What do you tell yourself to keep you from quitting?

I'm only a week in and I'm SO tired of counting calories, and so defeated by how much good eating and exercise it actually takes to lose a lb... Can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I feel like just giving up. But I won't, because I'm in this for the long haul and I know there are gonna be ups and downs. My question to you is: what do you do when you feel like this? How do you pick yourself up from such a slump?


  • joe2626
    joe2626 Posts: 123 Member
    This won't be the first time you'll feel like this on your weight-loss journey. You just have to focus on your goals and tell yourself that the best things in life are the ones we've worked hardest for and that nothing worth fighting for comes easy. My advice is to find ways to make sure that the community/environment that's around you is pro-active and supporting of your weight-loss goals. As you start to see change and others around you pick up on it, the praise you'll receive is such a boost to carry on and on.

    Best of luck with it. I'm sure many, if not all, of us have been there at some stage or other x
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    Ive tried alot of diets that demanded a extreme life change in a very limited time. Those didnt work for me because im a natural slacker and i get easly frustraded. Instead of eating 1000 calories a day and 2000 calories the other day because im starved, i keep a medium calorie intake where i loose arround 0.5 lbs a week. Might seem a small amount of weight when you want fast results but translates to 10 kg a year. I dont quit because i dont really feel like quiting , i am very satisfied with what i eat and when i exercise and dont exercise.
  • flanyo
    flanyo Posts: 15
    I think - I want to feel good and not be uncomfortable! I also constantly tell myself I don't want to be FAT. Motivate yourself with your own inspirations and desires? Good luck and keep going! All the best : )
    Don't count the calories all the time, enter your food on here but don't obsess about it, just keep your regular activity up and you will surely progress. It is handy to have a picture in view somewhere of how you want to be or what you want to look like
  • Mrs16
    Mrs16 Posts: 86
    Surround yourself by positive people. If you have a bad day - don't sweat it - tomorrow is a new day. If you can catch yourself wanting snack food. Drink tea or water to curb the feeling. You can do it have faith in yourself.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'm only a week in and I'm SO tired of counting calories, and so defeated by how much good eating and exercise it actually takes to lose a lb... Can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I feel like just giving up. But I won't, because I'm in this for the long haul and I know there are gonna be ups and downs. My question to you is: what do you do when you feel like this? How do you pick yourself up from such a slump?

    Don't dwell on it too much..just focus on each exercise and the awesome feeling you get when it's completed! and try and make sure that you enjoy the exercises you are doing..nothing worse than hating exercise as it makes it a chore!
  • jenbenefit
    jenbenefit Posts: 75 Member
    "It doesn't matter how slow you go, so long as you do not stop."

    Some days/weeks are harder than others and you might feel like you're not progressing...but if you quit...you've made that a certainty.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I look at pictures of myself (before I lost weight), especially ones where I'm standing next to "normal sized" people. I remind myself that I can choose to look/feel that way or I can make choices--hundreds every day--that will help me move away from that and toward being a healthier and thinner and happier person. I remind myself that weight loss will not get easier as I get older and that the weight makes so many medical conditions more likely and/or harder to treat. And last I remind myself that EVERY good choice I make, no matter how small, is a victory.

    Oh, and I try to focus more on "action goals" like getting in a certain number of produce servings or water a day or a certain number of workouts a week or even just getting into habits like never taking elevators and always parking farther away at the grocery store.

    Good luck! Giving up may be tempting but why make a choice you already know you'll regret?
  • "Either strive to be the best you can be, or stay mediocre"
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Quitting just isn't an option. This is my life now, and that's the end of it. Of course, it's not quite that simple, but that is the underlying thought in my head. I also think about how much better I feel now than I did 2 years ago, how much more able to do things I am, how much better I feel about myself. Working out makes me feel like a damn warrior (I can't believe I just said that, LOL). There's no way I'm giving that up.
  • Redmoonstar
    Redmoonstar Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I have also only just started trying to lose weight uising this site but have tried to lose weight mant times and I quit cause I feel it's too hard. this time I already feel better as myfitnesspal counts my calories and adds my exercise for me so it doesn't seem so hard. I also like to walk so it's not a chore for me I take mt little dog and try to take a different track a couple times a week. try to find something you enjoy and makes you feel better then it doesn't feel like a chore and you will find it makes it easier. I know I will feel like quitting again but this time I'm determined to get my life and weight under control. Keep going it will get easier (Hopefully)
  • I keep telling myself I don't want to be the fattest person in my office, I want to be able to walk into any clothes shop and know there will be clothes in there that fit me, I want my blood pressure to keep coming down, I want to be able to walk upstairs without getting out of breathe, I want people to keep saying you're looking fantastic and most of all I want to get back to being me instead of that unhappy, low self esteemed, fat person that I was this time last year.
  • helenx55
    helenx55 Posts: 48 Member
    I cant quit, this lifestyle change is how i will eat for the rest of my life now.....Yes i'll have bad days, I'm human!! but ill never ever ever
    go back to asking for an extender on a flight,ill no longer hang back when games of water polo are being organised on holiday, ill never tell my kids no we cant go for a walk, im too tired never ever again,. This is what fires my motivation,
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I'm only a week in and I'm SO tired of counting calories, and so defeated by how much good eating and exercise it actually takes to lose a lb... Can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I feel like just giving up. But I won't, because I'm in this for the long haul and I know there are gonna be ups and downs. My question to you is: what do you do when you feel like this? How do you pick yourself up from such a slump?

    A week? Crikey.

    Focus on what the new you will look like. Focus on how you will feel, how people will treat you, all the new clothes you can buy etc.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    I empathise with where you are coming from. It is so hard some days! I have 50 lbs to lose to a healthy BMI... 6lbs have gone in two weeks and that is what is keeping me going...along with encouragement from people in the same boat! Logging my calories and exercise, accepting that I'm human....and sometimes will lapse. I don't want to be this big anymore!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    If hour a week I'm and feeling that way maybe your restricting yourself too much. How many calories are you eating. Eat a sensible amount that will keep you full and satisfied. Maybe 1500-1700.

    Don't max out on carbs. Get plenty of protein, veggies and water in as well as fiber. Try to cook from fresh it will taste better and you'll get to eat more quantity.

    This is a huge change, your not too different from my starting weight. Make one change a day if you have to. It does get easier! Once you start really seeing progress you may have bad days, but you definitely won't want to quit!

    I can't see your diary, but if you'd like advise on setting your numbers at good goals for weight loss feeling full etc then PM me and ill talk you through them.

  • angel101netta
    angel101netta Posts: 152 Member
    I go clothes shopping and it gives me motivation, to lose weight so I can buy pretty clothes!
    Really give yourself a month to show weightloss. I didn't notice the scales move for about 6 weeks. It took me a whole year to get to where I wanna be.This is a life journey, not a 12 week challenge.
    Treat yourself, but in moderation! I haves piece of dark chocolate every day,u can check my diary.
    You can do this if u want to do this!
  • Just tell yourself, "There is nothing stopping me from losing weight/getting fit but me. I can do this."
  • starrrjo
    starrrjo Posts: 101 Member
    Mostly to keep me focussed on my goal I think about all the times my trousers have dug into my tummy. How many times the doctor has put my problems down to my weight. Every time I have been used as a weight comparison '...and this girl was about as big as you...' All the heartbreaking moments when you buy your size in clothing only to find that you have gone up a size and are too shy to go and get a refund. Everytime I have ordered something at a restaurant and had the thought in the back of my mind that the waitress/waitor thinks Im a pig.
    How I feel self-contious about eating infront of people incase they think its all I ever do. How my work uniform is slowly getting smaller and smaller on my chest and I have to some how pluck up the courage to ask for a new one.

    All of these things could have been avoided if only I had just eaten less and got about more. My inspriration is my bright future, Im young, still healthy and have time and ability to change. There are people in the world that have no choice and cannot change no matter how much they want to...and then theres us...Keep your head up high and for every week that goes by that you are still making those changes, you can be proud and everyone around will notice your efforts before you do :)
  • suewestcountry
    suewestcountry Posts: 35 Member
    I believe its all to do with mindset, I have never really seriously tried to diet, but when my doc said I was borderline for diabetes that made my mind up and I have not once felt like quitting I think the alternative to losing weight is not an attractive option. so get yourself into the right frame of mind and believe that you are capable of doing anything and you will do it. Onwards and upwards.
  • ghimm
    ghimm Posts: 38 Member
    I have a notebook that I fill with reasons for weight loss, lists, goals, plans, and inspiration. Sometimes when I start to stray from what I'm doing, I feel like I'm betraying the book and that gets me back on track. I usually use those times to fill more pages in the book to get myself going again. I've tried to approach my weight loss as an art project... sometimes you get stuck and then you just need to look at your sketches again.