Worst Gym Experience?

We are members of O2 Fitness- and I *strongly* recommend against them.

However, the staff there are horrible if you are not in shape. One of them would actually point me out to other members and laugh at me whenever I got on the treadmill. One time he got on the treadmill next to me and kept looking pointedly between me and the display until I got so uncomfortable, I had to leave. I haven't been in over a month, and will not go back. We are just waiting for our contract to expire, because they will not let us out of it.

What has been your worst gym experience? Were you able to go back afterward?


  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    What has been your worst gym experience?
    It involved a pre-workout carne asada burrito and squat day.
    Were you able to go back afterward?
    We were all allowed to return after the hazardous materials team completed the cleanup/decon.
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    I really doubt the staff would point you out and laugh. Are you sure you weren't imagining it?
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    Oh, he did. On multiple occasions, and my husband saw it. This was after we turned him down for trying to strong arm us into personal training sessions. We told him we were just getting started and wanted to try working out on our own first. He looked at each of our bellies and said, "Obviously, what you're doing isn't working." That was the day we met, and he only got worse. We met another obese couple at the gym who said he'd treated them the same way.
  • Gunsentry
    Gunsentry Posts: 121 Member
    Write to the manager and complain!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    They have to let you out of your contract.

    If anything get a doctor to write you a note saying that you can't exercise due to whatever reason, and then they have to let you out since you don't have a doctors OK to exercise.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I find it shocking that you even have to wait until your contract is over. Either you didn't make your feeling clear enough on the matter to a manager or you are telling porkies.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Jesus wept.

    1) Write to the manager and demand action is taken. If nothing then:
    2) Write an open letter to the manager in your local newspaper. Or speak to a journo there.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    ^ This.

    I don't know what it's like in America (I'm assuming you're from America?) but here in the UK you can just cancel direct debits. That's just unacceptable and you shouldn't take this laying down.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Jesus wept.

    1) Write to the manager and demand action is taken. If nothing then:
    2) Write an open letter to the manager in your local newspaper. Or speak to a journo there.

    This. That is completely unacceptable.

    My worst incident is one I hope no one noticed. I was so proud to be able to fit into a pair of workout pants I hadn't worn in years. Note to self: If you haven't worn a garment for years be sure to check the important seams first, especially the crotch seam! :blushing:
  • marie5282
    marie5282 Posts: 61 Member
    I had an appointment with a personal trainer for joining Planet Fitness a while ago, and was not in the best of shape at all. The personal trainer was this @ss of a guy who was showing me how the triceps weight machine worked and cheering me on for doing such a huge weight so well. When I looked in the mirror, he was pushing the machine so I was doing absolutely no work at all, because my triceps were wimpy. I wouldn't go back after that and cancelled my membership the next day (had to make sure I wasn't just over-reacting and truly was upset.)

    Now I belong to another gym that has women's only centers. They're great and I wouldn't consider going anywhere else!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I had been going to my gym for a while and had tried to get my friend to get a membership with me. She got a week's long free pass, so she finally was able to go with me. We were doing our thing and playing around with some machines trying to get a feel for some of the weight machines that I wasn't familiar with. This guy who I knew in high school was watching us for a while and decided to come over and show us the ropes. He would NOT leave us alone. She and I were making it very clear that we were doing fine without him. Every time we tried to have a conversation, he'd interrupt us with his two cents. He tells me "Yeah I was supposed to get a job here, but I was too good." This guy is totally disgusting and the epitome of white trash. The final straw was when he pulled out his cell and showed me a picture of his abs. He hounded us some more when I finally said "MY FRIEND AND I...WE'RE GOOD." He scoffed at me and said "Well, I'm only trying to help." I said "Yeah I know, but we're good." He ran off in a huff but he has to keep his presence known. He gets on his phone and begins have loud conversation after loud conversation just to be obnoxious. Then every time he looked at me or my friend, he'd give us dirty looks.

  • marie5282
    marie5282 Posts: 61 Member
    You definitely should contact the manager about this trainer. That is totally inappropriate for him to do, not to mention incredibly rude. If the manager won't do anything about it, like others said, write a strongly worded letter to the newspaper. Word of mouth can be very powerful, and the manager should do everything in his/her power to prevent that from happening. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that, and I hope it doesn't put you off of working out elsewhere!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    When my friend and I used to go to the gym together we were looking for a new personal trainer as our previous one had left the island. The female trainer was quite aggressive about taking us on so we did a trial session. It did not go well.

    My friend had had multiple knee surgeries and there were certain things that she was flat out not supposed to do, the pt refused to listen to her explanation, despite having been shown the still livid scars from the operations, and attempted to bully her into things she not only shouldn't, but couldn't , do and started to belittle her on her 'lack' of effort.

    Needless to say there was a confrontation with me expressing just what I thought of the woman's tactics and professionalism which was overheard by the gym owner.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    As a former manager, I say get in contact, please! Good managers will definitely address your complaint with their employees, and work to see to it that you're compensated somehow for this sort of nonsense.

    If the manager avoids or ignores you, go over his/her head. If it's a chain, there will be a manager beyond and probably another manager or two beyond that person as well. Just keep asking to speak with supervisors until you get things settled. Going public with your complaint can also be effective if management won't do anything. Don't just go to the papers--go to the Better Business Bureau and any other professional association that rates businesses, gyms, whatever.

    I've never had bad experiences like that at gyms or with personal trainers, thank goodness, but if I did, I'd go right to the management. That is really poor and unprofessional behaviour. I think I'd want my contract cancelled, too...which is totally understandable and not at all unreasonable given the circumstances.

    I'm trying to think what my worst gym experience would be, but I just can't come up with anything I consider to be really bad. Hmm. There are always those dumb guys who think they're trainers and want to tell everyone what they should be doing or how they should be doing it...haha. They're kinda funny, but also really annoying! Those dudes have been part of every single gym I've gone to. Also the guys who never wash their gym clothes, or those people who come in reeking of alcohol/garlic/whatever. UGH. But again, they're part of every gym I've ever been to. :tongue:
  • skyline2055
    skyline2055 Posts: 49 Member
    Never go through a manager. Most managers will always back up their employees. Go straight to corporate.
  • casbar911
    casbar911 Posts: 61 Member
    Mine isn't how the gym treated me. Its just a pet peeve.
    When 2 people (who come in together) cant get 2 treadmills next to each other - take one on either side of me and then proceed to have a full blown conversation "through" me - i was going to offer my treadmill up and switch but I was already 35 mins into a 60min run and didn't want to stop in the middle... they kept leaning foward to talk in front of me... aggh it was so frustrating and distracting... I know it is petty but really have a little consideration for those around you.
    Oh yah and I love to see people working out but please dont wear the same shirt to the gym everyday without washing it.. the smell can also be quite distracting...

    But I do think the OP should contact management about her issues. that is unacceptable. Good luck!!
  • skyline2055
    skyline2055 Posts: 49 Member
    I had an appointment with a personal trainer for joining Planet Fitness a while ago, and was not in the best of shape at all. The personal trainer was this @ss of a guy who was showing me how the triceps weight machine worked and cheering me on for doing such a huge weight so well. When I looked in the mirror, he was pushing the machine so I was doing absolutely no work at all, because my triceps were wimpy. I wouldn't go back after that and cancelled my membership the next day (had to make sure I wasn't just over-reacting and truly was upset.)

    Now I belong to another gym that has women's only centers. They're great and I wouldn't consider going anywhere else!
    i think you overreacted. he was just trying to build up your self confidence.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    My worst experience was at a Golds Gym.

    The staff were rude and not helpful. They had like ten TV's (all terrible quality) and over half of them were showing the same thing one Saturday morning (KID'S CARTOONS WITH NO CHILDREN IN THE ROOM). I asked them to change the channel to the food network (knowing ahead of time that they had this channel). First they take over a half hour to even walk over to the t.v. After asking them a second and then third time, the guy goes over and dinks around with the t.v. for, I kid you not, 15 minutes. He gives up and says "I just can't find it. Sorry."

    I would show up for classes that they had on the schedule (pilates) on Saturdays only to find out they cancelled them and did something else instead.

    When I told them that their service was horrible and their customer service was horrible and I would like to cancel my membership, they inform me that the only way I can cancel is to show up on a weekday at very limited hours (when most people with regular jobs would be at work). When we (my husband and I) left, they just laughed and said "Let 'em walk..."

    My husband had some choice 4-letter words for them.

    Horrible experience. I would NEVER go back. The only time I did go back is to actually quit and to hand them a hand written letter explaining in very great detail what made Planet Fitness a better gym than theirs. Terrible.
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member

    My worst incident is one I hope no one noticed. I was so proud to be able to fit into a pair of workout pants I hadn't worn in years. Note to self: If you haven't worn a garment for years be sure to check the important seams first, especially the crotch seam! :blushing:

    I had that happen to me at a party once! Mortifying!
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    Never go through a manager. Most managers will always back up their employees. Go straight to corporate.

    You're right- the manager said it was a "personality conflict' and that I needed to 'grow up.'

    I did try BBB, but they are not listed there by website or physical address.

    Never thought to call the corporate office, but I am going to do that now. Thanks for the advice, everyone!