Is this diet unhealthy?



  • hiya, I have heard of the 3 day thing and know a few people who have done this and lost weight, but it's not sustainable... BUT it may give you the kick start you need. Do what you feel happy with, I have lost 1stone 2lbs by sticking to less than 1000 calories a day BUT once a week, I treated myself and ate/drank what I wanted to. I have 5 lbs to go to get to my goal and I will get there and I will stay there .. different things work for different people.. sometimes a little kick start is what is needed, if it gets too much, then stop it ... Good luck :)

    Thanks for that and good job on your success!
  • Hi, I think if your going to cut that drastic for 3 days then go off, bank/forth....why not just stick to what is truly an appropriate calorie consumption every day so you and your family :wink: are more confortable. If you don't truly adjust your '''daily''' lifestyle the weight loss won't stick. Up your exercise if anything is what I may suggestion. Either way, you will get there. You are here which shows you are motivated and that is what this will take for us all. Motivationa and support. Keep up the good work, Sandi

    Thanks for the motivation, I hate exercising but I'm working on it!
  • curious376
    curious376 Posts: 16 Member
    Totally agree, When I was losing weight the wrong way, I lost tons of muscle and was weak all the time. My advice for anyone considering this diet is if you are going to do it, do it right, watching calories and exercising. It may take longer but your body will reward you several years to come.
  • Sounds like a diet I did a few years ago. It worked great! Of course you wouldn't want to do it for long periods of time, but for 3 days it wont' hurt and it definitely helped kick start weight loss for me back in the day. Obviously, I didn't maintain the weight loss, as I'm back here with 25 lbs to lose. : ( Just don't go overboard, and if you feel weak, then for God's sake, woman... EAT! :wink:

    Thanks that is exactly what I plan to do. I do not think I'll have too much trouble maintaining because 12-1500 is not that hard for me ya know? Its just that when I don't achieve the results I am looking for I overeat, defeated. I think this jusmpstart is kind of good for me because it gives me that kickstart I need like you said and then it is easier to maintain for me the right way then it is to lose the right way.

    So why ask if you don't really want to hear the answer?

    I actually heard a lot of good answers on here and tips I plan on using. I am sorry you are offended I'm not following your advice to a T. About half of the people on here agree it is a good kick start and have given me tips as to how to maintain any loss afterwords so I'd say its a successful post no matter how negative some people want to be.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    I actually heard a lot of good answers on here and tips I plan on using. I am sorry you are offended I'm not following your advice to a T. About half of the people on here agree it is a good kick start and have given me tips as to how to maintain any loss afterwords so I'd say its a successful post no matter how negative some people want to be.

    I am anything but offended. Do what you want, really. My point was you argued or dismissed those that opposed the diet and thanked those who agreed with it. You just seem to want to hear one thing - that it's a good idea, which is why I ask, why ask if I healthy.
    I also don't see half agreeing with it as a good idea, but whatever. If you found it helpful, great. I just think there are a to. Of other things you can do to jump start got weight loss that doesn't include hot dogs and ice cream crash diets.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member

    I actually heard a lot of good answers on here and tips I plan on using. I am sorry you are offended I'm not following your advice to a T. About half of the people on here agree it is a good kick start and have given me tips as to how to maintain any loss afterwords so I'd say its a successful post no matter how negative some people want to be.

    I am anything but offended. Do what you want, really. My point was you argued or dismissed those that opposed the diet and thanked those who agreed with it. You just seem to want to hear one thing - that it's a good idea, which is why I ask, why ask if I healthy.
    I also don't see half agreeing with it as a good idea, but whatever. If you found it helpful, great.

  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I work at a hospital and one of the diets I found is called the Three Day Cardiac Diet~it is recommended for patients who need heart surgery but are too overweight and high risk to go under anesthesia. It is pretty much an 800 calorie a day diet for 3 days and its really strict with diuretic type of food then the next 4 days you can eat what you'd like as long as you don't go overboard and proportion good with all food groups included no soda--only diet.

    You said it, it's designed for patients who need heart surgery but are too overweight and high risk to go under anesthesia.
    Are you in that category? No? Then don't do that.
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    i dont see how a week or so diet with 3 days of 800 calories can be so bad?
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    The diet is not sustainable. Chances are, you will lose the weight, gain it back and some more. Can you imagine yourself eating like that for the rest of your life?

  • I actually heard a lot of good answers on here and tips I plan on using. I am sorry you are offended I'm not following your advice to a T. About half of the people on here agree it is a good kick start and have given me tips as to how to maintain any loss afterwords so I'd say its a successful post no matter how negative some people want to be.

    I am anything but offended. Do what you want, really. My point was you argued or dismissed those that opposed the diet and thanked those who agreed with it. You just seem to want to hear one thing - that it's a good idea, which is why I ask, why ask if I healthy.
    I also don't see half agreeing with it as a good idea, but whatever. If you found it helpful, great.


  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    maybe i misunderstood, is this a one time deal or doing the diet week after week?
  • All I'm going to say is look at ME, for example. I was anorexic/bulimic growing up for nearly 17 years. I mostly starved, or ate very very little. I am 5'6" and weighed 110 lbs. Once I got my head out of my *kitten* and began to eat healthy, my body freaked out and virtually stored ALL of my food as FAT. Now here I am...once 110 lbs, and NOW tipping the scales over at 236 lbs. This wasn't brought on by midnight ice cream runs, or super sizing at McDonalds. I have never been a chronic over-eater OR binge eater OR junk food phene.... I just started eating normally. My body retained, fat, AND water. My digestive track got SO messed up I was lucky to take a "whoop" ONCE in a month. Point to this story, your body needs food, or you are going to screw up. Maybe not right now, but in the near future. It's going to look fabulous at first, and you're going to think that "Dang, I'm smokin' hot".........Until your body turns over the "freak out" switch and you balloon up to a whopping 250 lbs.....then all I can really say is....Have fun with that......Because it's harder to get off once it packs on this way.

    You know it isn't a healthy option. Stick with what you know is right. Tough love sucks, but I hate seeing people starve themselves, or UNDER EAT thinking they are working a miracle, then get slapped in the face with extreme belly flab because of it.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    All I'm going to say is look at ME, for example. I was anorexic/bulimic growing up for nearly 17 years. I mostly starved, or ate very very little. I am 5'6" and weighed 110 lbs. Once I got my head out of my *kitten* and began to eat healthy, my body freaked out and virtually stored ALL of my food as FAT. Now here I am...once 110 lbs, and NOW tipping the scales over at 236 lbs. This wasn't brought on by midnight ice cream runs, or super sizing at McDonalds. I have never been a chronic over-eater OR binge eater OR junk food phene.... I just started eating normally. My body retained, fat, AND water. My digestive track got SO messed up I was lucky to take a "whoop" ONCE in a month. Point to this story, your body needs food, or you are going to screw up. Maybe not right now, but in the near future. It's going to look fabulous at first, and you're going to think that "Dang, I'm smokin' hot".........Until your body turns over the "freak out" switch and you balloon up to a whopping 250 lbs.....then all I can really say is....Have fun with that......Because it's harder to get off once it packs on this way.

    You know it isn't a healthy option. Stick with what you know is right. Tough love sucks, but I hate seeing people starve themselves, or UNDER EAT thinking they are working a miracle, then get slapped in the face with extreme belly flab because of it.

    It happened to me too.
  • All I'm going to say is look at ME, for example. I was anorexic/bulimic growing up for nearly 17 years. I mostly starved, or ate very very little. I am 5'6" and weighed 110 lbs. Once I got my head out of my *kitten* and began to eat healthy, my body freaked out and virtually stored ALL of my food as FAT. Now here I am...once 110 lbs, and NOW tipping the scales over at 236 lbs. This wasn't brought on by midnight ice cream runs, or super sizing at McDonalds. I have never been a chronic over-eater OR binge eater OR junk food phene.... I just started eating normally. My body retained, fat, AND water. My digestive track got SO messed up I was lucky to take a "whoop" ONCE in a month. Point to this story, your body needs food, or you are going to screw up. Maybe not right now, but in the near future. It's going to look fabulous at first, and you're going to think that "Dang, I'm smokin' hot".........Until your body turns over the "freak out" switch and you balloon up to a whopping 250 lbs.....then all I can really say is....Have fun with that......Because it's harder to get off once it packs on this way.

    You know it isn't a healthy option. Stick with what you know is right. Tough love sucks, but I hate seeing people starve themselves, or UNDER EAT thinking they are working a miracle, then get slapped in the face with extreme belly flab because of it.

    Thanks guys I appreciate your feedback. Glad you overcame that. I talked to one of the doctors I work with and he said its good to limit your calorie intake or even fast before starting a healthier way of life. I think I overeat too much to ever become anorexic.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I just want to state that I too got the impression that OP is going to do this (no matter how many peeps tell her it is a bad idea--which was more than half of them btw) UNTIL she reaches her goal weight which she thinks will take about a month (you know, 30 days or TEN times the length this "diet" is supposed to be used for).

    She has been told that this is a bad idea and that it is not sustainable long term and she has clearly chosen not to listen. I for one am writing her name down so when her diet fails I know not to give her any advice becasue she does not really want to hear it.

    Here's to the next skinny fat person!
  • there is a reason the weight is dropping fast, thats an extreme diet meant for an extreme situation. those people need surgery asap and need to lose the weight fast if they want a chance at surgery.

    your situation is not nearly as life and death. i would say to eat at least 1000 calories if you still want to go very low, but i think 1200 each day with exercise is fine.

    i eat ~ 1200 a day and exercise and i have been losing about 2 lbs a week.

    ^^^^My thoughts exactly
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I just want to state that I too got the impression that OP is going to do this (no matter how many peeps tell her it is a bad idea--which was more than half of them btw) UNTIL she reaches her goal weight which she thinks will take about a month (you know, 30 days or TEN times the length this "diet" is supposed to be used for).

    She has been told that this is a bad idea and that it is not sustainable long term and she has clearly chosen not to listen. I for one am writing her name down so when her diet fails I know not to give her any advice becasue she does not really want to hear it.

    Here's to the next skinny fat person!

    Lol Seriously!!
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    Doing this for 3 days, in all honesty, probably isn't a big deal. Continuing with it, is. But 3 days, meh. I'm more concerned about the psychology of this rather than the physical impact.

    As a "kick start" yes, you will appear to lose some. But it will be fluid. DON'T expect it to continue! if you need the instant gratification of a "kick start" to actually get your bum in gear and do this, I fear that when that stops you will be the type to give up.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE expect and plan for the loss to slow, stall, maybe even reverse, once you get done with this 3 day thing and your body settles again. It WILL happen. All you're losing in this time is fluid and it will come back. BUT you CAN continue on with a sensible and sustainable eating and exercise plan that will result in real and continual FAT loss if you be sensible and push past that need for instant gratification.

    Try and change your mindset away from this 'need it now' thing and remember - you can do al lthe fad diets and kickstarts you like, and in a year's time be the same place you are now or even worse, and feeling crap about yourself for "failing". Or you can carry on after this and do it right. It's not always easy, but it works. Even 1/2 a pound a week is good. Oh, it feels slow, and it doesn't satisfy that need, sure. But in that same year you'd be down 25lb and looking back and going "**** yeah! I did it."

    Tortoise or Hare - it's your choice.
  • So I Just tried the 3 day diet to get off some extra weight i gained this winter afer a lot of stress filled events. Also my wedding is coming up in Oct and I am only a few inches for an ideal size 4 wedding dress.

    So my results are 7 lbs in 3 days! Now i will be working on maintaining it.

    For those people who say this is unhealthy and we are all going to die, take your head out of you as****

    I have coached people in losing weight for the HCG diet for about 3 years now which is a 500 cal a day diet! They are very much alive and extreamly happy and healthy! We as americans have become so ubsessed with calories. The average amount of calories the average american comsumes per day that is actual nutrition is under 400. The rest is fat our body stores and waste! On this diet your simply eating very clean, and at 1000 calories per day which is more than enough food and like the food in the HCG diet mostly pure nutrition. The portions look small cause the items are filled with twice the calories as some bigger portion. For example each lunch is about 300 calories which is the same as any chicken salad or wrap. Some say you will gain all the weight back, yes if you are a heafer and run out and get MC donalds the next day. The key is eating healthy portions and slowly introducing sugars and starches back into your diet. Eat every 2 hrs small meals and healty items and you will be fine! Don't listen to these haters, most people hate on diets like these cause they have no will power.