I Am Scared of Failing - Need Fitness Pal Friends



  • SkinnyForMinnie
    SkinnyForMinnie Posts: 68 Member
    Good job on posting on here! I know it can be scary as well, but every little step counts, and you are ALREADY making positive changes (e.g. posting). Feel free to add me, if you'd like. And if you have a smartphone, download their free app. Best app you'll ever own! You can do it, and this site's support will be a great help! WELCOME! :drinker:
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me... Been at this since July 1st and I'm down 127 in just seven months. No Bob, no Jillian, no fads, no diets... just tracking and being responsible for what I do and eat.
  • I'm new as well so feel free to add me : )
  • I feel the same way. You are not alone. please add me. I try to take it one day at a time. If that is too much for me some days a hour at a time. Don't get down on yourself. Try to stay positive. I know that is not always easy. Exercise has been a great help for me. Some days I have to force myself, but I feel so much better when I do exercise.
  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    Feel free to add me. Support is important. Being held accountable and helping to be hold someone else accountable keeps you motivated. You also get great work out and meal ideas. And most of the time, you get a great laugh!
  • I ran across a quote yesterday on Pinterest - and quite literally did what it said today.

    "She woke up one day and threw away all her excuses."

    Much easier said than followed...but here's to all of us doing what it takes to achieve what we want!

    PS: I'm new too and would love to find some people to cheer for me and for whom I can cheer!!
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    I still go through waves of "being scared" so much so I used to self sabotage.....it's like our security blanket or binky is being taken away....it DOES go away!!!

    Anyone feel free to add me. I am on daily and I am an open book and I log EVERYTHING the good, bad and the ugly lol :flowerforyou:
  • ktzmom
    ktzmom Posts: 16 Member
    It's hard to fail on this site. This is the first program I've used that has actually worked for me. Feel free to add me, we can all use the support.:smile:
  • Athena125
    Athena125 Posts: 102 Member
    Feel free to add me. Just do a little better each day and each week. If you make a mistake, learn from it & move on. Focus on how you're changing your behaviors not on just the goal.

    I did Zumba for a whole year and only lost about 10 pounds! BUT....after a year, I felt so much healthier, I started to feel confident enough to weight train. Man, am I weak! But, I keep telling myself, a year ago, I wasn't doing ANY of this. I wasn't watching my diet AT ALL.

    So on days where you eat too much, don't work out as much as you'd like, etc., think of how many times you did do better.

    If you are very out of shape, start with aqua fit classes and Zumba Gold. They are tailored for that! A personal trainer who has worked with those who have injuries or are overweight are also very helpful.
  • feldmannb
    feldmannb Posts: 4 Member
    Add me too. I started this journey 1/1 and so far so good. This is the easiest calorie app to use so far!
  • davidoneill1914
    davidoneill1914 Posts: 172 Member
    add me if you like
  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
    Never be afraid to fail... If you fail, simply pick yourself up and keep on :) Feel free to add me :D
  • feldmannb
    feldmannb Posts: 4 Member
    Nice job! Any pointers? I need to lose about 80 pounds - lost 10 so far.
  • Feel free to add me i feel the same way i hate to track anything but at this point i am desperate.
  • You can definitely add me! I am very new, like "today" new, to this site and am also looking to connect with other people struggling through our journey. I've already been here before, losing a large amount of weight, only to gain it right back due to a pregnancy and then just not getting the motivation to get up and repeat the whole process. I just don't feel good about myself anymore and my health is deteriorating rapidly. I need to fix the problem before it gets any worse and I thought this would be a great place to do it. I have a friend who is also trying to lose weight and we're working out together on a daily basis, but it's also nice to connect with more people and share tips and notes. Wishing you the best on your journey! Because it's not a destination... Being healthy is a lifetime achievement. We'll never really be done. We just have to change the way we think hold ourselves accountable for our daily (and sometimes hourly) food and exercise choices. Change is hard for most people, and especially people like us who are trying to do something big. Good luck!

  • strawberrylola
    strawberrylola Posts: 36 Member
    It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome. feel free to add me everyone :smile:
  • You've already made a huge step in the right direction by joining! I am sure you will be able to stick to your goals; especially with all of the awesome support by everyone on here. Feel free to add me on here (or anyone for that matter). I am always looking for more friends to lend some support to and likewise!:)
  • I've been on here for almost a month now and it's takes just a little adjustment. Not the logging - that's super easy - the "what you put in your mouth" thing. That's the toughie. Good luck on your journey. I'm on here just about everyday so feel free to add me if you want.
  • simon_rider
    simon_rider Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck, feel free to add me :-)
  • brendamac464
    brendamac464 Posts: 19 Member
    I've just rejoined (I wasn't an active member the first time, hmmm....might be why I gained 8 lbs). I'm 49 and have 40 lbs to lose and I've just started so add me and we can motive each other.