What are you February Goals?



  • twentytwelve12
    twentytwelve12 Posts: 245 Member
    try to lose 4kg
  • Hoping to lose 5 - 10kg this month and get my weekend eating under control!
  • rabbiter
    rabbiter Posts: 19 Member
    I want to manage to maintain my healthy eating for the entire week (always a challenge!!)
    I want to speed up my cycling commute and introduce some running
    I want to see my waist getting visibly closer to my goal!!

    Maybe a little vague, but they mean a lot to me!
  • Arakazi
    Arakazi Posts: 26 Member
    - Lose another 5kgs :)
    - Start c25k
    - Eat more fruit and veg (that isn't just crammed into my smoothies)
    - Stick to my cals
    - Work out every day!
  • jamie610811
    jamie610811 Posts: 1,735 Member
    To stick to my TDEE -20% all this month
  • Jwanguy
    Jwanguy Posts: 115 Member
    Staying focus and motivated. The scale is just a number to me so Im going to go on how my clothes fit.
  • astrylian
    astrylian Posts: 194 Member
    I just want to reach the 140s while bringing my lunch to school every day, instead of resorting to Starbucks or Au Bon Pain.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    To get off this darned plateau. So bored with the view from here.
  • Rodderick89
    Rodderick89 Posts: 205 Member
    - Track everyday
    - Run for 10 minutes on an incline comfortably (currently on 4 comfortable minutes)
    - Consistently hit 50% of my intake being protein each day
    - Be at a solid 182lbs (currently 184-186lbs)

    Good luck everyone - I think we should all check back in in 4 weeks and see how we all got on :)
  • GC2B
    GC2B Posts: 168 Member
    Hi all, some great goals being listed. Good luck to you all xx

    For February I really would like to lose 4lb (lb a week, thinking sensibly)
    Log everything I eat and drink, everyday, regardless if the day has been a fail.
    Do my workouts as planned.
  • fit4life626
    fit4life626 Posts: 17 Member
    To weigh 135 (a 3-4lb loss from today).
    To be able to do 100 pushups before failure (right now Im at 88)
    To run a 5K in less than 30 mins
  • -Stay on top of Insanity
    -Lose five pounds? :)
    -See a loss in my measurements (this one's more important :P)
    -Continue to eat as paleo/primal as possible
    -Splurge less on almond butter and dark chocolate
    -Drink more water!!!!!
    -Maintain some control on the mid-term trip: eat healthy 80% of the time allowing for a couple treats over the 5 days.
  • My goal for February is 7 lbs. I made a goal of 5 lbs for January and lost 6! I'm also going to try increasing the amount of time that I jog this month!
  • My february goal is to slide back under 200lbs :)