The weird things you miss about NOT being overweight...



  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    I miss having an excuse.

    Has to be the winner so far :laugh: :drinker:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    At first it was kinda fun to see all these BONES that used to be hidden by fat, but now they are kind of annoying! When I lie in bed at night I'm SUPER aware of how my knee bones constantly knock together -- it feels so weird! I'm also always banging my forearms on my hip bones -- honestly, for a clumsy person like me, having bones so close to the surface is proving dangerous!! :tongue:

    OH MY GOD YES! When my hip bones first emerged, they stayed bruised for weeks! :noway: :laugh: Anything I picked up immediately banged into my hip bone. Being less fat is so painful!

    I also definitely miss the extra insulation at times. Used to be hot all the time, now I'm cold all the time. At least now I can throw on a jacket or cardigan if I have the presence of mind to bring one with me (but I usually don't; I figure shivering burns a TON of calories though, right? :tongue:).
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Hmmm...defnitely bra size, used to be DD's, now a B! lol I'm learning to love my chi chis :) Other than that I'd say the bony factor is still new for me, not used to feeling/seeing any bones easily! And of course, eating whatever b/c I was already ridiculously fat.

    What's great about this post, is that it made me realize I only had three things to "miss" about being grande. I now have hundreds of things I love about being chiquitita :D
  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    Great topic. Can I just ask when women started regularly using their bra as storage? Last night I was at the gym and at least 3 women had their phone/ipod sticking up out of their sports bra.
    HA! My girlfriends and I have a little "theme song" for this, sung to the tune for "Hot Pockets" Bra Pocket!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    My bottom has no padding. It hurts to sit on a hard chair.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I miss being able to just go to bed.

    I have a large chest & upper body. I'm a tummy sleeper, and since I lost my belly, when I lay down it puts my lower back in a crazy sway position. I have to sleep with a pillow under my hips to get my back straight, and if I forget it I wake up sore and achy.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    It used to take less water to fill up the bathtub...

    Now that my belly is smaller - I can see how much work my thighs need...

    I'm realizing that now that my face is thinner - it's harder to put on makeup... am I the only one with this issue? I can't seem to figure out blush....
  • mellers1313
    mellers1313 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm feeling the cold more too ?!
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    The extra padding around my rib cage! I notice the wire in my bra poking may ribs now! Also the extra padding on my butt! My saddle this year sure seems to be harder! :wink:
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    I miss being able to just go to bed.

    I have a large chest & upper body. I'm a tummy sleeper, and since I lost my belly, when I lay down it puts my lower back in a crazy sway position. I have to sleep with a pillow under my hips to get my back straight, and if I forget it I wake up sore and achy.

    Oh my gosh! I have the same problem! I can't move if I fall asleep on my stomach without a pillow under my hips! Not so fun dragging yourself out of bed by your arms because your back is so sore and stiff!!:laugh:
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    Awesome topic! I agree with the putting stuff in your bra; however, I can still fit a few things in there. I don't really miss anything from my former self...I am a lot colder now, but I also chalk that up to not drinking or smoking anymore, AND my shoes don't fit me anymore either...SWEET! :)

    In my younger and thinner years I was able to stuff my bra full of stuff. Get home, take the bra off, half my possessions fell on the floor! Not so much room left in there anymore...even with all the weight I have lost!

    Okay, way to many good and funny posts...I just keep replying to more and more!
  • NaturalMom
    NaturalMom Posts: 85
    This is funny but I can no longer wear half my size 10 shoes in my closet because my feet have gotten smaller and I can't stuff quite as much in my bra (for example cell phone, keys, money, credit cards, camera, etc.)
    Totally there with you!!! All my SHOES!!!!
    Not to mention, I kind of liked not being checked out everytime I wore something snug.... I actually kind of enjoyed being anonymous and unattractive some days. Weird, right?
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    I miss being warm. ): I've been FREEZING since the weight came off. *sigh*

    I miss Penningtons... when I go there now the sales ladies glare at me. ): And nothing fits...

    I miss being able to find bras that fit (I'm a large cup, small band now which limits my options in town VERY much).

    I miss being able to wear my rings (they all slide off and I have no money to size them down).

    I miss being able to say; he didn't flirt because I'm fat. ): Now I just have to admit he didn't flirt because he's not interested. *SIIIGH*

    Speaking of freezing I need to find a sweater now... this office is KILLING me.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Great topic. Can I just ask when women started regularly using their bra as storage? Last night I was at the gym and at least 3 women had their phone/ipod sticking up out of their sports bra.
    I seemed to have missed that memo too!:laugh: :wink: Sounds handy though:tongue:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    Not to mention, I kind of liked not being checked out everytime I wore something snug.... I actually kind of enjoyed being anonymous and unattractive some days. Weird, right?
    No I totally get what you're saying, it's like you could go anyplace in the past and now it doesn't work that way, you get stopped or interupted, yea it can be a drag. Ok, never thought I'd say that either but I do know what you mean. I just didn't realize anyone else felt that or was dealing with that too.

    Thanks for not making me feel alone:blushing: :tongue:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Not to mention, I kind of liked not being checked out everytime I wore something snug.... I actually kind of enjoyed being anonymous and unattractive some days. Weird, right?

    Yes, ugh! I'm still fat and I'm getting way more male attention than I ever wanted. I almost want to keep this extra 40-50 pounds because I shudder to think of the crap women with fit bodies have to put up with on a daily basis. That never occurred to me so much before. I feel so bad telling hopeful men they really really can't have my number. :ohwell: :laugh: I just don't think my boyfriend of 4 years would appreciate them calling me is all.

    I also feel bad for my bf. I can feel him being a little insecure lately. You know, about having such a fire hot girlfriend & all (and that's totally a joke, btw). It's like he looses a little chunk of his security (and sanity) with each additional pound I lose.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Great topic. Can I just ask when women started regularly using their bra as storage? Last night I was at the gym and at least 3 women had their phone/ipod sticking up out of their sports bra.
    HA! My girlfriends and I have a little "theme song" for this, sung to the tune for "Hot Pockets" Bra Pocket!

    HAHAHAHA! "Bra pocket!" to the Hot Pocket theme.... brilliant!!

    When I lay on the couch and my little puppy curls up on top of my side, his bony legs dig into my bones and it hurts when either of us move a little! Ouch! It used to be such a comfy way to snuggle, but now it's just a bit ouchy.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Yeah,,, I hear all you poor dejected women, so brokenhearted to be the subject of so much opposite sex attention. It's more than the heart can bear,,, :laugh:

    I've gotten a little extra attention lately, it's wierd. A while back we were cruising the mall and I came around a corner and came face to face with a cutie a li'l younger than us. It was a surprise to her and she didn't have time for guile. It was a quick succession of expression - in 5 seconds I saw <<surprise - appraisal - approval - realization of 'caught' - embarassment>>. It was wild.

    Of course I probably misread the whole thing,,, she might have just been blown away by something behind me, or something. Nice memory either way.

    Most women see heavy guys as either invisible or unattractive (at best). I don't miss that at all.
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    Great topic. Can I just ask when women started regularly using their bra as storage? Last night I was at the gym and at least 3 women had their phone/ipod sticking up out of their sports bra.

    I am the queen of this. I always, always, always carry my phone in my bra when I go out. I hate carrying purses, and I don't like the look of the phone in your pocket, ruins the shape of the jeans... so I carry it in my bra on vibrate and then no matter how loud it is, I can always feel my phone ring! However, with less fat around the rib cage, it's now far more conspicuous.
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Hmm not that I exactly miss this altogether but .... I guess I miss being invisible out in public seeing as I hate to be stared at! :tongue: Guess I'll have to get used to it. I do enjoy being told "oh you're beautiful" who could get tired of that? lol