Gained 5lbs over the weekend! HELP!



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    This thread is just going to be pure awesome :)

    I would seriously debate throwing out your scale (OK, Hide it, and take it out once/month or less often). One week is not worth this little roller coaster you're on.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    You are a woman. Your body is sensitive to water fluctuations. You will not get an accurate depiction of your weight if you weigh daily.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    You are a woman. Your body is sensitive to water fluctuations. You will not get an accurate depiction of your weight if you weigh daily.

    This! And if you keep weighing yourself this often, I will put money on it you end up on some sort of depression med....
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    go to the bathroom and drink water. it will be gone by wednsday. not to be gross, but its number 2 and water retention...
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    No worries!! I gained 4 pounds one day and 9 hours later it was gone! This is some crazy stuff our bodies do. I can't figure out, logically, how this is possible. Picture 4 cans of soup and how heavy that is!! Do not worry. I would like to repeat that 1,000 times. Occasional overeating will not derail your weight loss. Be happy that you had such a great time. Happy people lose more weight.:wink: Also, the rest of the posts are also true, except the ones who criticize you, in my humble opinion:tongue:
  • waterweight ;)
  • Sodium most likely....flush out w/lots of water and ignore the trolls....they are just ugly! :smile:
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    my weight can go up and down 10 lbs in one day.

    Just calm the eff down and get back in that saddle!!!!!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Now I know I didn't eat 17,000 calories so wth is going on!? I'm so discouraged. All that hard work for NOTHING!

    there is more material (food, waste, water, glycogen) in your body, so you weigh more now, as a temporary fluctuation.

    "all that hard work for nothing"? are you kidding me?
  • stephcalcott
    stephcalcott Posts: 84 Member
    Don't panic! It's almost impossible to have gained that much weight in two days. Just drink lots of water, get back on track with your food and I bet if you weigh yourself on Friday you'll be back down where you were.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Too much sodium. Water will help get rid of that.
  • Water weight. It will come off. Gained almost 9 pounds in one all came off plus another actual pound!
  • erin4455
    erin4455 Posts: 135
    I bet most of that is water retention. The foods you ate are probably higher in sodium than you've been used to. I wouldn't worry about it - drink lots of water and much of those 5lbs will probably disappear.
  • To keep myself from being discouraged I only weigh every 2 weeks. I use to step on the scale everyday and seeing it go up two pounds or down .2 pounds everyother day was too much. I'd rather step on it every two weeks and see a huge amount lost than keep track of every .2lbs i lose a day. The last time I weighed in was friday and I had lost 6lbs since my last weigh in. I put my scale up and lived on cloud 9. As long as you keep working out and eating right you shouldn't worry about the scale everyday. Let your body tell you how it feels. There are some days I just wake up and feel lighter and that feeling is just as good as seeing the pounds go down on the scale. Another tip is keeping track of your inches! I think I enjoy seeing my inches fall off more than the scale because it's just another way to say, "hey, I'm shrinking"
  • stephaniecaine82
    stephaniecaine82 Posts: 117 Member
    So Funny!! This happened to me as well! Thought since it was Superbowl (didnt really care about it cause my Team lost a couple weeks ago) I was "aloud" to eat and drink whatever I wanted! Woke up this morning, 3 pounds heavier! Just wanted to shoot myself! AAAAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhh I hate this weight loss crap!
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member
    you did not consume 17,000 calories in excess to your tdee, you did not put all the fat back on. this is logic. you even said it yourself. and "all this work for nothing" is the fastest way to make you quit trying. if you work hard for something you will be rewarded. maybe just not as quickly as you would like.
  • dschnitty
    dschnitty Posts: 8 Member
    First of all, don't stress. It will come right back off. Just get back to eating healthy. Also, get back to your workout routine. I found if I slack on mine I either gain a pound, or stay the same, instead of losing. Also, Erin4455 makes a good point, all the sodium and water retention is probably part of the problem, and what I call carb retention is probably in play too. Just drink your water and "flush" your system a little.

    Just hang in there, things will be okay.
  • This happened to me a couple weeks back - very frustrating! I took my meausrements and saw I dropped 3" off my waist - and the extra 5 lb, on the scale, dropped within a week. Keep up the good fight!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Thanks everyone. I've been drinking water ALL DAY (peeing like a racehorse!) and have increased my fruits/veggies and protein. I can already feel less bloated than I did this morning. The bloat is the absolute worst. Makes me feel so sick! Ugh.

    Thanks again for the replies and for the PMs! MFP peeps rock!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Drink gobs of water and don't weigh in until next Monday (I assume that's your weigh in day).