What do you tell yourself to keep you from quitting?



  • sweatybettyboop
    sweatybettyboop Posts: 22 Member
    Could you focus on what kinds of foods you are eating?

    My goal is 3 meals plus a snack, if I need a snack. My personal goal is the following per day:

    Fruits - 0-2
    Vegees - 4-6
    Oils - 1 tbsp of healthy oil
    Dairy - 3-4
    Protein at each meal and if I have a snack to include protein
    Limit processed foods

    I have found that if I get the above in, log the foods, the calories fall well within normal limits of losing 1-2 lbs per week.
    This takes the worry of numbers away, whether calories or points & focuses on the type of foods that your body is being nourished by.

    Good luck to you! :)
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I put on the size 8 office attire in the morning that 6 months ago I wasn't wearing -- (size 16-17)...that's enough to keep me motivated. I don't want to go back there. I feel so much better now. Now I'm almost in a habit of what I eat during the day so it's become my new normal. I do "splurge" maybe once a month ...then the next day I'm back to eating what I find normal now.
  • Cynclancurrie
    I am having fun using the app to register my calories, I have to admit. But I am also very interested to see how I can work all my fiber and calcium into my caloric count. I am excited to see that I can eat healthy food and how much better I feel. 30 years ago, when I was your age, I used to diet by fasting, sometimes for six weeks or more at a time. I don't even want to know how much damage I did to my body. Think about how much good you are doing for yourself by watching what you eat, and adding healthier foods every day. If you have a day where you don't feel like dieting, then use to it fill up on yummy but healthy food: homemade soup, fruit salads with a dollop of whipped cream, etc. My favorite is the low calorie, high calcium hot chocolate. Good for you, tastes good, too.
  • magicalamanda
    magicalamanda Posts: 35 Member
    I used to look into the mirror and cry because I was so unhappy with the way that I looked. Then one day came along where asked myself why I was crying... I decided that I didn't deserve the right to cry about something I had done to myself. So instead of crying, instead of giving up like I did a million times, I just kept telling myself instead of wasting my time on these tears I could be working out. SO stop crying and change your life because you're the only one who can do it.
  • dizzimamma
    I like to breath. My heart wont hurt when i walk. My back will feel better and the pain in my hips will go away. And it is happening.
  • Em7b5
    Em7b5 Posts: 31 Member
    last black friday, i went out and bought a lot of clothes in my goal size. i'm incredibly frugal, so the thought of wasting money on clothes i'll never wear pisses me off. i'm going to get my money's worth, damn it!
  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member
    i tell myself i want to be happy and tin again i used to be a size 8 even a 6 at a very unhealthy weight my head looked too big for my body and i looked ill. now i dont want to be a 6 but an 8-10 healthy weight of 10st, so i look at myself and think hell yeah i can do this, with food i dont deny myself anything just moderated or one day ill eat less cals to the day before or after x im pleaes with my progress of losing 10lbs doing this and im enjoying every bit i know at times it hard but once you see results you know its worth it and maybe drink more water this will help you lose weight also, dont give up your not a quitter and stop thinking that way if you really want to lose weight you will do it just a bit of wilpower kinda like giving up smoking xxx good luck x
  • Determined24
    Determined24 Posts: 137 Member
    I post pictures of ppl I want to look like... while I am exercising it may be a pair of jeans I want or bathing suit I chant to my self new pants or new bathing suit... I give myself a couple of weeks and take pictures of myself to see my body changing once you start seeing the change will continue to push harder.... A lot of ppl may not agree with this but once of week I reward myself with the one thing I have been craving...hope this helps..
    It's incredibly intimidating when you step on the scale and truly realize the amount of weight that you need to lose. In 2011 I weighed in and realized I had to lose an entire person! I tracked what I ate and then slowly added exercise. In 8 months I lost 60lbs!! I think that once you see the scale moving in the right direction and you increase your exercise capabilities you build motivation. Truly success breeds success! Anyway in 2012 I gained a bunch back so I've come back and recommitted. I want to blame stress, or a busy schedule, or school but I know that I gained my weight back because I stopped tracking. I ate too much and exercised too little. This time when I started back with MFP I actually gained weight in my first month!! It was so frustrating. But I told myself that I was ultimately healthier. My heart and body was better for my healthy habbits and that soon the scale would follow through. Now things are moving in the right direction.

    Don't focus too much on the scale. If counting calories is too intimidating now and frustrating start slower. Start week 1 with drinking the proper amount of water. Week 2 add in eating the proper amou ts of vegetables. You get the drift. Eventually it will become second nature. I once read a quote on someone's wall: a year from now you'll wish you started today. It really hit home. So when I waver and get bored or stressed or frustrated (with my goal of losing >100lbs) I think of how happy I am to be doing something now and look forward to seeing how I'll look in a year's time!

    Finally look for supportive friends on this website. I love the community if people here. You can build such a great support system. You'll be able to celebrate your victories and support each other through your slip ups. You can find so much motivation with your MFP friends. I'm super thankful for mine!

    Hope this helps! You aren't alone :o)

    THIS!! Well said and I love the quote! "A year from now you'll wish you started today."
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    One of my friends gave me a motivational quote at a very trying time in my life and it's stuck with me.

    "If not now, when?"

    Initially, it was when my mother died and I was having a really hard time dealing with it, but didn't know if I should see a professional about anti-anxiety and anti-depressants. If THIS was not the right time to deal with it, when else would be?

    A little while later, it was my motivation to add pink streaks to my hair. So what if I was in my late 30s... I'm not going to get any younger and it's never going to get any more appropriate, so if not now, when?

    Then my motivation to finally get my belly button pierced. And tattoos. Always wanted both, but didn't know if they were right for me. At that point, "If not now, when?" spurred a spin-off... "Why NOT me?" Why shouldn't I get a tattoo? If my brother and niece could run races, why not me? Why shouldn't I feel comfortable in a bikini? Why shouldn't I life weights? Why shouldn't I buy the leopard print skinny jeans?

    Basically... I took my life back. And I've never been happier.