Gym Etiquette - what bugs you?



  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    For those that complain about cell phones and texting: for what it's worth, I use my cell phone at the gym - that's where my routines, history, trackers, and music live. I'm not eexting, I recording my workout.

    Same. The cellphone use isn't always for texting. I could be looking up and setting a goal, starting up a fitness app, turning on my music, opening up a book to keep myself from focusing too hard on my time or distance...

    Luckily, though, I go to a pretty decent gym where I don't have issues with anyone. Everyone is pretty clean and keeps to themselves, so I have no complaints yet. I go when all of these business people are dropping in on their lunch breaks, and they all seem so focused.

    i cant speak for others, but my problem with cell phone use isnt the texting update exercising people...its the obnoxious talkers that grate on my nerves
  • watergallagher
    watergallagher Posts: 232 Member
  • RobfromLakewood
    There area few places I think cell phones are especially obtrusive and the gym is one of them. Really, you can't be out of contact for that long?

    It doesn't happen often, but when people use machines for a place to sit down and rest. You don't know who wants to use that machine, rest elsewhere, don't make people remind you the gym is for more than just you.

    Body odor, not a good sweat body odor, but people who are not showering regularly or something, a few people at my gym are disgusting.

    Conversations across large areas, I don't want to hear you.

    Other than that, nothing much. ;)
  • daram05
    Two Big Pet Peeves:

    1. Sweating ALL over the machines and not cleaning them (like there isn't cleaning supplies provided)
    2. Talking on your bluetooth and/or cell phone disturbing people's grooves

    There's others, but these occur way to often at the gym!!!
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member

    People who are several moves/beats behind in BodyStep.
    It's like "can you not see the pattern, repetition of moves and that you're doing something TOTALLY different than everyone else?"


    Yes, actually I do recognize that. I am uncoordinated, clumsy and have no rhythm, but I'm doing my best and it's people like you that make me drop group classes. I try to stand in the back so as not to confuse people but it doesn't always work out that way. I still get a good workout and I don't need to be judged on my performance.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    people on there cell phones
    people who don't let me concentrate
    people who don't re-rack there weights.
    people who sit at a machine and don't use it for what it's meant for.
    people who are not squatting , but feel the need to take over the squat rack
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    Cell phones, period.
    Standing in groups talking and blocking machines and stations.
    Jumping in front of someone on a circuit and moving slower.

    The circuit thing really bothers me. I go to Planet Fitness and do the 30 minute circuit every other day usually. The 30 minute circuit is in it's own room and some people come in and get on machines so it messes up the rotation. It really bugs me because the same machines are located elsewhere in the gym as well sooo why go in the 30 minute minute circuit room where people are actually completing the circuit to do it?!
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    Women who go to the gym with their hair and make-up done; B!tch, you're here to get in shape, stinky and sweaty. This isn't Eharmony. Go home.

    So....I go tthe gym everyday at lunch.....should I undo my hair and take off my makeup before working out?
  • sher80bear
    sher80bear Posts: 22 Member
    Wearing their gym shoes into the gym-I hate this especially with all of the snow we have been getting. Wear another pair and change when you get in please-I don't want to be sliding all over if you come in with wet shoes. My husband and I argue about this constantly-he doesn't see it as a problem I do.

    Luckily this isn't a problem at the gym I go to. We have a strick policy that you have to change your shoes at the gym entrance so the snow doesn't get everywhere. The front desk actually enforces this rule and there are benches to sit on so it is pretty easy to do. I can only imagine how nasty it would be if people weren't changing their shoes.

    My pet peeve are the people who workout in jeans. You can't get full range of motion on some machines in jeans. By a pair of sweet pants. They aren't that expensive.

    Oh and the people who stand in front of the equipment so others can't use it. I had to walk all the way around the wieght room (almost a complete circle) just so I could do arm curls because of group of guys were blocking the walkway. They were just standing there talking and refused to move.
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    There area few places I think cell phones are especially obtrusive and the gym is one of them. Really, you can't be out of contact for that long?

    Cell phones are banned at my gym and after reading this thread I'm very grateful :)
  • ashleighcollins89
    Women who go to the gym with their hair and make-up done; B!tch, you're here to get in shape, stinky and sweaty. This isn't Eharmony. Go home.

    So....I go tthe gym everyday at lunch.....should I undo my hair and take off my makeup before working out?

    Hear hear
  • gnulph
    gnulph Posts: 1 Member
    I agree!
  • 98by2014
    98by2014 Posts: 29 Member
    People who hog machines only to 'sit' on. This happens in my schools gym all of the time. There are girls who will just sit on a rowing machine and chat to friends.
    Also, people who plug their own iPod into the overhead speakers. I don't want to listen to gangster rap with a slow beat everytime I work out.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I hate when people poop on the treadmill and don't clean it up. What do I look like, a pooper scooper? :explode:
  • XDiet_SlayerX
    1.) Guys that stare hard at chicks working out. Yesterday during my leg workout there was this girl doing burpees by the squat rack where I was doing squats and a weight bench was near both of us with some dude just watching her the whole time. I mean have some damn manners and mind your own business. You look creepy as hell.
    2.) People who shadow box in the gym by the weights. I use to box back in the day and non of my training consisted of shadow boxing. People that do this in a weight room look like idiots.
    3.) Some newbies. So I'm lifting a weight up on the bench press and your butt happens to hit the side of the bar throwing it off balance screwing up my set. If you can't mind your space don't enter the weight room. Well enter it when I'm not there!
    4.) Zombies. People who stare at the television for 5-10 mins strait then do a set then repeat. You don't belong there!
    5.) Cell phone users. Nuff said.
    6.) People who stand around and BS.
    7.) People who make a scene when leaving the gym. This is not Cheers. Do your work out and leave.
    8.) Hey bro lemme do a quick set people. I've let people do this in the past, not anymore though. If your doing drop sets that consists of 5 minutes then bother someone else.
    9.) Anything that has to do with Planet Fitness.
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    The body odor thing. Gosh, I cannot BELIEVE the smells I smell at the gym. Yikes!
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    The person I saw use the ladies room and then hit the equipment without washing her hands. Yuck! I'd rather deal with the sweat not being wiped off!
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    When I go, I try to be there by 5am. Not a long goes on at that time, except the old guys drying there pubic area with the blow dryer..
  • jess0105
    jess0105 Posts: 34 Member
    1. People who don't wipe machines down.
    2. Those who feel the need to come and run on the treadmill right next to me when there are about 20 others free, WHYYYY!? Puts me off more than anything!
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    All the FARTING! GEESH!

    Oh wait.....that's me.