and I don't even feel like im starving. I believe for me its because of the nutritional supplements that I also take daily.
  • healthyformeanMona
    healthyformeanMona Posts: 143 Member
    Your metabolism isn't fired up because it isnt getting enough energy.. And if your body goes into starvation mode it will hold on to whatever you feed it.

    ^^^ This ^^^ Our bodies are amazing machines, but just like an automobile, need fuel. Food=good Our Creator (who I call God) gave us a plethoria of foods that are absolutely perfect for fueling our bodies, cleaning them out, giving us energy, delighting our brains' pleasure centers, tickling our tast buds, etc. etc. etc. Our bodies are amazing, amazing, amazing! :heart:
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    I am astounded that this forum is so quick to link to Lyle and Alan for diet advice but then when it comes to this arbitrary calorie limit of 1200 calories common sense is thrown out the window.

    I cannot seriously believe that anyone here thinks eating 1000 calories is going to make you stop losing fat.
  • Bauer911
    Bauer911 Posts: 3 Member
    Hang in there. it took me 30 days to lose 10.5 pounds. I am following a 1200 calorie diet and sometimes I go a little over to around
    1300 or 1400. Keep playing with it and be 100% dedicated to keeping the food diary. Having to sit all day long is tough. Try to sneak in some movement even if you stand up every now and then during phone calls, sneak some movement into your day.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    Thank that's what I was wanting to know,, I will try that today & give it 2 wks...

    Please give it more than 2 weeks... seriously. Give it a month.
  • Your body is in starvation mode. So anything you eat healthy or not, it is going to store as fat because it is in starvation mode and doesn't know when you are going to eat next. That is why it is awesome to get your body on a schedule and eat at the same time everyday. Trust me. You will start seeing results soon.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I was a Nice curvy size 7 until July 2012 when I quit smoking Cigaretts, then I started eating in place of smoking & put on 45 lbs. So I am doing what I can to get it off before June..

    On topof what everyone else told you.. dont be unrealistic. A realistic loss is 1/2 to one pound PER WEEK losing in a healthy way... so be PATIENT because 4 months is asking a lot to lose 45 pounds. It took me about 7 months to lose that much. Just dont get discouraged! Take it slow and do it the RIGHT way! It will happen for you!! Good luck!

    PS.. congrats on the smoking! I quit 19 months ago!!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    what foods do I eat,, Cause everytime I eat my family has something so negative to say to me Like THATS NOT HELPING YOU or YOu need to get that Butt & Belly gone.
    What foods to eat is a learning process, at least it has been for me. Using that link we posted, it gives you the info on how to manually change your settings here at MFP for your calorie goal and your macros (carbs/protein/fat). Making sure you get enough of those things is important. Sodium can be a bummer too - I tracked it in my diary for awhile and was surprised at how much I was getting in the foods I was eating - lots of sodium can equal lots of water retention and show as a gain or a stall in your progress.

    My diary is open - feel free to have a look. I don't follow any plan or fad thing, I just eat what I like and make the best choices I can on a regular basis, but you'll also see pizza, burgers, beer, wine, ice cream and other goodies on my list during the week. This is my life, not some temporary diet - it's been a permanent change in my eating and exercise habits.

    Also, don't just rely on your scale to show your progress - take measurements and photos along the way. They can be a much better way to gauge your progress. Case in point - over the past 6 months or so, I have lost a total of .3lbs, yes three tenths of a pound on my scale, but I also dropped a full pants size, and lost many inches and lowered my body fat during that time. I look and feel very different, but my scale barely changed.

    It's a process - read the info we share - we're not vultures, we just want to share what's worked well for us. I only wish someone had shared it with me three years ago when I first started my fitness journey! Keep at it, be patient, eat right, exercise, sleep - it will happen!

    Oh, and tell your family to shut it - that you've got this under control! :bigsmile:
  • petersonabt
    petersonabt Posts: 518 Member
    eat more
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Hi it depends which "diet" are you following? For example if you are following a protocol such as I am I have been losing about 1.5 -2lbs per day and I consume <1000 calories which sounds crazy but following the protocol its easy to follow and I don't even feel like im starving. I believe for me its because of the nutritional supplements that I also take daily.

    Not recommended for long term loss and keeping it off. There is a reason it sounds crazy. I would suggest you go over your diet with a qualified professional (ie: dietician NOT a nutritionist).
  • ChocoMello
    ChocoMello Posts: 74 Member
    How long have you been eating so littlle?
    It will take more then two weeks now for your body to trust you and looss some lbs.
    You sill gain first becourse you put your body in starvstion mode. As soon as its trusting you and the metsbolism speeds up again to a normsl rsnge you will start loosing weight.
    But you have to eat more, for morethen two weeks.
  • laccy40
    laccy40 Posts: 136
    If you want more ideas of what to eat, have a look in people's diaries. Many of us have open diaries so you can get ideas. My diet (as in food I eat rather than 'diet') is a work in progress, but you can see that I have a goal of 1650 cals and am steadily losing 1lb a week while still enjoying food I like. I am 43 this month and 5'7". You don't need to starve to lose weight.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    Your body is in starvation mode. So anything you eat healthy or not, it is going to store as fat because it is in starvation mode and doesn't know when you are going to eat next. That is why it is awesome to get your body on a schedule and eat at the same time everyday. Trust me. You will start seeing results soon.

    she's not in starvation mode. she is not storing EVERYTHING she eats. eating at the same time every day is irrelevant to weight loss or gain.
  • sianmooney
    sianmooney Posts: 1 Member
    Tummy scrunches don't burn many calories (vitally zero). How many minutes are you speed walking? You need to eat more and exercise more.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I am astounded that this forum is so quick to link to Lyle and Alan for diet advice but then when it comes to this arbitrary calorie limit of 1200 calories common sense is thrown out the window.

    I cannot seriously believe that anyone here thinks eating 1000 calories is going to make you stop losing fat.

    Bumbeen, you are a young male of 28 years old who has a goal of just over 900 calories. That is not a good situation to be in or to offer advice to someone that wants to lose weight in a healthy fashion?