Cheat Days.

Do you have cheat days? Why or why not? What do your cheat days consist of? What're your opinions on cheat days?


  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    It depends upon the individual. Personally, I see no need for them unless one is already below 15% bodyfat (for males, not sure about females), at least from a training stance. I view it as until one reaches that point, they haven't earned them, and really, their body has no use for the extra calories while overweight, so why do it?
  • missjanetleigh
    missjanetleigh Posts: 149 Member
    Tomorrow will be mine and I'm just getting started so I don't want to go crazy because of the efforts so far.

    I'm trying though to figure out how to get to the movies without popcorn. LOL
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    I don't really know what it means. Does it mean you go over? Does it mean you don't log? I don't see the problem if they are occasional and keep you on track overall. I log everything, and some days I go over. I guess I don't consider it cheating, just making a different choice that will have a different set of consequences.
  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    I have cheat days. I'm thinking that I may need to cut them out until special occasions. My once-a-week cheat day consists of pizza and soda, but I usually have leftovers. One cheat day spills over to the next...
  • I have one once a month i find it really helpful. it kind puts you into the state of mind of " i can have it in a little while" instead of "well i can never have that again". as an added bonus giving yourself a cheat day trick your body into boosting your metabolism a bit. last one i had i ate 3/4 a taco pizza best thing Ive ever had in my life.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    i dont think of them as cheat days if u have a little bit of what you fancy. think its best not to go overboard and add the exercise in
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    I do.

    I log what I can and I don't stress about it.

    A few I had were Christmas, Thanksgiving, a girls day/night, stuff like that.

    I eat what I want but I listen to my body so that I know when its full and that's about my only guideline.
  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    I like to get pizza on friday nights. Usually eat half of a 14inch or so. This week I ate the other half saturday (logged the calories both days) Went slightly over friday, and about even saturday. I call this victorious. I find it good for my own personal morale and base my decision not on a training theory but just that I don't deprive myself of food or I start to crave it.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    a cheat meal, not a day.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Depends on what you mean by "cheat days".

    Will you be more lax on your food choices, i.e. not read labels and eat whatever you feel like?
    Will you not log what you eat that day?
    Will you not exercise?
    Will you give yourself permission to eat whatever "old" foods you used to love (and probably still do?).

    I dunno. My poor food choices are what got me in this boat to begin with. I'm not necessarily sure about giving myself permission to keep a foot dipped in ...but, whatever works for you. Sometimes we have to make gradual changes. Come to think of it, my food choices for last week were me cutting the umbilical cord after making many gradual changes for a long time, so if you're not there ... you're just not.

    Just don't trick yourself into thinking that you "earned" the "right" to eat junk food by being "good" all week. That's self-deceptive trickery that is totally against everything you're trying to accomplish here. Being good to yourself and making awesomely nutritious choices to make yourself stronger, fitter and healthier IS your reward. A bag of chips ... is just a bag of chips. And a burger is just a burger. Don't be cheating yourself on your "cheat days." :smile:
  • CloneSN
    CloneSN Posts: 42 Member
    I used to, but now i feel guilty going over my calories, so my brain is rejecting all out cheat days. :huh:
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I do have times I don't log. Like tomorrow, since people will be coming over with food, I'm still going to try everything that looks good. But I won't log it since I don't think our guests will appreciate my asking them to bring nutritional information along with all of their snacks! I don't consider much cheating since most of my "bad" meals are still within my calories. We ordered pizza tonight for dinner and I'm still within my calorie ideal for the day.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Do you have cheat days? Why or why not? What do your cheat days consist of? What're your opinions on cheat days?

    I'm not cheating. that implies I'm doing something wrong. but, on most sundays, I just don't track. I still probably eat pretty close to where I should, but if I go over? meh.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Yes, but it's not like I plan them out like every Sat. is a cheat day or something. I am very enamored with a book I read a while back called "The Thin Commandments Diet" by Stephen Gullo, Ph.D. One of the things this book addresses is how to incorporate special occasions into your life. He argues that based on our own history, some of us just can't deal with certain foods. For other foods that we don't eat as compulsively, we can eat them out at restaurants or at someone else's house for a special occasion. Then, knowing that you are going to be going to an event, you pre-plan the day out after a special occasion so that a slip doesn't turn into a full-blown relapse. You eat normally the next day, but you plan it out ahead of time.

    Okay, granted I have binge eating disorder. So, the idea of moderating everything is something I struggle with. I have lost probably over 500 pounds, but that's because I've lost it (60 pounds) like 8 times. :( I am great at losing weight. I suck at living life in maintenance. I like his approach. I believe that overall, long-term success basically just deals with figuring out ways to life your life in a healthy way, making better choices while still having some flexibility based on your own historical food issues, and without fail, making sure you stay active with things you enjoy doing.
  • kaylinn9
    kaylinn9 Posts: 112
    I do not intend on having cheat days, but when I do, they're complete binges. I end up feeling so full and bloated afterwards, it makes me sick and undeniably guilty. I hated it.

    Don't plan on ever binging again, but I'm going to eat some foods I like once in a while.
  • Allocating cheat days probably isn't the best example to set for yourself. One day can easily lead to a week, and before you know it you're reprogramming your brain all over! Holidays or events with family/friends are the only times when you should be a bit less relaxed about your lifestyle - but still pay attention to making healthy choices.
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    Yes. I've been taking one free day a week but I think I'll cut that back to one every other week because I just don't feel I need that many. I eat whatever I'm hungry for.One time it was KFC with all the sides. Another time it was Pizza. Don't listen to all that B.S. about one free day turning in to two. Whatever you decide to give yourself, that's all you get. I've found it really helps and honestly even when I do have them I usually find myself being moderate in most cases.
  • zuzuanne88
    zuzuanne88 Posts: 104 Member
    I will have a cheat meal when I really am craving something and make sure to balance it out with cardio and water. Today I ate clean all day and had Taco Bell. I know its not perfect .
  • marathongal1970
    marathongal1970 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not strict on myself all the time b/c I know that if I feel deprived I will rebel against the 'diet'. (I hate the word diet by the way so rather like to track my calorie intake and make sure I do enough exercise). I have days where I need to reign in my eating though, particularly after long weekends of drinking wine and not being mindful about my snacks and meals. But I don't beat myself up for it. As someone with food intolerances (I can't eat gluten and am on reduced fructose), I figure I'm already limited. I just don't need to be a pig. I also don't consider that I'm 'cheating' if I eat rubbish for a meal or even a day. I might think when I get on the scales the next morning that I wish I'd make better food choices, but I didn't. I've seen people so strict on their diets that they take their food with them to eat at social events (and not b/c they had food allergies, but b/c they were dieting) and I've seen those same people put the weight back on over time. It's got to fit in with your lifestyle or it won't last. Anyway, that's my two cents worth.:smile: