Gym Etiquette - what bugs you?



  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    People who don't take their weights off the squat rack.
    Men who insist on grunting and groaning loudly like they're in a low budget porn film
    People who just leave DB lying around, like pick that s*** up and put it away!
    People who stand directly in front of you blocking you from see your form in the mirror.
    People who insist on hogging the squat wrack for 20 minutes when there 5 other people waiting for it. (My gym for 25,000+ students only has 3 squat racks wtf)

    And this isn't really etiquette related but something that bugs me is those girls/guys who have the elliptical on the lowest setting, going 100 miles an hour bent over the machine, or those who grab the sides of the treadmill walking on an incline, or just use machines that are known for giving wildly inaccurate calorie counts without even bother to change the height/weight settings and then going around bragging about how they just burned 900 calories in an hour and yet they barely broke a sweat Lol sorry. But no.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    Also... when strangers in the locker room feel the need to talk to me when I'm weighing in... I don't have a scale at home, so pop over to the gym before work on weigh in days, strip down to my undies, weigh in, then get dressed and head to work... and without fail, if there is ANYONE else in the locker room they feel like while I'm standing there in my skivvies weighing in, an already slightly awkward situation, they feel like this is the perfect time to discuss the weather with me... wait until I put my pants back on, and I'll be happy to discuss whatever you like.

    scales are pretty cheap and the ones at the gym can actually be off significantly if the wieghts aren't zeroed out each time someone gets off
  • lolwutshannon
    Women who go to the gym with their hair and make-up done; B!tch, you're here to get in shape, stinky and sweaty. This isn't Eharmony. Go home.
  • lucyster92
    lucyster92 Posts: 51 Member
    Personal Trainers trying to flog their wears when i'm trying to get into my zone!
    AND men that stare at me when i'm on the treadmill
  • Our gym doesn't allow kids- but there's plenty of high school-age girls there that sit on the floor mats or weight machines and text!
  • Momiofour
    Momiofour Posts: 155 Member
    Nothing bothers me at the gym. I know people are going to be sweaty and smelly - they are at the GYM!!

    Gym time is me time and I don't like to waste it hating other people working out. I don't really focus on anything else. If I am bothered by something, I move away.
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    One time at the gym I saw a guy running on the treadmill and he would take a large mouthful of water, swish it around and then spew it out all over himself and the machine. The first time I saw him do it, I thought he'd had an accident and then the third time I saw him do it, I started gagging thinking about getting on any of the machines ever again. I told the managers about it, but they didn't do anything about it. Needless to say, I stopped going to that gym. ICK!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    As for people "just sitting" on the machines, perhaps they are in a rest between sets. 60-90 seconds is no big deal. Now if they rest for longer than 2-3 minutes, they should move on and come back. Someone else could squeeze in a set while they are resting.


    -"Freestylers" in the 30-minute circuit area. Follow the rules or get out of the way. There's a whole other section of machines for whatever it is YOU are doing.
    -Children playing in workout areas and tying up machines for no reason
    -not wiping the equipment or putting things back where they belong
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    I got so mad the other day. I was working my *kitten* off on the elliptical, and a Reese's commercial came on. WHY!!!!!!

    Lol. In all seriousness, I really don't ever pay attention to anyone at the gym, I get in, get through my workout and leave. Although if someone was just sitting on a machine not using it, and just socializing I am sure that would be annoying. Not wiping down machines would probably be the only thing that would really irk me.
  • Abi_bug04
    People who worry about what other people are doing rather than just focusing on their own workouts.


    I'm sick of feeling self conscious of going to the gym because I'm worried about what I might be doing slightly different than the average person, and wondering if I may have offended someone in someway by either walking backwards on the treadmill, or taking it a little slower on some of the machines, accidentally showing up to the gym right after work when I have my hair and makeup done for a professional setting, etc.
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    Women who go to the gym with their hair and make-up done; B!tch, you're here to get in shape, stinky and sweaty. This isn't Eharmony. Go home.

    How do you know they didn't just get off of work? Judgy.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Oh this thread just reminded me.. when someone gets on the treadmill right beside me when there is literally an entire row free. What is that? A guy did that to me yesterday, I was the only person in a row of 10 machines and he gets right beside me. It's not a big deal, I just thought treadmills were like bathroom stalls or something, just nice to leave a buffer zone if possible. :tongue:

    He was probably trying to hit on you or get you to notice him... in which case, keep up the great work! Guys want you haha

    Because THAT'S what matters.
  • Shal1217
    1. People who don't wipe down their machines
    2. People who don't wash their gym clothes (ew)
    3. People who are totally unaware of their surroundings (this applies to life in general but I get most annoyed at the gym)
    4. People who chat with friends while hogging a machine for 23833975 minutes.
    5. People on their phones
    6. People who go to the gym to check girls out (lol)
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    For those that complain about cell phones and texting: for what it's worth, I use my cell phone at the gym - that's where my routines, history, trackers, and music live. I'm not eexting, I recording my workout.

    Same. The cellphone use isn't always for texting. I could be looking up and setting a goal, starting up a fitness app, turning on my music, opening up a book to keep myself from focusing too hard on my time or distance...

    Luckily, though, I go to a pretty decent gym where I don't have issues with anyone. Everyone is pretty clean and keeps to themselves, so I have no complaints yet. I go when all of these business people are dropping in on their lunch breaks, and they all seem so focused.
  • jdx301
    jdx301 Posts: 21 Member
    Nothing bothers me at the gym. I know people are going to be sweaty and smelly - they are at the GYM!!

    Gym time is me time and I don't like to waste it hating other people working out. I don't really focus on anything else. If I am bothered by something, I move away.

    Well put.

    But for me, i have my music loud so no one ever bothers me as i never hear anyone. Most of the time, i just have tunnel vision in the gym anyway.

    Reading the responses in this thread really makes me think that some people forget what a gym is for.

    Who cares if someone is checking you out, that should be motivation if anything. Now if they start stalking you as you leave the gym or are there every time you are at the gym, then it's time to get worried.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Most of the time I read these threads to see if I am a Gym Offender, and well most of the time it looks like I am :-) Most of the things people do in the gym have no impact on me personally so I just ignore it. However, the common complaint of not re-racking the weights is justified. This does have an impact on me because sometimes they are too heavy for me to remove on my own, and boy would I get pissed if I ended up injuring myself while trying to move them, not cool. Other than that, sorry to all those people I irritate in the gym :-)
  • OneDimSim
    OneDimSim Posts: 188 Member
    When the person next to me tries to look at my machine or what I'm doing. :grumble:

    ha - i guess i am guilty of this (glancing over)....sometimes make a game / motivation of it - like if you can go 3.35 miles i will go 3.4, etc - is this bad???
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Most of the time I read these threads to see if I am a Gym Offender, and well most of the time it looks like I am :-) Most of the things people do in the gym have no impact on me personally so I just ignore it. However, the common complaint of not re-racking the weights is justified. This does have an impact on me because sometimes they are too heavy for me to remove on my own, and boy would I get pissed if I ended up injuring myself while trying to move them, not cool. Other than that, sorry to all those people I irritate in the gym :-)

    Yep, Multiple occasions I have removed plates for people who couldn't get them off the machine.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Woman that only do cardio....YOU COULD LOOK SO MUCH SEXIER
  • CortneyHicks20