please help me, IDK which way to go



  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    You try an extreme unnatural diet, you lose but gain it back, you try a different one, you feel miserable the whole time... see a pattern? :)

    There's definitely some great advice here. Even if you had success on the HCG diet, it's not like you would expect to eat that way for the rest of your life. If you had stuck with it and lost the weight, how would you eat to maintain that weight loss? ...Find that answer, and start eating that way now. Stop with the fads -- you may lose weight quickly, but then just regain it all again because you're not learning anything from the experience. Find something slow and sustainable

    Good luck! :)
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    follow this :
    Idid my body fat % first
    Then my BMR
    Then it gave my TEDEE by activity rate. Then minus 20% ( 200 calories)
    (Mine was moderate because I work out 6 times a week.) then go into your goals . Change it manually adding your net calories to eat. 40%carbs30%fat30%protien. Never eat below your BMR. If you exercise and go below eat them back.
    What I did was average my burn which was 500 calories and added that to my BMR it equalled my TEDEE. So I won't have to eat back and never go below ( you will not lose weight if you do ) and eating your TEDEE ONLY WITHOUT EXCERSIZE will maintain!weight.

    let me know if you need help. Your gonna need a measuring tape. Be very honest and it will be accurate and the pounds will fall of quick after a couple weeks. After you lose 5pounds re calculate. AND YOU DON'T STARVE. No more headaches and dizziness or hair falling out.

    PLEASE UNDERSTAND you have to maintain your excercise ( your burn) , and on days I do not work out I eat my BMR only.

    you have to think of your body as a car. And food as fuel. Clean food! Not junk
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    use MFP!!!!!!!!

    Set your goal to lose 1lb per week, eat back your exercise calories, aim to get your 5 portions of fruit & veg a day and keep treats to a minimum! a bit of exercise and LOT of patience!!!!!

    like others have said, its a lifestyle change not a diet that you need!

    1lb per seems like so little and I think that's where my downfall is!! I have to learn to be patient!

    Patience is key - I didn't get to where I am overnight & I'm not going to get to where I want to be overnight. I definitely agree with this being a lifestyle change, that's the only way I see myself having long term success. It'd do me no good to lose weight from a fad diet & then put it all back on because my habits haven't changed - my history shows me that I not only put back on what I lost, I usually pack on some extra too. I know if I want to get & STAY healthy I need to change ME & MFP is definitely helping. I find that having to log everything I eat is having a profound effect on what I do eat. I'm not looking to starve myself, so if I want to still be able to eat I need to change the things I am eating. So far, so good - I'm much more conscious of eating better & I feel much better for it. I DO still allow myself days like yesterday (Super Bowl party) where I don't eat as well, but they are going to be few & far between - BUT I'm not going to feel an ounce of guilt when I allow myself something like that. I didn't eat (or drink) nearly as much yesterday as I have in years past, & that made me feel really good. Although I was aware of logging my food & that makes me conscious of it, I just didn't feel like eating as much..........

    Do NOT be mad at yourself for trying the HCG diet, anything that has you trying to move in a positive direction is a good thing because you're well aware of what you're trying to accomplish & are being proactive about getting there. As in any other life situation, some things we do will be successful & some will not, it's all trial & error. I think you've gotten a lot of good advice on this thread & I know you'll be successful. Just take the long term view & keep plugging away at it, there are plenty of people here to help support you........
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Melissa. I just got a book you might find helpful. It's Eat to Lose, Eat to Win by Rachel Beller who is a registered dietician and consulted contestants on The Biggest Loser. It's a real easy read and a lot of common sense with great advise on how to eat healthy. It's not a lot of calory counting but a focus on better choices and she cuts to the chase and tells you what to buy. It's a lifestyle not a diet. She has great advice and the food choices taste good, fill you up and don't leave you hungry.
  • chokeslam512
    chokeslam512 Posts: 78 Member
  • Melissasue29624
    wow, thank you to EVERYONE for the advice and support and understanding!! This is amazing, I should have came here long before now!!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    No special diet required. Eat sensibly, in the proper amounts, not too much and not too little (that amount is different for everyone), and exercise. It will work, and no misery is required.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    1 pound per week = 52 pounds in a year. Not too shabby!

    I've lost about 22 pounds in the last 4 YEARS! Talk about needing patience. But I'm working on changing my life-style, not just losing weight.
  • shellbatronic
    First lose the "diet" mindset and make it about being a healthy lifestyle. Follow the guidelines that MFP has set up for you. Choose healthy foods, stay with in your calorie goal and exercise, the rest will fall into place. Good luck!

    I agree, I have never heard of HCG diet and I bet in 3 years no one will be doing it anymore.

    Yeah, I Googled it and one of the top results pointed to Dr. Oz, so that pretty much told me what I needed to know. :ohwell:
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    use MFP!!!!!!!!

    Set your goal to lose 1lb per week, eat back your exercise calories, aim to get your 5 portions of fruit & veg a day and keep treats to a minimum! a bit of exercise and LOT of patience!!!!!

    like others have said, its a lifestyle change not a diet that you need!

    I agree with this ^. It took me forever to really get going with my journey because everywhere you turn, there is something new on television or somewhere telling you how to lose weight. And with every direction, there is a contradiction. It can be very confusing and overwhelming. Dieting is not the answer if you are wanting to lose weight, get healthy, and keep your body/mind healthy for the long-run. Dieting is just this "get rich" type of scheme that only lasts while you adhere to bazaar, extreme measures, then you "get poor" again once you decide it just isn't going to be sustainable. It seems you have already run into that.

    Once you start eating how your human body is meant to eat without overeating, deprivation, etc., you will learn to get healthy. Add in some kind of a fitness routine, your mind gets healthy and you transform entirely. Really, food is fuel. Energy to get you from point A to point B. It's not designed to be a reward system, nor a drug, nor a social holiday. Abusing it is what gets you where you don't want to be. If you grasp the mindset that you are going to change how you approach food, your body will follow suit. You can make it happen!!!! Count, measure, weigh your calories and really know what you're putting into your machine and work out the extra through exercise (and you will gain so much more energy when you do, which will burn even more!). It won't happen overnight but just anticipate a goal for six months or a year and push forward focusing on each action, and the results of loss will reward you.
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    use MFP!!!!!!!!

    Set your goal to lose 1lb per week, eat back your exercise calories, aim to get your 5 portions of fruit & veg a day and keep treats to a minimum! a bit of exercise and LOT of patience!!!!!

    like others have said, its a lifestyle change not a diet that you need!

    1lb per seems like so little and I think that's where my downfall is!! I have to learn to be patient!

    Honestly, just because you aim for 1 pound per week, doesn't mean you will only lose that. You might go some time, especially after the first drop(s), where the scale won't budge at all. Then there might be other weeks where you drop several at a time. It all balances out in the end. If you keep your expectations low, then the higher outcomes will be more gratifying but the lower ones won't be devastating. Remember this too: Once you really get going, the scale doesn't reflect but only a small part of the story. Your body will change, especially if you incorporate a fitness routine of some kind. Inches will drop. Etc.
  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    The best way to do it for a forever change, is to make healthy eating and being active your lifestyle. Start slow, like a mini-goal. This week I will eat a vegetables and lean meat for lunch. Once you have that down, tackle the next meal, the next meal, the next snack etc. You don't have to start out blazing and cutting down your calories to nothing to get a good start on losing weight.

    I have always struggled with this myself. I feel like I need to lose it all right now. But guess what, I didn't gain it all in a week and I can't lose it all in a week. By making healthy choices, the weight will come off.

    For myself, I eat about 1500 calories per day, which includes some chocolate or popcorn and I feel satisfied all day.

    Being healthy is the most important.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    To be honest, hun, I think you need to eat more. You need to up your calorie goal.

    If you want, check out this link by MFPer Heliotsdan -

    It'll give you a detailed walkthrough (with pictures even) on finding your TDEE and calculating what you should be eating.

    Also, if you are worried about the calorie intake, I also suggest you read this thread that has numerous people who met their goals and are maintaining. Some for years and they also provide their calorie intake and how often they work out.

    And if you are looking for foods to help with upping your calorie intake, I suggest checking this out:
    Check out the Place of a Road Map 2.0 link -

    It gives instructions on how to figure it out. :)
  • JessicaZen
    JessicaZen Posts: 149 Member
    Use the guidelines set by MFP and Change diet to Lifestyle change. Dietys don't work Counting calories does you will start to see how you eat and start to make healthy changes also incorporate excercise into the mix and you will lose it slow as it should be so you need to be very patient as well. Get as much support as possible which you will find here annd post any questions or anything you need to cuz you will get the feedback you need.Welcome to MFP.:flowerforyou:
  • Melissasue29624
    I cant say enough thank yous for all this wonderful advice and great ideas and support! Im looking into these things now!
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    Honestly, eat normally for a week or two, log everything, and see what kinds of changes you need to make based on that. You don't need to make yourself miserable and hungry to lose weight. You DO need to develop good habits, and developing new habits takes time. There is no shame in making this a gradual process.

    This! x100!

    Make small changes - start with logging. Then see where you can make chagnes. Then maybe you begin to exercise. Then maybe you fine tune. Tyr one small change at a time, and add on over time. It makes a difference. A huge one.

    The best way to develop new habits is by increments.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Congrats on starting.

    There is NO SUBSTITUTE for watching what you eat and getting high intensity exercise(AS MUCH AS YOU CAN TOLERATE WITHIN REASON).

    It shouldnt cost you more than a gym membership.

    Good Luck.
  • Bjmtrainer
    Bjmtrainer Posts: 8 Member
    I suggest seeing your doctor or visiting a registered dietician. Particularly the dietician can give you some great insight and help you to understand how changes in your diet can affect you.
  • kitkatkate77
    You say on your profile that the reason you joined is to feel good about yourself. Try to feel good about the process, not just the destination. Every day that you make healthy eating choices and excercise is a reason to feel good, whether you lose a little weight, a lot of weight, or none at all. Enjoying the trip will help you be patient.
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    I had a friend that did that diet, and it didn't work for her either. It's just not sustainable nor sensible. There really is no quick fix, unfortunately. I agree with everyone else that you should start using MFP and work with its calorie limits, then add exercise, then work with your settings (the carb/protein/fat ratios) to see what works best for you. My weight is not coming off fast but it is totally sustainable, and I've learned SO much about what to eat and what exercises work for me.