stopping Ortho tri cylen



  • I am also nervous. I've taken OTC-lo for about 3 years now and I want to stop for certain reasons, but I have been reading other peoples stories and I have ONLY heard of woman who have suffered from terrible acne, if not terrible cystic acne. It scares me to death. I had TERRIBLE acne growing up, from about 4th grade to 9th grade, and it finally started clearing up. I had decent skin in high school, mainly bad on my back, chest and shoulders, and once I got to college, It cleared up for the most part. In other words, I know how awful and debilitating bad acne can be. Well since being on the birth control my skin has been great...I never thought of this being because of the birth control though, I thought I had just grown out of acne. But since seeing these horror stories I wonder if the birth control DID help. Now I'm scared to get off of it because all woman are saying is how terrible and horrible their acne got and it completely threw them into depression and they are embarassed to leave their house now and everything. Will someone please tell me if they have a success story because I am afraid that I'm never gonna want to get off it, but I want kids someday! Ahh haha.
  • Gismo918
    Gismo918 Posts: 1
    I discontinued ortho tri-cyclen a month ago after taking it for about 13 years. So far, so good. I never had acne before so I don't haveacne now. My sex drive is crazy now! I can't remember thinking about sex this often before but my husbandloves it. I have cried a lot more since discontinuing the pill and after reading about the mood swings of others, I understand why. I also never had cramps before but had to call out sick from work on my first period because my back pain was unbearable. Our goal is to be pregnant by summer so we'll see how this goes. I read on another site that it takes an average of 1-3months for your body to return to normal but it could take a year. I'm hoping for 1-3 months. Good luck!
  • I have been on it since I was 17, I stopped at 27 bc my life got hectic with my marriage and life...
    Keep in mind everyone's bodies are different, so please take everything with a grain of salt.
    I lost weight. Like 10 pounds(could be attributed to fitnesspal though, not sure bc it's simultaneous) . I got everything I had before I was on it. Meaning: terrible teenage-style acne, longer periods, worse cramps, crazy moodswings, emotional pms, generally a feeling of hormonal imbalance. Being off it for a year and a half, and not planning to have kids soon, this is my first month back on it. My biggest reason, yes, acne is great, but it's mainly the hormonal imbalance. I don't enjoy feeling like a crazy person dude. lol:laugh: