Friends Getting Tired of Me Talking About Health/Fitness



  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    Ever since I started this health journey, I haven't been able to shut up about it in conversation. I find myself talking about counting calories, burning calories at the gym, what happened at the gym, what I cooked, etc. It's like word-diarrhea! I can't stop! My roommate actually told me I was "obsessed," today. I feel bad because I don't want to drown them in this topic but it's my passion right now. They are all supportive but are getting tired of me talking about it..Anyone else have this issue?
    I feel the EXACT same way. Even though my friends don't say much, I feel they could care less. I'm excited about this journey and wonder what it will be like in a couple years. Started out as a diet, I liked it and made it a lifestyle change. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • irenematilda
    irenematilda Posts: 45 Member
    I'll only talk about it at all in real life if someone else brings it up, which is rare. I know from personal experience how mind-numbing it can be to be on the other end of it. The latest chapter in my mum's chequered 'Diet Hopping While Never Losing Any Weight' career involves paleo, and as usual, she bangs on for Britain about it.

    I realise it's working well for some people (who probably aren't taking it to the extremes my mum does!), but it's not part of my path and given her history of 'stick-to-it-ness', I know it probably won't be part of hers a month or two from now when the next 'popular diet' grabs her imagination, and so it's hard to stay supportive. Every time she brings it up now I can't help tuning her out and hearing Michael Palin in a Ripping Yarns-style voiceover saying 'It were 'ard to believe folk thought 'e were boring, especially with 'is interest in precipitation...' :)
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I talk about it all the time and I post about it on Facebook, too!! I have one "friend" that always turns her nose up at me when I talk about it, but I figure that's cuz she's overweight and just jealous and obviously not really much of a friend! :grumble:
  • TodayYesterday
    TodayYesterday Posts: 42 Member
    I don't talk about it much with friends. But my partner is also trying to lose weight at the same time, so we talk about our diet and fitness a lot! He doesn't mind at all. Sometimes I post my workouts on Facebook. Some people - the ones who are also interested in being healthy & working out - like this. The others - not so much.
  • nhughes1864
    nhughes1864 Posts: 102 Member
    Yep, I know that feeling! Some friends don't understand why I can't go out with them and "have" to go to the gym. I like a quote I saw once on Facebook "First they'll ask you why you are doing it then they'll ask you how you did it" I always think about this quote in those situations. Then I get on MFP to obsese some more :) Lucklie my hubby is supper supportive and is on this journey with me and my kids have no choice!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Maybe it's because you refer to it as a journey?

    ^^ This. Stop calling it a journey. NO one likes that.
  • akdollie
    akdollie Posts: 69 Member
    That's ok I get tired of people constantly talking about their un-healthy habits. Who cares about your adventures in fast food for the week and where you are going out to eat over the weekend... I figure it balances out my excitement with a healthier lifestyle. If I listen to them, they should listen to me. :)
  • kbitzonefour
    kbitzonefour Posts: 114 Member
    From personal experience I've found the people who get the most annoyed and have the biggest opinions of fitness/healthy lifestyle are people who have unhealthy drinking/smoking/whatever problems. I have trimmed quite a few people away due to negativity and bs.
  • keenesmom
    keenesmom Posts: 115 Member
    If people ask then I tell them all about it and have even gotten several people to join MFP!
  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    I feel like this happens a lot with me too. I think sometimes ppl will be negative about your successes or victories due to jealousy. It's a big deal when you actively take charge of your life and change things for the better. When you talk about your healthy lifestyle it can make them jealous or feel intimidated by your willpower. It can make them feel like they should be doing something for the better too but don't feel like it. Sometimes then you get people try to sabatoge your efforts. I try to get most of my intense chatting done on MFP where you are surrounded by like-minded people and only talk about it with my friends/family minimally. Stay strong!
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    guilty :)!

    I stopped talking about my weight loss on FB/family/friends 6 months ago when I updated my status one day to: Deadlift 145lbs today... and everyone asked what a DL was lol! If its important to you and a passion find people who are like minded and surround yourself with those types of people, thats why I LOVE MFP! I dont talk about my lifestyle/diet/exercise to anyone unless they ask me first. Usually when I explain to people why I eat a certain why and count calories they get that glazed over look in their eyes and you can tell they stopped listening :) If they really want to change, I say go to this site and use it everyday! it helps!